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3 Days Later...(Scarlett's POV)

Me: Cosmo, school! Come on!
Cosmo: I'm not going!
Me: Yes, you are. Let's go, come on.
Cosmo: I'm sick, so I'm not going.
Me: You were well enough to be up until 2am this morning playing on your PlayStation, so let's go please.

Cosmo drags himself out of his room and puts his shoes on, sitting beside the door without saying a word.

Me: Girls, come on!

The girls finally come out too, both miserable.

Me: Okay um, lunch, cash, homework, good to go.
Rose: My pain meds?
Me: Oh yeah.

I grab the meds from the counter and return them to Rose.

Cosmo: This is next week's homework.
Me: Right. Um, just one second.

I rummage through the papers on the dining table, before Jack places his hand on mine to stop me, taking over and finding the homework easily.

Jack: Okay, school time dudes. Let's get out of here.
Cosmo: Can you come to guitar practice later?
Jack: Sure. Want Mom there?
Cosmo: Not really, she'll be too busy anyway.

Jack mouths a sorry, then leaves with the kids to go to school. I try calling Y/N again after my attorney wasn't able to deliver the divorce papers.

???: "Y/N's phone?"
Me: "Hi, who is this?"
???: "Is that Scarlett?"
Me: "I just need to talk to Y/N. Is she around?"

There's some mumbling in the background before Y/N grabs the phone.

Y/N: "Hi, what do you need?"
Me: "Where are you? My lawyer tried to give you the papers yesterday to be told you weren't around."
Y/N: "Oh, I'm not. I'm on vacation right now. Thought I'd treat myself to good company and a shit load of beer."
Me: "You said to get this over with and now you're on vacation?"
Y/N: "See, here's the thing Scarlett. I've lived a large portion of my life doing everything for you as and when you ask. And after thinking about it, what you did to me was pretty shitty, so I'm actually thinking I'll make you wait a few weeks. Apologies for the lack of communication, I did ask Ollie to tell you the meeting had been cancelled, must've slipped his mind honestly."
Me: "If this is your way of punishing me—"
Y/N: "And why would I need to punish you? You did nothing wrong, remember? You're just keeping your kids safe apparently."
Me: "You don't think I should be?"
Y/N: "I never said that I don't think you should be keeping the kids safe, but to assume they wouldn't be safe with me and throwing me to the curb at the same time is bullshit. I have the same rights to those kids as you do and you know that, so I don't know why you're not allowing me access. If you remember, I literally sacrificed my own life for you and them not so long ago."
Me: "We don't need to make this difficult. We don't need to be those people that score points by hurting each other."
Y/N: "I'm not making anything intentionally difficult Scarlett. I was given an opportunity to go away for a while so I took it. If anything, I deserve to be making it hard so count yourself lucky that I'm not. And I don't want to score points, you've made yourself very clear."
Me: "Who was that on the phone? You replaced me already?"
Y/N: "Taylor, we're writing an album. And given your track record I don't think you have a right to ask me if I've moved on quickly. You've dropped me more than once, probably none quicker than right now though."
Me: "Well...where are you? I can get the papers sent to you."
Y/N: "I'm actually not in a position to say right now. See you around."

She hangs up without warning, leaving me alone.

What's crazy about this whole divorce, is that you don't realise that you have no real friends until it happens. Florence, Hailee, LG for example, they were all the closest people to me, until this. Now I barely get a reply.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now