Protective (Brother! Jesse Rabbit x Sister! Reader)

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(Genderbent Jessica Rabbit. Not Married.)

Your Pov:

I sat in my room, working on some school assignments. Just then, my bedroom door opened and my brother poked his head through, "I'm going out with some friends. So stay safe. Don't op-" I smiled and cut him off, "Open the door, blah, blah. Yes, I know." He rolled his eyes, "Alright then. I'll be back." Then, he was gone. I waited until I heard the front door closed. I watched his car leave the house and turn onto the main road. I got up from my bed.

I got into my closet and looked for my outfit as I called my friend, Candy. Soon enough, she picked up, "Hello?" I smiled, "Are you almost ready? I'm finding an outfit right now." She giggled, "You know it. I'll be there in 20 minutes." I hung up and got ready. I pulled a nice dress and heels out.

I did my hair and make up before looking in my full body mirror. I looked good. From outside, I heard the honk of a car horn. I grabbed my phone and purse before heading outside. Candy sat in the car, jamming out to some music I opened the car door and got in, shutting the door behind me. Candy looked at me, "You look good! Where'd you get that dress?" I smiled, "Ordered it online since my brother would never let my buy it in front of him."

She started heading down the street, "So, what club are we going to?" I grinned, "The Ink and Paint Club. My brother won't be there, so we're good. The bouncers they have also know me, so we won't have to worry about ID." We wouldn't have been able to get into any other club since we were both 16.

Once we arrived at the club, we headed up to the doors. The bouncers nodded at me, "Ms. Rabbit." I nodded back and we headed inside. We went to the bar and sat. Candy immediately got a drink while I stuck with water. Just then, the announcer for the club's acts spoke, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Jesse Rabbit! Our last performance of the night!" Everyone cheered.

I looked at Candy, who was looking at me. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the bathroom. Once I locked the door, I spoke, "He said he was going out with some friends. He shouldn't be working." Candy looked at me, "Let's go back to the bar and just sit with our backs facing the stage until his performance is over." I nodded and we went back to the bar. We sat with our backs to the stage.

We talked for a while before a guy sat next to me. He was kind of cute. Blonde hair, blue eyes, nice smile. He looked to be a few years older than me, but not by much. He eventually bought me a drink which I took small sips of. During our conversation, his hand rested on my thigh, but I didn't mind. I looked behind him at Candy, only to see her looking my way pale as a ghost. She subtly pointed behind me.

Then, I heard a very familiar voice behind me, "What is my 16 year old sister doing here?" The guy sitting with got up and disappeared into the crowd. I turned in the seat to see Jesse. He looked at me, almost doing a double take, "What are you wearing?!" Then he spotted the drink in my hand, "And you're drinking too? Hell no. We're going home. My shift's over." He looked at Candy, "And you, go home. You're lucky I don't call your parents." Candy nodded and left.

I followed Jesse to the car in silence. The drive home was quiet. Once we were inside the house, he turned to me, "What the hell were you thinking? I leave you alone and this is what you do?" I rubbed my arm, "I'm sorry. With school and everything, I just wanted to have fun." He sighed, "I get that you want to have fun, but drinking and dressing like this shouldn't be your solution. Do you know how mad I was when I saw that guy touching you?"

He continued, "Do you know what could've happened if you let him go further? You could've gotten pregnant or caught an STD! You're 16 for God's sake!" I looked down in silence." He put a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry for shouting, but I just want you to be safe. I don't want you to ruin your life because of one night on the town. You have your whole life to go to clubs and have fun. But for now, I just want you to be my little sister."

I nodded, "I'm sorry too. You're just looking out for me. I know " He hugged me, "It's alright. Now, get out of that dress and make up and get to bed. It's late."

I smiled, "Ok. And thanks for looking out for me." He nodded, "Don't thank me. I'm just doing what a brother is supposed to do."

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