No Damsel (Gaston x Reader)

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Your Pov:

I stepped out of the cottage, taking in the fresh air. I lived in the forest, away from the people in the little town minutes away. I used to live here with my father, but it became quite lonely after he passed. I turned and grabbed the bow and arrow quiver hanging on the hook. I slinged the quiver over my shoulder and took off into the trees. I had to catch something to eat and keep for later.

As I walked quietly through the trees, I heard a noise on the other side of a bush. I peered through to see a doe and her fawn. I never caught animals like this. Animals that were obviously parent and child. Just then, I noticed a man on the other side of the doe. He started to pull out a gun. I quickly grabbed an arrow and held my bow. I fired through the bush and the arrow landed in the tree next to the man's head.

The doe and fawn took off through the underbrush. The man frowned as he put his gun back over his shoulder. He then looked at the arrow. It hadn't quite went through. He grabbed it and pulled it out. I stepped out of the bush, "I believe that belongs to me, good sir." He looked at me, "What's a woman like you doing out here?" I rolled my eyes, "I live out here."

He tilted his head, "With your husband I presume?" I scoffed, "No. It's only me. My father passed last year." He handed the arrow to me, "I'm sorry for your loss." I shook my head, "It doesn't matter, but don't hunt any animals with their offspring in this part of the forest anymore. I'll just keep stopping you." He huffed, "Stubborn woman. Fine." I bit my lip, "Who are you?" He grinned, showing straight white teeth.

"I am Gaston. And you, miss?" I put the arrow back in my quiver, "I'm (Y/n). Pleasure. I should get going. It was nice meeting you." I turned and headed back to the cottage. I cleaned up my bow and arrows. A few hours later, I settled into bed.

Time Skip...Next Morning...

I got up and got dressed before heading outside to grab my bow and arrows. I turned and headed into the forest. After walking for a while, I heard multiple male voices in the clearing ahead. I peered through the underbrush to see three men. One was aiming at a doe and her fawn a few yards away. I quickly pulled out an arrow and shot it through the brush.

It embedded itself in the wood of the tree next to the man aiming. The doe and fawn sprinted off. The men looked at each other in confusion. One pulled the arrow out of the tree, "Someone had to of shot this. Check the brush. They ruined our hunt." I stepped back from the brush, only to step on a twig. It snapped under my weight. Then, one of the men stepped out of the clearing. He noticed me and grabbed my arm, "Hey, Louie, Jack! I found them!"

The two other men came out of the clearing. One of them, a brunette with piercing green eyes, spoke, "What's a pretty lady like yourself doing out here?" I frowned, "None of your business." He smirked, "Feisty. Just the way I like it. I think you owe us for ruining our hunt." I spit in his face, "Let me go!" He wiped his face and looked at the man holding me.

"Hold her down." The man forced me onto the ground. I struggled, kicking and screaming. Suddenly, I heard the click of a gun. The men froze and looked up. I looked up to see Gaston. His hunting rifle was aimed at the men. He spoke, "I'd advise you to let the lady go. I never miss a shot." The men let me go and ran off. I stood up, putting my arrow back in my quiver, "Thank you, Gaston."

He put his rifle away, "What happened?" I scoffed, "They were going to shoot a doe and her fawn. I stopped them, and they got angry. But I'm fine." He sighed, "For today, I will postpone my own hunting to hunt for what the beautiful lady needs." I blushed slightly, "Maybe some rabbits and game birds. I live in the cottage by the stream. And thank you."

With that, I went back to the cottage. A few hours later, Gaston showed up with 5 rabbits and 3 birds. I cleaned and stored everything. It was getting dark as Gaston prepared to leave. I stood in the doorway with Gaston. I smiled, "Thank you again. Visit me again sometime. I quite enjoy the company." I kissed his cheek and waved as he left on his horse.

I may not like to be the damsel in distress, but maybe he's changed that...

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