What Now?

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Y/N's POV...

Me: So final morning, what're we doing?
Scarlett: Thought I'd leave that up to you. I thought we'd have more time to have a movie day today but I think we're leaving at 1.
Me: Honestly I'm good with a lazy morning. Weather's a little better today, we could just go for a walk?
Scarlett: I have a better idea.

Scarlett heads into the living room and grabs a blanket.

Scarlett: You coming?

I nod and push off the counter, joining her under the blanket as she ushers for me to lie on her.

Me: This is your great plan? To fall asleep an inevitably sleep through when we're supposed to leave.
Scarlett: No, not sleep. I thought we could just sit for a while, cuddle each other, spend time in the silence before we have to go back to the noise of real life.
Me: It does get a little loud sometimes.

You don't really realise how quickly the time goes by sitting in silence and enjoying each other's company, but before long and in no time at all, we're back in New York, sat on my couch watching Kennedy stuff as many grapes in her mouth as is humanly possible.

Me: And this is happening because...
Kennedy: Mphmph.
Me: Not a word. Was that even English?

She chews the grapes, running her tongue around her mouth to clear the remains up.

Kennedy: I said...it seemed like a good idea until it felt like I had fish lips and couldn't move my face. Much like you these days actually.

I groan at her joke.

Me: I don't have fillers in my face. I don't know how many times I have to tell you.
Kennedy: People are actually starting to comment on it now, it's quite funny. I read an article yesterday that was saying about how you've probably had Botox in your forehead because of the fact that you have no lines.
Me: You're my assistant, get it out of the press. There's no filler in my face, no face lift, no Botox, nothing.
Kennedy: Then why do you keep getting papped going into the salon?
Me: It's nobody business. So just get it off the web.
Kennedy: I kinda need to know why you're going though, if I'm going to get rid of the problem.

I begin to tense as Scarlett notices almost immediately.

Scarlett: If you could do it without knowing, that would be amazing Ken.

Kennedy slows and stares at Scarlett, who just nods for her to stop questioning. But as Kennedy looks as though she's about to start again, I leave the room without looking back, practically running to the roof terrace and throwing myself onto the blankets.

 But as Kennedy looks as though she's about to start again, I leave the room without looking back, practically running to the roof terrace and throwing myself onto the blankets

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Rose: When did you get back? I saw Kennedy running to the kitchen to get grapes and I know you don't like grapes so I feel like she got weird again. Did she get weird?

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now