Personification Of Beauty (Frollo x Ballerina! Reader x Genderbend Esmeralda)

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Personification Of Beauty (Frollo x Ballerina! Reader x Genderbend Esmeralda)

A/N: This will have Esmeralda and her genderbend as twin siblings. Also, since it's Frollo, he's still creepy as hell.

No One's Pov:

Frollo watched as a new group entered the city. It was composed of nobles, lords, ladies, the like. They all carried themselves gracefully, even more so than the gypsies. They stopped where the gypsies had set up their stages. They spoke quickly, offering large sums of money for the use of their stages. An agreement was made and the strange group brought out their musicians. They carried violins, flutes, and other familiar instruments. The musicians began to play a soft melody for someone unseen on stage.

Frollo stared as a girl stepped into the stage. Her (h/c) hair was pulled into a low bun and her lips were colored red like a rose. Her complexion was unlike any other he had seen before. It was smooth and unblemished, like that of a doll. She wore a costume and shoes he was unfamiliar with.

She began to dance gracefully, rising up onto her toes in a way he had never seen before.

He was not the only one watching her however. Two gypsy twins watched from a shaded alleyway, enthralled with her dance. The boy, Esmerald, thought she was unmatched in beauty. Not even the reddest rose could change that. Her dance was graceful, yet strong. The girl, Esmeralda, smiled as she watched her brother instantly fall for the mystery girl.

All thoughts of the Raven haired gypsy girl had disappeared from Frollo's mind. Now he longed for the ballerina, a term he heard from off the street. His mind was filled with the image of her long, slender legs and young, beautiful face. He wanted to touch her soft skin and kiss her red lips.

To him, she was the personification of beauty.

She was kind.

She was young.

She was pure.

The gypsy twins became friends with the girl very quickly. They found out that her name was (Y/n). She was trained in the art of ballet, an art that her mother spoke highly of. They would watch day after day as (Y/n) practiced on the stage in the town square. She even took it upon herself to teach them. Esmerald would sometimes be her partner if she had need for it. The two of them were always in sync, never missing a beat or step.

To Your Pov:

I moved to the rhythm, watching Esmerald. He stood on the opposite side of the stage, watching me. Esmeralda was our audience for today. He approached and our dance began.

He brought me close and our lips touched. I smiled as I pulled away. We continued the dance, finishing it perfectly. I spoke, "Thank you for coming to see me again. I appreciate it." Esmerald smiled, "Don't thank us. We love to watch you dance." Suddenly, the people in the square quieted down. I looked past Esmerald to see an older man on a horse. He wore clothes like that of a judge. He neared the stage. Esmerald grabbed Esmeralda and disappeared into an alley. The man stopped in front of the stage. He looked at me, "I have heard of your talents and I wish for you to dance for our service tomorrow."

I hesitated, "I... I'd be honored...?" His lips curled into a smirk, "Claude Frollo. Minister Claude Frollo." I bowed my head, "I'd be honored Minister Frollo." He spoke, "Wonderful. It begins at 7:00. Do not be late."

Then, he was gone.

I walked off stage and into my private tent behind it. His gaze made my skin crawl and my body shiver.

What could be possibly want with me?

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