Twin Instinct

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Y/N's POV...

Kennedy: Two teams. Alpha 4, you take south side. We take north side, non lethals only. Legal force is authorised but only when threatened. We're not here to kill anyone, remember that.
Daisy: Yes boss. Okay, 3, 5, and 6 with me. Stay on comms.

I pull Daisy back before she leaves with the team.

Me: Be careful. The things these people have done, they're stopping at nothing.
Daisy: Relax fake teammate, this is my day job. Nobody's dying today.

She smiles and pats my shoulder, before disappearing around the corner of the building.

Kennedy: Okay boss, what's the plan?
Me: You're the boss, just get my wife back alive.
Kennedy: Ex wife.
Me: Yeah, whatever.

We enter the building on high alert, taking the stairs up to the 16th floor.

Kennedy: So what's the deal with Taylor now?
Me: Not sure. I need to talk to her.
Kennedy: And say?
Me: I guess that depends on what happens over the course of the next hour.
Kennedy: So we ran that extra check.
Me: Don't tell me she's involved.
Kennedy: I'm sorry Y/N.
Me: I can't just pick a normal fucking girl, can I?
Kennedy: Nope. Apologies.

Just then, muffled voices come from the floor above. Kennedy takes point, and I follow behind her, quietly making our way up the stairs. We get to the double doors and Kennedy counts down from 3 with her fingers, both of us piling through the doors and grabbing the men in synchronicity, jabbing them with anaesthetic as they drop to the ground silently.

Me: We make a good team.
Kennedy: Yeah, it's like that twin instinct is actually a real thing.
???: Hey!

The gunman points and shoots and Kennedy freezes and a shot goes off. The man falls to the ground.

Kennedy looks back at me in disgust.

Kennedy: I said non lethal!
Me: He was gonna kill you. I just pulled whatever I got my hands on!

She grabs her bulletproof vest.

Kennedy: The fuck do you think this is for?!
Me: Not protecting your head, that's for sure.
Kennedy: Let's just go.

I walk past the now dead gunman, picking up his gun as I go and strapping it over my back, then follow Kennedy down the hallway casually.

Kennedy: That the first time you've killed someone?
Me: Yeah.
Kennedy: And you're okay about it?
Me: Why wouldn't I be?
Kennedy: First kill usually hits the hardest.
Me: Oh no, he was gonna kill you, so I'm fine.
Kennedy: You really are the psycho of the two of us. I'm not sure if it was a good thing bringing you along yet.

We carry on through the halls, taking out who we need to, before creeping along the narrow corridor towards my office. All of a sudden hearing Scarlett arguing.

Kennedy: She always that fiery?
Me: Only when she's in a potentially life threatening situation I'd imagine. Although we've had a few kick offs in our time.
Kennedy: I'm surprised she didn't divorce you sooner.
Me: Dude, she tried. Like twice or something. Guess the third time really is a charm.

We both storm through the doors at the same time, pointing our guns at where the voice was coming from, to see Jack with Scarlett in his grasp, with a gun to her head.

Jack: Either of you come any closer and her brains are on that wall.
Me: Nasty thought. How you doing' Jack?
Jack: Not so good. You?
Me: Been better. I'd appreciate you doing me a solid and dropping this bad boy act you got going on.
Jack: See that's the thing Y/N, I can't. You killed my brother.
Me: That guard back there? Didn't look like you.
Kennedy: I think he means in the fire.
Me: Fire? Oh! Ohhhhh. Yeah no, that wasn't me. But it was my birth mother. Isn't that wild?
Alissa: Don't listen to her Jack.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now