Chapter 16

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When Delilah woke the next morning it took her a moment to realize it hadn't been a nightmare. Harry had been chosen as the fourth Triwizard champion. The dress(dread, auto correct is too funny) settled at the bottom of her stomach.

After hurriedly getting dressed, Delilah walked down to the Great Hall. She was soon joined by Draco.

"Hi, you know, you should probably eat," he said, looking at the soggy cereal in front of her.

"Not hungry," she replied.

Draco shrugged, and put some toast in his pocket before starting to eat his own bowl of not-soggy cereal.

"You know, after breakfast we could go see McGonagall," he commented.

Delilah nodded. The chances were slim that anything could be changed, but hopefully the school would listen to logic. There was a first time for everything and she had been thinking of good solid reasons why he shouldn't compete.

Finally Draco finished his cereal and stood up. They headed for McGonagall's office.

"I think this would go better if I stayed outside," Draco decided.

Delilah nodded and knocked.

"Come in," replied McGonagall's harsh voice. "Oh, it's you. What do you need?"

"I think you know, Professor," Delilah started. "Harry shouldn't be able to compete."

McGonagall sighed.

"I completely agree, but Dumbledore says the cup has spoken, and he can't back out once chosen. There's a magical contract proving it."

"But, with all due respect, Dumbledore created the contract, so can't he break it? And also wouldn't the contract be nullified because Harry isn't of age?"

McGonagall shook her head.

"I have brought up those points as well, but the Minister says he has to compete, so he will compete."

"Since when has Dumbledore ever cared about what the Minister says?"

McGonagall sighed.

"As I said, I completely agree with you, but alas, higher ranking officials say that Harry has to compete, so he will, despite my better judgment. Now if you excuse me, I have to prepare for tomorrow's lessons."

Professor McGonagall pushed Delilah out the door, closing it behind her.

"How'd it go?" Draco immediately asked.

"Just about as I expected," Delilah said, glaring at nothing. "The magic cup has said he shall compete, so he shall. I agree that he shouldn't but I am powerless to stop Dumbledore's idiocy."

"Wait, that's what she said?" Draco unsuccessfully tried to hide a grin.

"Well, not word for word, and she didn't straight out say that Dumbledore was an idiot, but she implied it. Or at least that Dumbledore wanted Harry to compete."

"That's barbaric."

Delilah nodded.

"We haven't really gone swimming for a bit, do you want to? Or do you think it's too cold already?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, that would be fun. I even found a spell over the summer that may help the cold. It's called the Hot Air Charm, it'll dry us, and possibly warm the water too."

They headed back to their common room, changed into their swimming gear, and headed out towards the lake.

As soon as they got there, Delilah stood at the edge, looking into the depths. Then, she felt a push behind her and she sprawled into the lake. She rose, glaring at Draco. He was standing right by the lake, grinning madly. Delilah swam towards the edge, and pulled his ankle, making him fall in right beside her.

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