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Lilith helped Fred get up, noticing how weak and thin he seemed. He had probably lost a good couple of kilograms and he was paler than before. Giving a quick glimpse at the skin that his uniform showed, Lilith couldn't help but notice serious wounds that seemed to need attention, but she decided to let them be until they were in a safe space.

The alarm was still filling the prison, rumbling sound in the darkness and greyness of Azkaban. It was incredibly unsettling and distracting, but Lilith couldn't allow herself to lose control of the situation. Fred, George, their parents and Willow needed her.

Her mind worked at full speed, she needed to avoid the dementors no matter what, get Fred out of the building and find Willow and the others. All of this in a matter of seconds. She carried the ginger boy—who still looked as if he had been drugged—across the corridor, grasping her wand with her trembling hands. 

She tried to have a plan or some kind of invented system—Escaping Azkaban 101 by Sirius Orion Black, perhaps—but, of course, the stars were once again aligned against her.

While most of the Dementors and Death Eaters in charge of Azkaban were going after Willow and the others, making Lilith think she had succeeded at going undercover, a good group of 5 or 6 dementors turned around the corner looking straight at her and started to persecute them both. Leading them was Yaxley, one of the biggest cunts to set a foot on this planet.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.

She sorted her eyes everywhere, trying to find where to hide or where to go. 

"LILITH" she heard Willow's voice breaking because of how loud she was screaming. The girl was trying to make her usually husky but soothing voice—that reminded Lilith of the sweetest and thickest honey—strident enough to be heard over the alarm and the general noise.  "THE SEA. IT'S IN THE SEA. JUMP."

In the sea.

The portkey that was supposed to help them escape was in the sea. 

She needed to get her and Fred in the water as soon as possible so Willow could show her which the portkey was. 

"Don't leave, my darling, please," Fred mumbled in her ear, so delicately she barely heard it over the sound of her heartbeat. "Don't leave me here."

Lilith felt her heart breaking into a million pieces. Her Freddie, her husband...the love of her life, was asking her to not leave him there. As if she had been able to stay away from him for a single second more. As if she could imagine a future without him in it.

For fuck's sake, Freddie. Open your eyes.

"Never, darling," she said, looking behind her as the Dementors and Yaxley kept running behind him.

"DON'T LET THEM ESCAPE," Lilith heard Yaxley shouting. "I WANT THEM BOTH"

Her eyes focused on the walls in front of them. The first explosion had been soft, just the right amount to blow up Fred's cell but now they needed something bigger, something stronger and capable of destroying these freshly-reformed walls. 

Lilith needed a proper 'BOOM'. And Azkaban needed a proper bombing.

She grabbed her wand firmly and pointed it at the rocks in front of her. She was thinking about all the injustice this prison had protected inside these same walls. She was thinking about how these bastards had kept her husband from her. And, above everything else, Lilith thought about how badly she wanted to destroy what Voldemort had built. Starting by this shithole.

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