The Grind Isn't Worth It

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Scarlett: Just sit still, Y/N. Jesus.
Me: My knee hurts, I just need to move a sec.

I try to get off the med bed again, but Scarlett pushes me down, also again.

Scarlett: And the set medics said sit still. So you'll sit still until you're told you can move.
Me: You're such a mom.

She smirks as the medic comes back in and I once again try to sit up. The medic pushes me back.

Scarlett: Oh my god.
Me: So I'm fine, I can go?
Medic: Um, if you count the shrapnel in your knee moving itself towards the nerves in your leg, then yeah. You're fine to go.
Me: Amazing. Come on honey.

I'm met again by the medic's hand pushing me down by my chest as Scarlett continues to roll her eyes.

Medic: Dude, you're literally lucky to still have feeling in that leg.
Me: I thought they got the bullet shrapnel out already?
Medic: Look.

He shows me the scan of my knee. Slight shards of metal show up around my knee.

Me: Looks fun. So what now?
Medic: We manage it until we can get you back home.
Me: Then I'll leave now, no stress.
Scarlett: I still have work, honey.
Me: Okay, I don't need to stay for that. You can fly back later, right?

Scarlett looks down.

Me: What?
Scarlett: I was actually just hoping you'd stay anyway. You know, just to spend some time with me?
Me: Oh, yeah of course. Sorry baby, I didn't think.
Scarlett: I actually had plans for us tonight.
Me: Oh yeah? What kinda plans?
Scarlett: Admittedly now that you're a wreck, not the same plans I thought of this morning, but it'll still be fun. Gotta go, I'll see you back at the house.

She pats my shoulder and leaves quickly.

Me: Wait! I'm sure we can still do the first plans! I'll...I'll grin and bare it! Scarlett wait!
Medic: Good luck with that one.

He also begins to leave.

Me: What? Did she tell you what her plans were?! Wait!

The door closes behind the medic as his chuckling gets quieter.

Me: So I'm just supposed to sit here now?

And sit there I did, until Ollie found me and took me back to the house. And unfortunately for me, Scarlett's legitimate plans to have some fun tonight were quickly blown out of the window when her assistant called Ollie to tell him that Scarlett had to stay later.

So there I was, sat like a moron on the balcony in the bedroom at 4am waiting for my wife to come home. It wasn't until almost 5 when the bedroom door opened and she came in.

Me: Don't mind me, just dressed for some fancy occasion that my wife told me to be ready for.
Scarlett: Rain check?
Me: I don't think we have a choice.

She enters the balcony and wraps her arms around me from behind.

Scarlett: Your skin is freezing. How long have you been out here?
Me: Not sure. I'm guessing somewhere between getting home and now?
Scarlett: You've been out here for 10 hours? Are you kidding?
Me: I'm a little delusional at this point so maybe. I've been out here a while, put it that way. What took you so long?
Scarlett: Had to reshoot everything from today.
Me: How come?

Scarlett backs off slightly, hanging her head.

Me: What? What is it?
Scarlett: I, um...
Me: They replaced me.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now