Family Reunion

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Y/N's POV...

Me: Honey? It's okay.

They tentatively creep around from the bathroom and the kids run to me, nearly knocking me off my feet. I look to Scarlett, who knows what I'm about to say, and starts crying. When the kids let go, Scarlett rushes over, not wanting to let go.

Me: It's gonna be okay. Kennedy's been hit, as soon as we're out, you need to get out of the room and turn right, she's in the corner. Don't let the kids out.

She's stuttering at this point, not able to control herself. She looks at my bloody hands, only making it worse.

Me: Listen to me, please, I don't have time. Make sure she's seen to, just please don't let the kids out of here until Ollie's cleared it. There's blood out there, a lot of it. Alex is dead, Scarlett, so I really need you to listen. Do you have it?

She nods and shakily passes me the tiny tracker from her pocket. I swallow it like a pill.

Me: It's gonna be alright, okay? You'll see me again, but this is me keeping you safe. This is why I disappeared in the first place. I was naive to think that this wasn't going to happen. I need you to know that I love you, okay? I love you.

I kiss Scarlett's forehead and back away, the kids know, but Ollie holds them back.

Ollie: Y/N...
Me: Keep them safe.
Ollie: I...
Me: Promise me.
Ollie: Okay, I promise.

And with that, the door closes behind me and I'm punched in the head, everything going dark.

A few minutes later...(Scarlett's POV)

As soon as I know Y/N's gone, the kids are locked in the bathroom and I slowly creep out, going round to check on Kennedy, who really does look worse for wear.

Kennedy: Backup's coming. I don't know what happened.
Me: She's gone.
Kennedy: We'll find her.
Me: Sorry, this is gonna hurt.

I press hard on the gunshot, making Kennedy wince.

Me: Sorry.
Kennedy: Is Alex...?
Me: Yeah, I'm so sorry.
Kennedy: Fucking idiot walked right into it. This is a mess.
Me: We need to focus on getting you right. How long until someone comes?
Kennedy: Right now.

The trucks pull in by the boat load and Kennedy is quickly taken to a doctor.

Ollie: Thank god you're okay.

He pulls me into him, only now the realisation setting in.

Me: We need to find her.
Ollie: Already on it.
Me: No, you need to find her.
Ollie: We're doing what we can.

I hand him a small tablet with a map on the screen.

Me: With this.
Ollie: And this is?
Me: Where she is. As much as you guys are the pros, we had our own plan, just in case.


Y/N: You only give me this if it's the last option, okay?

She hands me a tiny tracker and carries on installing her new studio.

Y/N: For me to swallow if I need to.
Me: Y/N no, this isn't some Hunger Games shit.
Y/N: It's not gonna kill me, see.

She shows me the tiny red dot in the tip.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now