Chapter 5

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"Doctor... Please... Please wake up." 

Her hands tightly held the bed rails with gloominess painted all over her little face. Despair and hollowness... can all be seen in the eyes of the little girl. Why does everyone keep abandoning me? The room was filled with her heart-wrenching whimpers. Looking at the man sleeping quietly on the bed, her insecurities can't help but devour her fractured heart.

"It's been a day since you were in this... Why are you still asleep?" Cecil pondered to herself. As an apprentice under Theodore's guidance for years, she has strictly followed all the instructions. All the medications have been used, and yet the young doctor still remains unconscious. Strange... he just fainted from blood loss. How can he still be in a coma? Her eyes rested upon the decent bandage on his left abdomen, hiding the devastating wound from the battle. If I paid a little more attention to his lessons, maybe he would not be like this... Cecil you fool! She scolds herself once again.

Apparently, with her personality, it would be odd to wait and do nothing in this case. If medicine can't help you... then I guess I have to go the hard way. Cecil gazes at the patient, who is now sleeping soundly and approaches with a bold idea in mind. A certain person with a gentle smile popped up in her mind, sending chills across her spine. "Sorry, Theodore, this is for your own good... Please don't kill me after this! "

As many have said, if there are no other ways left, the traditional one will always work. Cecil, with all her might, shakes the bed fiercely. "Theodore, wake up!" Theodore's eyes are still shut, but a slight movement can be seen. Rolling up her sleeves, this time even more intense, "Don't you dare sleep like this while me and the rest do not even have a chance like you!"

It seems that Cecil's shake is somehow powerful enough to jolt Theodore awake from his deep sleep. "WHAT WAS THAT ?!" Theo woke up all of a sudden as if a child had finally escaped from his nightmare. A brief moment passed. The patient regained himself and looked around, dumbfounded by the current situation. His forehead is covered in sweat, the frizzy auburn hair falls to his shoulders without the ribbon. The strained eyes were trying to find the source of the shake, and the two locked their eyes.

"Ah.... uh, welcome back, Theodore. I didn't expect you to actually wake up..." Cecil let out a small mumble under the shocked look. In the end, after continuing to gaze for five solid minutes, Theodore came to a conclusion. A heavy sigh escapes at last. Cecil, who seemingly lost her breath for a moment, was ready to explode. The poor little girl can't help but expose a regretful face. Unexpectedly, Theodore, in an unwinding laugh, "Don't be that nervous, I won't punish you or anything." Besides, I should thank you for waking me up, regardless of what happened earlier. "

"W-Who's nervous?" A trembling question, her stiff shoulder now loosening. "I got to say, I'm glad you are awake since the truth is... you are far more than enough to be a sleeping beauty." Cecil then shakes her head slightly and sighs, like a grandmother scolding her grandchildren, "With those dark circles under your eyes and that worn-out look?... Tch, you will have lots of things to do, my dear tutor."

Still wearing his usual saint-like smile, Theodore calmly said, "Oh really? I'm no match to sleeping beauty. But to me, you look more like a procrastinating apprentice than a dedicated one. Should I double your lessons and homework? Oh... or should I say triple?" Theodore looks at Cecil with a kind look and says, "After all, it's you who told me that you want to be a real doctor someday, right? Why don't we speed up the process a little? "

"R-right...You are just awake, don't overwork yourself like that." Cecil smiled awkwardly while moving closer to the door as if to find a way out. "You know what? How about I go somewhere else and leave you to rest... Then see you soon!" Cecil disappeared behind the door as quickly as she could.

While taking a stroll in the hallway, Luke suddenly sees a red-haired girl moving with inhuman speed out of Theo's room. "W-Wait..!" In no time, Cecil bumps into poor Luke, causing both of them to fall to the floor. Cecil, now lying on Luke's chest, "Wh-... Sorry, I don't see the way." Her hands stumble around, trying to find her glasses. From the blurry sight, the little hands accidentally touch Luke's rock-hard chest, leaving an utter silence between the two. As if on instinct, Cecil immediately retracted her pair of hands, her face flustering in embarrassment. Looking at the mess, Luke tries to hold back his laughter while gently putting the glasses into Cecil's hands. Luke lifted her up, then dusted off her apron. Then admonished, "It's fine, but you should be careful on the way." Patting the soft crimson hair, Luke then walks out, left behind and now falls into absolute astonishment - Cecil.

Seeing the unusual actions of the little girl, he decides to visit Theo to see whether he is in a better state. The moment he entered before his eyes is the figure of a man in a patient outfit, his attention lying dreamily on a nearby window, a vase of lilies on the nightstand, and an empty cup of water with some painkillers laying around complete the room.

"Doctor, great to see you are fully awake." "You just scared us for the past day," Luke, while taking a seat by Theodore's bed. Theodore tenderly welcomes the guest, "Greetings, Luke. It's good to see you are still doing alright." His deep ocean eyes undeniably stand out under the already strained look.

"My apologies for interrupting your rest. I think I should inform you of the current situation when you're gone." Luke spoke in a solemn tone. "Fortunately, most of our soldiers from the previous battle survived, and are now recovering just within this mansion. Thanks to your support, we were able to take back our land." Luke bowed respectfully to the man.

Theodore didn't even notice he was holding his breath until Luke finished. "Thank you for reporting, Luke," he continues. "Thank you for entrusting me and going along with that plan." Then a tall figure suddenly crossed his mind. The roaring wind of the battlefield blew the night-like hair, revealing the dazzling emerald eyes. The hand holding the sword struck fiercely, blocking his vision. Theodore lowers his head. "What about that man, the one with emerald eyes? I just want to thank him for helping me."

"Don't worry about him. He is in a good state despite some minor injuries. There were some matters that needed his involvement, I'm afraid, "Luke replied without any hesitation. The chestnut eyes fixed on Theodore with surprise. Apparently, Luke doesn't expect Theodore to ask about that one.

Theodore nodded, then said, "I see. Thanks again, Luke."

Just as Luke was about to turn the knob, thoughts invaded his mind. "Is there anything wrong?" Theo seems to have picked it up. "Never mind, it's nothing you should worry about, just personal matters..." Luke said, without turning his back.

Let alone in his small room, Theodore falls into contemplation.

"There is nothing to worry about with the injuries we picked up from the forest, thanks to Theodore and you." A young nurse named Lily reports right after she sees Cecil trying to catch her breath in the hallway. As if witnessing her friend in such a state was already familiar, giving out her handkerchief, "Here, use this." "Are you making Theodore frustrated again?" Cecil now comes back to her senses. "Absolutely not, I just spoke the truth. Also, thanks for informing me, Lil, you and the rest have worked hard."

Adjusting the glasses, Cecil now comes back to her working mode. "What about Nolan? Is his fever reduced by any chance?" Lily replies, "He is stable and now still sleeping," Cecil then nodded, "Don't worry, I will make sure to keep an eye on him." Cecil moves on to organizing daily meds and meals for patients. Even though Cecil is one of the youngest nurses here in the mansion, her attentiveness is something that cannot be disregarded. Perhaps that's why they made her the only apprentice of the famous Dr. Theodore. Her bright energy, regardless of being clumsy sometimes, is absolutely contrary to her tutor. The beloved doctor is known for his determination and gentleness, with nothing that could persecute him. Certainly, an irreplaceable position.

"Also, have you heard of Luke? The soldier with chestnut eyes, whom Theodore assisted, seems to be gaining quite a fame here. Everyone was just chatting non-stop about his looks, "Lily wondered. Cecil, now pouring water into cups, suddenly shut down. Memories from the accident run like a film inside her mind. The large, warm hands patting her head, the sparkling chestnut eyes ensuring, "Cecil? Are you okay? You are making the tablecloths wet, you know." Cecil jumped as if she had been electrocuted. "What? Absolutely no... Who is that? I've never heard of that name before!" Cecil shrugged it off. "I will go and change the tablecloths!" For the second time in a day, Cecil ran for her life, but this time she would make sure to keep a close eye on her way. 

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