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Late November 2030...(Y/N's POV)

I sit in my office tapping my foot over and over, fiddling with the pen in my hand as I wait for Florence to arrive. Ollie pops his head around the door, knocking.

Ollie: She's here.
Me: Okay. Just send her up.

After a few minutes, Flo turns the corner to see me sat in my office, alone.

Florence: I thought I was meeting Scarlett for coffee?
Me: Change of plans. Sit down.

She takes her coat off, placing it on the back of the chair opposite my desk and sits as Kennedy enters the room, resting against the bookshelf.

Florence: What's this?
Me: What's going on?
Florence: That's what I'm asking.
Me: Okay.

She shifts uncomfortably in her chair as Kennedy takes out her phone, replying to some emails.

Florence: Y/N this is weird, what?
Me: We need to talk about the AMA's first of all. Then I have something else to talk about.
Florence: That was just a mistake, I was just drunk. I'm really sorry.
Me: But it wasn't, was it?
Florence: I don't understand.
Me: You forgot to mention the 4th July party. When I was outside with Scarlett, you tried to kiss Colin. So that's me, and Colin within a few months.
Florence: Both drunken mistakes.
Me: But I don't think they were.

Kennedy pipes up from the corner of the room.

Kennedy: We've had your phone on surveillance for the last week. You're getting phone calls from blocked numbers every Thursday at 3am. Who's the caller?

Florence's face fills with instant fear.

Florence: N-no-one. I um, I don't know.
Me: Who's the call from Flo?
Florence: I don't know.
Me: You do know, you just won't say. Who's it from?
Florence: Y/N please.

I slam my hand on the desk in anger, making Flo jump as Kennedy smirks, not even flinching.

Me: You tell me who that call is from.
Florence: I told you, I don't know! It's a different voice every time and it's always asking for something completely unrealistic. I don't know who it is, I swear.

Kennedy pulls up a call recording on her phone, playing it.

Kennedy: This them?

Florence nods as she sobs.

Kennedy: Jesus Christ.
Florence: It's always like the voice is distorted, but the person talking always sounds roughly the same.
Kennedy: So it's the same person, just the effect is different?
Me: This still doesn't make any sense. There's nobody this could be other than Francesca, and why now? Why target Scarlett and Flo? What's the end goal?

Florence's phone goes off in her pocket and Kennedy snatches it, reading a text out loud.

Kennedy: "Get rid of her." Who? Y/N?
Florence: I don't know, I promise I don't know anything.
Kennedy: What do they have on you? They must be holding something against you, so what is it?
Florence: They don't have anything. They always say they're going to kill Y/N and make me watch if I don't do what they ask. I'm scared they'll follow through.
Me: Okay so it's the same threat every time. They want me dead but want other people to do it? But I don't get it, they must know who my family is, they'd be found eventually.

Suddenly, I realise.

Me: This isn't someone I know now. It's someone who knew me a long time ago.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now