Chapter 10

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The rant wasn't as bad as Delilah had expected, and since it was the full moon that night, they put the leaves in their mouths and started the potion. The mandrake leaf was not pleasant. Delilah almost swallowed it many times, but luckily she didn't. By dinner time, she was confident that she could eat without swallowing it.

Harry was still in the Hospital Wing for the rest of the weekend. He didn't argue, but also didn't let anyone throw away the remnants of his Nimbus Two Thousand. It was stupid, but also showed how different people valued different things. For Harry's whole life he never really had anything that was his. Everything was passed down from Dudley. So, when he got his own broom, he treasured it, which made sense why he wouldn't throw the remnants away.

Delilah kept visiting him, trying to cheer him up, but she knew it was no use. He had just lost the first thing he had truly owned.

Harry definitely was relieved to return to school, and Delilah was relieved that he had something to do, as it decreased his chance of doing something stupid. Sure it was a small decrease, but it was a decrease nonetheless.

Another good thing was that Draco finally took off his bandages, even though he had been fully healed since the first day. At least now he had less to complain about.

The next Alchemy lesson was amazing. Two people had already dropped out, it was a challenging class afterall, yet Delilah loved it.

Last class, in assigned partnerships, they had each taken apart a metal, and in this lesson they were trying to make a potion so that the drinker would turn into the metal. The next class would probably be about the antidote, which Delilah already had read a bit about.

Delilah had been partnered with Lyra, who she hadn't seen since she had given her her birthday present, a book of riddles.

It was nice, Delilah had forgotten how much fun she and Lyra had together. The whole period they quietly joked while working. It was part of what made Alchemy so fun, though it was also because Delilah found it fascinating.

When the class ended, Delilah said goodbye to Lyra and headed up to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

She walked in and was glad to see that Lupin was back. He looked tired, but otherwise fine. Since he was back, everyone sat on their desks.

As soon as the bell rang Lupin stood up.

"Another class informed me that Professor Snape assigned you homework about werewolves. I have spoken to him and you don't have to do it. It is now an extra credit assignment," Lupin said.

Delilah smiled. She was getting extra credit.

The lesson had been very enjoyable, but Delilah couldn't pay attention. She had too much on her mind.

Could Lupin be a werewolf? Lupin had been gone every full moon. And according to Gryffindor rumors, his boggart had turned into a crystal ball, which was the same shape and color as a full moon. Crazy as it sounded, it fit.

The subject of the lesson, a hinkypunk, a little one-legged creature who looked like he was made of wisps of smoke, rather frail and harmless-looking, made a horrible squelching noise against the glass.

Delilah flinched and listened to Professor Lupin.

"Hinkypunks lure travelers into bogs," he said as she quickly started taking notes. "You notice the lantern dangling from his hand? Hops ahead — people follow the light — then —"

The hinkypunk made another squelching noise.

When the bell rang, everyone gathered up their things and headed for the door.

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