Chapter 9

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Over the next week it became official, Harry and Delilah's best subjects switched. Harry, with the help of his book, was better, so now she was second best in yet another thing. Oddly enough though, now she was better than him in Defense Against the Dark Arts since she was one of the few people to have figured out how to do non-verbal spells. It was a bit obnoxious, but she didn't have the time to dwell on it. She was too busy.

There was a lot of homework, but that wasn't what was keeping her so busy. People kept asking for her help. Apparently she was the only person other than Hermione who had gotten non-verbal spells down. However, she was more focused on helping Draco. For now it was mainly helping him stay on top of his homework while he was trying to fix the Vanishing Cabinet.

Still, she managed to stay on top of things, even when non-verbal spells became expected in Transfiguration and Charms, though her breaks weren't nearly as relaxing as she had hoped.

One such break she managed to finish her homework early, probably because Snape had told her to write a smaller essay since she had managed to non-verbally jinx and do the counter jinx in class. She turned and made notes for Draco on how to do all his homework and ways to make essays longer.

Delilah paused, staring at her finished pile of homework. She had really done it. She had finished all her homework.

"Wow, what now?" Midnight asked.

Delilah gently rubbed Midnight's nose.

"I don't know. I could go to the library and see if I can find a book with information about Vanishing Cabinets or go see if Draco wants help trying to fix it."

"Or you could take some time to yourself and look at those potions notes Draco found, see if they work."

Delilah shrugged.

"I can do that later. Let's go to the library."

She could have sworn she heard Midnight sigh.

Delilah managed to get a book about magical transportation with hopefully helpful information. Now she just needed a reason to check it out.

"Ah, you're researching more about apparition as well?" Madam Pince asked.

Right, students learned how to apparate in their sixth year, she had forgotten about that.

"Yes, I thought knowing the theory might help me understand it better once we start learning. Do you know when that will be?"

"They usually do it around winter, but they might do it a bit differently this year. And if you're looking for a book about apparition, I'd suggest the "Wizards Guide to Apparition" by Rosana Amorim. It is much more direct." Madam Pince pulled the book from behind the counter. "Here, if you look through it you'll see it has much more good information."

"Thank you, I think I'll get both. That way I'll see two authors' opinions on it."

Madam Pince nodded and helped her check the books out.

Delilah was just heading out when she noticed three younger Gryffindor girls whispering over a potions book. It wouldn't have seemed suspicious, but they kept glancing around, as if they were expecting someone to come up and stop them.

Now curious, she snuck into the bookshelf behind them, pretending to search for a book.

"We could make it, but it's seriously complex," the one with black, curly hair said.

"We could buy some and ship it over. I know Fred and George's joke shop has some," the blonde suggested.

"I think the school would notice if someone ordered some love potion, they're checking all the mail, remember?" one with slick, brown hair argued.

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