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30th June 2030...(Scarlett's POV)

Me: It's 8:05! Why isn't she here yet?
Colin: I'm sure it's fine. It's probably just traffic or something.
Me: Then she should've left earlier.
Colin: You don't even know where she lives, how can you say she should've left earlier?

Just then, there's a knock on the door. I rush over and yank the door open, the kids wander in without saying hi, barging past Colin. Then I see Y/N stood behind them with Cooper.

Y/N: Apologies, the kids wanted to walk the dog home at the last second so I had to get him sorted.
Me: Walk home? From where?
Y/N: Oh, that  house on Corbett?
Me: You did buy it.
Y/N: You seem surprised? Did you think I'd go back to quote "LA and leave everyone, like I always do?"
Me: I—
Y/N: Look, I'm not here to get one up. I'm here to talk, sensibly and civilly.
Me: Why should I give you the time of day? You had one job, to get them home in time.
Y/N: For Christ sake Scarlett, how about you get your fist out of your own asshole for long enough to actually be a human being? I'm just here to talk this out.

She finally notices Colin behind.

Y/N: Colin.
Colin: Hey Y/N.
Y/N: Nose doing okay?
Colin: Pretty good. How's the heart?
Y/N: Pretty good. So can I come in or not?

I stand firmly in the doorway, and she stands her ground too.

Me: Go around back, the gate's open. We'll talk on the terrace.

She nods and heads over to the back gate, opening it and letting the dog off into the garden. I meet her at the outdoor table and sit opposite.

Y/N: We can't keep fighting like this.
Me: I'm not fighting.
Y/N: Then what are you doing exactly? Rose said you get drunk and send her a hundred messages calling me just about every name under the sun. It's not good for them. Now, Rose and Jess are okay, but she said Cosmo hears all of that. I can't have you doing that.
Me: They aren't supposed to to hear that.
Y/N: Are you listening? You text them, they can't not hear that. I mean, what're you trying to do? Make them hate me?
Me: No, that's not it.
Y/N: Then do you think you could stop? I don't understand where all this hate came from.
Me: You moved on quickly, I guess that's one of the reasons.
Y/N: What did you want me to do? You asked me for a divorce.
Me: Fight me for it? Scream at me and tell me everything would be okay? I don't know.

She huffs, almost laughing.

Y/N: You let me to go to London for a fake meeting just to be gone when I came back. How was I supposed to fight you for it? I was done fighting with you, done playing games, done being the thing you could pick up and drop whenever you wanted. I needed someone who was going to be around for the hard shit, and you walked away.

I don't have an answer, so instead I duck my head, letting the tears drop onto my lap.

Y/N: Scarlett—
Me: Wait.

I compose myself again and sit back in the chair, finally looking into her eyes.

Y/N: I just want me and you to be okay with each other. We were a team, and now we're rivals. I don't care who you're fucking next, I don't care how drunk you're getting on a nighttime, I don't even care that you're insulting me every chance you get. So long as we can be on a level with each other and not bring what happened between us into the kids' lives. I don't want them to hate me. Seeing them on a weekend is the only thing keeping me together right now.
Me: Not your new girlfriend?
Y/N: You see?! This is what I'm talking about Scarlett! Listen to what I'm saying to you! You're still throwing uppercuts wherever you get the chance. I can't argue with you anymore, I don't have the energy. I came over to try and resolve this, seeing as avoiding you hasn't helped the situation, but obviously this isn't working either. When you find the way you want to communicate, let me know.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now