An Unsuspecting Pair

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Daisy: "The place is absolutely crawling, like every media outlet is here. They had to put barriers up at the doorway."
Me: "Shit, so he did blab."
Daisy: "He did. Sorry Y/N."
Kennedy: "Thanks for doing that Dais."
Daisy: "Yeah no problem. Did you get the results from the laptop?"
Kennedy: "No?"
Daisy: "No prints on anything, but they did manage to get in. Someone's been spying on you Y/N. At home, whenever you leave the house. Every single time you go out, there's a photo from that day."
Me: "How do they get past security? This is getting out of hand."
Kennedy: "We'll look into it. Thanks Dais."

Kennedy puts the phone down and turns to me, defeated.

Kennedy: You're sure there's no one you can think of that would go to these lengths to try and get to you?
Me: I don't think so.

Kennedy closes the door behind me.

Kennedy: I need to ask you something.
Me: Okay.
Kennedy: When we pulled the files from back when you were assaulted, they closed the case as soon as you were rehoused in a safer place.
Me: Right.
Kennedy: But in one of the files it looked like someone was working on a theory that someone had tried to get revenge for you.
Me: Okay?
Kennedy: This isn't in there, I had to do some research. There was a fire in Newcastle in 2014, the whole street was lit up. 3 men and a woman, all in their 30s were killed in the blaze, one man made it out. Looked like someone had used fuel to start the fire and it got out of hand. The house it started in was the same house you were assaulted in.

I take a few steps back.

Me: They probably made a lot of enemies.
Kennedy: Your car was parked on that street at the same time. You had no business being there, why were you there?
Me: I, um, you know I think my car was stolen then?
Kennedy: Don't make me ask you.
Me: I'm not going to. I didn't start that fire.
Kennedy: But you were there.
Me: No, I wasn't there.
Kennedy: You're lying. You were there. Look.

She hands me her phone, a CCTV image of my face captured just before the fire.

Kennedy: Why were you there?
Me: I told you, that isn't me. I wasn't there.
Kennedy: Well it wasn't me, and we definitely aren't triplets.
Me: Something's going on. Something isn't right here.

Suddenly, the red and blue lights blare outside of the house and an armed team break into the house, pinning both me and Kennedy down and arresting us.

Me: We're being set up.
Kennedy: Yeah no shit. Don't say anything that they don't already know. They won't have your lawyer in there because they don't have any legal standing. Nothing you say can be used, remember that okay?

Later that night, I'm sat in an interview room as the detective enters and sets the tape to record.

???: Detective Inspector Fleming. Please state your name for the recording.
Me: Y/N Y/L/N.
Fleming: Y/N I'm from the major crime unit at Northumbria Police. New York isn't somewhere I ever thought I'd see myself being to arrest someone, but here we are.
Me: Don't really see how you managed that considering I'm not exactly a British citizen anymore.
Fleming: Do you know why I'm here?
Me: You tell me where my sister is and I'll take a wild guess.

Fleming pauses, scoping me out, before carrying on.

Fleming: So that is your sister?
Me: Doesn't take a genius.
Fleming: And you didn't know you had a twin, am I correct?
Me: No comment.
Fleming: Your sister works for the NSA, as does your birth father. Your older brother is your manager and your other brother is lying dead in a cemetery after being shot protecting you in a raid that happened last year. Your birth mother is a known criminal, an escapee whose current whereabouts are unknown. Your adoptive sister, who you haven't seen in since July is back in the UK with her husband and son. And your adoptive parents are both dead, murdered. Your wife, sorry, ex wife, is an international celebrity and your girlfriend is a singer. Your kids, Rose and Jess are both planning to attend Columbia next September and your son, Cosmo, well he's just as bright as a button. That's right, I know everything about you, Y/N.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now