The 3 Losers

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Y/N's POV...

Scarlett: No, absolutely not! You're not being moved!
Me: Honey...
Scarlett: Don't give me the nicey nicey side of you where you charm me and make me feel all warm and fuzzy and loved just so you can get your own way, you're not leaving the hospital.
Me: I asked Ollie to move me home.
Scarlett: What?! Why?
Me: I want to go home. I'm done playing games with Francesca. I just want to be on my sofa with my kids, recovering and annoying my wife. You know, the usual. Because let's be honest, when am I ever not recovering from something? And besides, I have time to make up for, what I don't have is the patience to sit in this bed getting a numb ass for another few days.
Scarlett: And you know the kids will wait for you to be better before running you around again, but I really need you to stay here. You getting into this mess was your way of protecting us, let me protect you now.

She grabs my hand and kisses my palm, holding it up to her cheek. That smile, God that smile could make anyone agree with her.

Me: You know what, Johansson, if you weren't cute as hell you'd be dangerous.
Scarlett: I was counting on it.

Just then, the doors burst open, and Hailee, Flo and LG storm in having flown in just to make sure I'm okay.

Hailee rushes over, brushing the hair from my eyes and checking my face over.

Hailee: Are you okay? Does your jaw hurt? Can I get you anything?
Me: Yeah, breathing room. Jesus.

She starts laughing then kisses my cheek.

Florence: How are you feeling?
Me: All pain killered up and ready to run a marathon.
Lady Gaga: Don't do that shit again, do you hear me?
Me: There's a lot of people barking orders at me and telling me off at the minute, I hear you.
Florence: You scared us.
Me: Flo, you only found out I was alive a few days ago, you couldn't have been that scared.
Florence: That's what the scary part is.

The room falls silent and we each start smirking, before bursting out into uncontrollable laughter.

Hailee: You're a fucking idiot, Y/L/N. A real piece of work. I think I age more around you.
Me: You guys wouldn't be my friends if I was perfect.
Scarlett: You are perfect, that's why you have these 3 losers.
Florence: Watch it, you.

We spend the rest of the afternoon chatting, before Jacob wanders in with his father, Elliott.

Me: Well, well, well...look what the cat dragged in.

Elliott hugs me, then takes my hand and squeezes it lightly.

Elliott: Look at you! You're all...adulty and shit.
Me: I did tell you I never wanted to see you again, in the nicest way possible.
Elliott: You should be pleased it's in these circumstances and not how it could have been. How've you been? I've been following you since the day you got the Scandal gig.
Me: Honestly it'd take an age to catch you up. Tell me about you. How's your wife, you have a daughter, right?
Elliott: Yeah, her name is Alexandra, she's 17.

He looks over to Scarlett and shakes her hand.

Scarlett: It's so nice to meet you, Y/N's told me a lot about you.
Elliott: Hopefully all the good stuff.
Me: Yeah, like how I used to call you Pops to piss you off.
Jacob: Sorry to interrupt guys but I need to let you know that we found Francesca. We got her.
Me: Well that was easy.
Hailee: Wait, as in...
Me: As in THE Francesca, yeah. Boy, it's been a long couple of days. I have so much to fill you in on.
Florence: How about I grab some coffees and you crack on with telling us everything?

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now