The Lovely Don Julio

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Two days later...(Y/N's POV)

Me: "Okay, call me when you get home. Love you."
Scarlett: "Okay."

And with that, Scarlett hung up, leaving me surprised.

Me: What in the fuck is going on with her?
Ollie: Huh?
Me: Scarlett, she's acting weird.
Ollie: Beats me. Okay, ready to go in?
Me: Let's go.

We head over to the reception of the office block where my meeting is.

Receptionist: One second.

The receptionist doesn't even lift her head, so Ollie clears his throat.

Ollie: We have an appointment in like 10 minutes, under Y/L/N-Johansson.

When she finally does look up, her face drops, recognising me.

Receptionist: Oh um, hi. Hey, you're Y/N Y/L/N-Johansson right?
Me: Guess I am.
Receptionist: I loved you in Watch Out Scout, it's my favourite movie.
Me: Thanks, that's very kind.

She sits awkwardly staring at me for a minute.

Me: We have a meeting?
Receptionist: Oh yes, right you are. Let me see.

Her eyes scan the screen.

Receptionist: You're sure it's today?
Ollie: Pretty sure.
Receptionist: Yeah no, there's nothing here today. Or at all actually.
Ollie: Okay, thank you.

We head back to the car, ignoring the paparazzi completely.

Me: What the fuck is that about?
Ollie: Weird one.
Me: Did I just come to London for nothing? Are you sure Scarlett said today?
Ollie: When do I ever mess schedules up? She said today.
Me: I'll call her.

But the phone just rings, and rings, and rings.

Me: Must be in the air. Well, guess we have a day in London to do whatever. Where's Flo right now?
Ollie: Here for promo. Want me to call her?
Me: I'm offended you haven't already.
Ollie: I'm just getting back into it, cut me some slack.
Me: Just this once, fine.

Scarlett's POV...

Me: You just need to pack your stuff, come on. Let's go.
Cosmo: But why isn't Mom here?
Me: She had to go to London.
Jessica: Why London? What's in London?
Cosmo: Are we going to London?
Me: She had a meeting and no, we're going to the apartment in Manhattan.
Cosmo: But why?
Me: Could you just pack your stuff Cosmo, please?

He huffs and goes to his room, while Rose peaks her head around her door and signals for me to go to her.

Me: Are you packed?
Rose: Are you leaving Mom? That's what's happening, isn't it?

My not answering tells Rose everything she needs to know.

Rose: Does she know?

I shake my head.

Me: And it stays that way. I'll explain everything when we get to the apartment.
Rose: This is fucked up Mom, really fucked up.
Me: I'm doing what I need to do to protect you guys. I'd appreciate you not questioning it.
Rose: And what if I say I'm not going.
Me: You don't have a choice honey, so just pack the stuff you need so we can go.
Rose: I just got my family back. Cosmo is going to hate you again.
Me: I know, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm letting you down again.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now