Finding Home Pt. 2

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Your Pov:

Soon, we found ourselves on a train. I sat across from Anya with Dimitri next to me. Vlad sat next to Anya. Pooka sat on Anya's lap. I messed around with the ring on my finger as Anya touched her necklace. Dimitri pulled my hand away, "Stop fiddling with that thing! And sit up straight - remember - you're Grand Duchesses." Anya scoffed, "How is it that you know what Grand Duchesses do or don't do?" Dimitri sighed, "I make it my business to know." Anya looked down, "Oh." Dimitri frowned, "Look, I'm just trying to help you two. Alright?" Anya smiled, "Do you really think we're royalty?" Dimitri sighed, "You know I do."

Anya huffed, "Then stop bossing us around." Vlad laughed, "Well, she certainly has a mind of her own." Dimitri rolled his eyes, "Yeah. I hate that in a woman." His eyes flickered to me for a moment before looking away. 30 minutes later, Anya and Dimitri started arguing over why Anya was so obsessed with finding a home. Vlad came in and the argument stopped. I looked at Anya, "Go get some air. Now."

She bowed her head and left our compartment. I grabbed Dimitri's arm and put him near the window. I let go of his arm and he lazily rested it on my shoulders. Vlad grinned, "Oh unspoken atttaction!" Dimitri frowned and gestured out the door, "Attraction? To that skinny little brat...have you lost your mind?" Vlad shook his head, "I was only asking a simple question. And I meant (Y/n)."

I blushed and sat down. Dimitri frowned and stomped out of the compartment, "Attraction... Ridiculous!"

A few hours later, Anya and Dimitri came back to our car. Anya fell asleep, but Dimitri and I sat in silence. It was awkward. Then, Vlad rushed in, "It's what I hate about his government -- everything's in red." Dimitri looked at him, "Red?" The papers were wrong. The two of them started to take our luggage to the baggage car. Dimitri started to shake Anya awake as I helped Vlad. Suddenly, Anya slugged Dimitri in the nose. Dimitri fell back into the seat holding his nose. I took my handkerchief out of my pocket. I tilted his head back and pressed my handkerchief to his nose before lifting his head.

After a few seconds I removed the handkerchief, "Luckily, Anya didn't burst any of the blood vessels. You're not bleeding, but it'll probably bruise." He nodded, "Alright, um, thank you." We quickly made our way to the baggage car. Inside the car, it was cold. Suddenly, the car jolted, causing suitcases and other luggage to fall on us. Something warm fell on me. I opened my eyes to see Dimitri on top of me. I spoke, "C-Could you move?" Anya and Vlad moved the suitcases and Dimitri got up.

Vlad looked out of the car, "There goes the dining car!" If we didn't do something, we were going to crash. Dimitri climbed to the engine car. A few minutes later, he returned, "No one's driving this thing! We'll have to jump!" On the other side of us however, was a huge chasm. Anya looked at him, "After you." I smacked the back of her head, "Anya, not now!" Dimitri huffed, "Fine! We'll uncouple the car." After Dimitri tried and failed to uncouple the car, Anya and I found sticks of dynamite. I handed one to him. He nodded, "That'll work." Then, we all rushed for cover. The cars blew up in the middle.

They separated. Dimitri laughed, "What do they teach you in those orphanages?" Vlad tried to stop the car with the brakes but the wheel for them wasn't turning. Then, the wheel came off. Dimitri shrugged, "Don't worry. We've got plenty of track. We'll just coast to a stop." I jumped as the ground rumbled and the bridge collapsed. We all looked at each other in shock. Dimitri quickly attached a chain to the car before throwing it out the back of the car.

The hook caught on one of the rail ties. As the car slowed, I grabbed Anya's hand, "This is our stop." Then, we all jumped, landing in a snow bank. The two cars went over the edge, exploding at the bottom of the gorge.

After a few hours, we got out of the mountains. We were now in some kind of valley. Anya sighed, "Are we going to walk to Paris?" Dimitri shook his head, "We'll take a boat in Germany." Anya continued, "Oh. Then we're walking to Germany?" Dimitri spoke, "No, your grace. We're taking a bus." After that, they began to teach us the various lessons of royal life. I stumbled in my step when Anya brought up the yellow cat. She couldn't possibly remember.

After walking for a while, we got to the boat. We boarded and got to our room. I headed up to the deck with Anya. Dimitri came up a few minutes later, "I bought you two dresses." I held the folded dress to my chest. Dimitri looked at her, "What're you looking for?" Anya examined her dress, "The Russian circus. I think it's still in here." I tugged Anya away, "Let's go get changed." We went to our room and changed into the dresses. After I changed, Anya came back in, "(Y/n) look stunning." I smiled at her.

"You look amazing too." She looked down by the bed, "Did you buy those?" I looked down to where she was pointing. A pair of heels sat next to the bed. I shook my head, "No. I didn't." She shrugged, "Well, wear them. They match your dress too." I took her advice and slipped them on. They fit perfectly.

We headed back up to the deck. Dimitri and Vlad were playing chess. Anya cleared her throat. Vlad looked over, "Wonderful! Marvelous! And now you're dressed for a ball. You will learn to dance for one as well." He looked at Dimitri, "Dimitri." Dimitri stood, "But I'm not very good at it." I looked at Anya, "You go watch with Vlad." She nodded and stood with Vlad. Dimitri stared at me for a moment. I stepped closer and held my hand out.

We got into position and Vlad started the counts. Dancing came to me easily as I had been taught at a very young age. As we danced, Dimitri spoke, "That dress is really beautiful." I blushed slightly, "Do you think so?" Dimitri nodded, "Yes. I mean it was nice on the hanger but it looks even better on you. Yo... you should wear it." I giggled quietly, "I am wearing it." Dimitri blushed in embarrassment, "Oh, right of course, of course, you are. I'm just trying to give you a..." I smiled, "A complement?" He smiled nervously, "Of course. Yes." The dance came to a pause.

We stared at each other for a few seconds. Dimitri leaned closer and I followed, but then, he pulled away, "You're doing fine." He rushed back down to our room. Anya put a hand on my shoulder, "Come on. Let's go to be." I bowed my head and followed her back to our room.

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