Then & Now (The Great Prince x Deer! Reader)

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Then & Now (The Great Prince x Deer! Reader)

A/N:This is the great prince from Bambi. Takes place around Bambi 2's events.

Your Pov:

I had been traveling for many days and nights. Man had burnt my forest, my home to the ground and killed off my herd. I had hidden well enough that man never even thought I was there. Eventually, the treeline opened to a meadow of tall grass and hills. I took a cautious step out and once I spotted no danger, I continued through the grass.

Suddenly, from the direction I had came, canine barks and the yells of man filled the air. I took off into the tall grasses, running as fast as I could. Gunshots rang out and the dogs were chasing after me. I passed through the trees on the other side and kept running. I jumped over fallen trees and ducked under branches.

Suddenly, I stumbled as my leg was caught in something. I couldn't move. My leg was tangled in a rope with something on it making noise every time I moved my leg. I could hear the dogs and man getting closer. I stood still, trying to not make any noise. I knew though, that I wouldn't make it out of here alive.

The dogs burst into the tree line, growling and barking as they ran towards me. I let out a terrified bawl. Then, a large buck appeared in front of me out of nowhere. Using his antlers, he fought off the dogs until they turned tail and ran. He turned to me, quickly removing the rope around my uleg. "Follow me, quickly!"

We ran further into the woods, eventually losing the dogs and man. As we came to a stop, I bowed my head to the buck. "Thank you for saving me." The buck spoke. "That is not necessary. I've never seen you in the forest before. Where do you come from?" I looked at him. "Man burned my home to the ground, forcing me to find a new forest."

He hummed. "And your herd?" I shook my head. "They were all killed by man. I am...alone." He nodded. "I see. You are free to stay among my herd if you wish to do so. My name is Silas." I smiled. "Thank you." I started walking into the trees when something barreled into my legs. I looked down. A small brown fawn was looking up at me, a nervous look on his face. "S-Sorry..."

I nudged him gently to help him up. "It's alright." Silas spoke from behind me. "Bambi, you must be more aware of your surroundings." Bambi's ears drooped. "I know." Silas looked at me. "Please excuse my son. He's still learning." I smiled. "Like I said, it's alright. Now, if you'll excuse me, I should be going now."

I went further into the forest and found a den for myself. But as I laid down to sleep, my thoughts were plagued by that great buck.


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