Chapter 106-112

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After I was reborn, I became a thief's pony
Traditional Chinese
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 106

Wen Puchang was taken aback by her words, and hurriedly shook his head and looked around. Seeing that Xie Xiaonan, who was walking by the side, was talking to the young son of the Zhou family, he didn't seem to have heard what Wen Lisheng had just said, so he breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his hand and pulled Wen Lisheng to the other hand, lowered his head and said, "Sheng'er, let's go back and talk about this."

Wen Lisheng looked at him cautiously, couldn't help laughing, and joked: "Dad, Jing'an Hou is not Is it right in front of you? Go and discuss my marriage with the prince."

Long Wen Pu never dreamed that she would say such a thing, so he hurriedly hissed twice, "Don't talk nonsense."

Wen Lisheng pouted, "So Wen Is your lord going to go back on your word? Didn't you ask me for the reward?"

Wen Pu was a little anxious, not to mention that it was heard by Xie Xiaonan and Xie Cen who was walking in front, even if it was heard by others, it was not good, so he pulled Following Wen Lisheng, I walked to the side, getting farther and farther away from the crowd, deviating from the big team.

Xie Xiaonan was talking to Zhou Bingwen with a smile, but when he turned his head to look subconsciously, he realized that there was no one around, Wen Lisheng and her father disappeared together, he turned his head and searched the crowd.

"Who are you looking for?" Zhou Bingwen's joking voice came.

Xie Xiaonan turned his head back, smiled and didn't answer, but said, "The Xie Mansion will hold a celebration party in a while, remember to bring your red jade sword."

Zhou Bingwen raised his eyebrows slightly, "Do you still remember?"

Xie Xiaonan twisted He shrugged his shoulders, walked with a relaxed attitude, and said as he walked: "Anyway, I also won with archery, I naturally remember it."

Zhou Bingwen smiled helplessly, "You were still in Yiguan County at that time. Still thinking about..." The

two walked side by side, stepping on the large morning light that fell on the ground, courtiers and soldiers scattered before and after, the entire palace seemed to be covered with golden light, and the clouds and mist dispersed.

When he walked to the front, he passed through a battlefield with blood and corpses everywhere. Considering that Wen Lisheng was not used to such a scene, Director Wen Pu called for a carriage and led her around the battlefield and from another road. Back out of the palace.

On the way, Wen Lisheng wanted to find out what Mr. Wen Pu said, but Mr. Wen Pu was old after all. After tossing around without sleep for a long time, he was already exhausted. .

Wen Lisheng didn't want to disturb him. The whole way was very quiet, but he didn't sleep all night. After his body and mind relaxed, sleepiness also climbed into his heart, so that when the carriage swayed back to Xie's house, the father and daughter were still sleeping on their backs. .

The servant woke the two of them up, and when they walked back to the backyard, the father and daughter didn't communicate much, so they wanted to throw themselves on the bed immediately.

This palace change came and went quickly. Because Liang Huan was not in good health for many years, he was hanging on medicine all day, and he had no energy to manage Chaogang. In addition, the trusted eunuch deceived him deeply, so some The management system is gradually decaying, from top to bottom, it is not as good as before. When it comes to force the palace, almost all the ministers agree.

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