The Kids

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Early September 2029...(Scarlett's POV)

Me: Ready?
Cosmo: Ready.
Rose: Stop with the suspense, just say it.

I take a deep breath, my heart basically in my stomach.

Me: First of all, to try and explain everything would take time that I don't really want to take, but just know that this was all for our safety. I knew nothing about this until a few weeks ago, and was very mad about it to start with. But this has all been for you, to keep you, and our family safe, okay?
Rose: Would you stop stalling?
Me: Right, sorry. Okay, do I say this? So, your Mom...
Cosmo: She's alive, I know.

Everyone turns and stares at Cosmo.

Me: I, um...
Rose: Mom?
Jessica: What's he talking about? Is she really alive?
Me: Okay, it's not my job to explain how or why, I don't really even understand it myself, but every decision that was made last year was done for our safety. Y/N...Mom's been dealing with something really secretive, and pretty scary. But yes, she's alive. I didn't know until a few weeks ago.
Cosmo: I knew it!
Rose: What? How?
Cosmo: A few weeks after she died I saw on Jack's phone a missed call from Mom. I didn't think Momma S would've used Momma Y/I's phone so I just guessed she had to go away. I knew it!
Me: Is that why you've been so chill about this?
Cosmo: Yup. Can we see her?
Me: Um, yeah, of course. But just know, she's very different now. She looks different, sounds different. She's not the same as she was before, but she wants to come home. It's just not safe right now, which is why you're here. But just...don't ask questions, okay? We'll tell you when it's safe to go home.
Jessica: Is she here? Is that why there's so many men with earpieces?
Me: This is her home right now, it's a safe house. The guys with the earpieces are security. But guys, this is serious, really serious.
Cosmo: Can we just go see Mom now?

Kennedy looks over and nods.

Rose: Wait, why do you look like my Mom?
Me: This is Kennedy, Mom's twin.

Cosmo has to practically pick his jaw off the ground.

Jessica: Didn't you try and kill her?
Kennedy: Not exactly, but kinda? Sorry about that, it was part of the job.
Me: No questions guys, please.
Cosmo: One more, so you're our Aunt?
Kennedy: I can be whoever you want me to be. How about a friend first?

He nods and smiles, holding out his hand for Ken to shake.

Cosmo: Cosmo, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Kennedy: Ever the gentleman. Kennedy, it's nice to meet you too. You ready to go?
Cosmo: Yeah.

He wraps his arm around my waist and cuddles in as Kennedy guides the kids and me into the conference room in the safe house.

Kennedy: Okay, wait here.

She leaves the room, leaving the kids in total suspense. They all look incredibly nervous, and the colour's drained from each of their faces.

Me: She's still Mom, okay? Remember that.

They each nod as the door opens again and Kennedy wanders in first, holding to door open. Then comes Y/N, sheepishly dragging her heels along the wood floor.

Cosmo: I knew it! Mom!

He jumps off his seat and makes a beeline for her, crying as he goes. Rose sits in shock, and Jess is the only one showing sheer delight.

Cosmo jumps on Y/N, who wraps her arms around him.

Y/N: You got so big! How did you get so big?
Cosmo: I'm 8, I'm practically an adult now. I missed you, but I knew you weren't dead.
Y/N: You were always the smartest boy in the house.
Cosmo: I'm the only boy in the house.
Y/N: That's the point.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now