Actress Turned Detective

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Early January 2031...(Y/N's POV)

Me: So we know about the case file. Think you could get ahold of that?
Daisy: I'll see what I can do. Anything else?
Me: Probably in there too, but there were photos of the 4 people killed in that fire. Can you get those? Find out a little bit more about them?
Daisy: Consider it done.
Me: Thanks Dais, really appreciate it.

Daisy nods and leaves my office, which we've set up almost like an investigation room.

Kennedy: So, we know they had to get the information on the fire from someone. Can you remember who the guys were that came to the house after the Kelly Clarkson interview?
Me: No, sorry. They just said they were from the police and shared a beer with me.
Kennedy: I can find out. I'm just so stuck on this burner phone situation. Why use people close to you to try and drag you away?
Me: They're trying to take everything away from me. That means my friends, family, everyone. Us getting arrested was the big play, but I'm assuming there'll be bigger fish we're gonna need to fry.
Kennedy: I say we call Colin and Ollie out now. Find out what they know.
Me: Makes it more dangerous, but I guess we could.

I sit back in my chair, sighing and checking my phone.

Kennedy: Anything from Taylor?

I shake my head, taking another gulp from my beer.

Me: I think she's long gone to be honest. Wouldn't blame her.
Kennedy: I'm so sorry Y/N, all of this is crazy.
Me: Mhm, and whoever wants me on my own is succeeding. With Taylor gone the number of people older than my kids wanting to protect me is down to approximately 3.

Daisy runs back in.

Daisy: Got a hit on the apartment at Coney Island.

She turns the tablet around in her hand and hits play, as the camera shows the apartment door closing, and Ollie pulling his hood down. He sets up a new laptop and burner, then sits at the old desk, just waiting.

Me: For fuck's sake.
Kennedy: He said he was spending time with Joni in the city this weekend. Fuck.

We both just watch the screen, before making a decision.

Kennedy: What do you wanna do?
Me: Bring him in. If he's involved we have to know how. Colin too.

Daisy nods and takes out her phone to make a call.

Me: Wait. Let's call a bluff too, call it a feeling. Take in Jack.
Kennedy: Jack? Why Jack?
Me: Not sure yet. But Scarlett sent him on vacation that time and suddenly things started happening. I just want to rule him out.
Daisy: I'll send Alpha division to each location. Got clearance?
Kennedy: Granted. But you call me as soon as it's done. Have Jacob do the questioning.
Daisy: Done and done.
Me: Thanks Dais.

She leaves again, leaving me and Kennedy completely defeated.

Kennedy: I just don't get it. Unless there's a link between your adoptive mom and dad and what happened to you, then I'm stumped, and I don't think I can spin this one honestly.
Me: If Ollie walks in here I might kill him so I don't think you'll need to spin it, I'll take the hit.
Kennedy: Did you ever think he'd be like this?
Me: No. it's been me and him since I was a kid. And yeah, maybe I didn't know he was my brother, but he was always family to me anyway. I just hope this is the same as Scarlett and Flo, and he's not doing this deliberately.
Kennedy: Same. Okay, lemme look into this some more and I'll let you know if I find anything.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now