Chapter 21

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A fine day to do some gardening. Our beloved doctor already rises and shines before everyone else to look after some of his favorite pots as well as trim the grass, despite the fact that it's not his job to do so, yet Theodore finds such activities soothing and enjoyable. To the sounds of birds and the delightful scent of flowers, what a nice break to have for quite a while, especially after those last few days. He was focusing on watering the turmeric plant when he saw some folks running to the main hall as if in complete urgency. Perhaps it's time to see what's going on. Putting off gloves and gardening gear, Theodore decides to go with the flow of people. What welcomes him is a dozen souls clumped in front of the notice board in a lively atmosphere. Fortunately, Theodore manages to slip through the crowd, only to see a few colorful posters about a summer festival in the nearby town of Windensburg. The festival is undoubtedly the biggest one in the region, featuring a variety of activities such as dancing, drinking,... Theodore takes a good look at every poster, mostly announcing time and location, then the main one stands out with an image of the town gate accompanied by a decent-sized line: "Once a year, when the summer comes, a festival to celebrate the harvest festival will be held." Not long after the arrival of the doctor, the nurses and other soldiers notice him, and a swarm starts to form around the poor Theodore.

"Doctor, there is a festival in Windenburg, and it's really huge." A nurse chirped. Then another one, "Please! This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance!" A younger soldier wastes no time standing out and voicing out, "Please, this will be a good time for us to find the ideal partners!" The whole crowd, in unison, "Yeah!" The enthusiasm of the folks left the beloved doctor no choice but to allow it, forcing a long sigh to escape. "Alright, alright, consider this a chance to wind down for a while." Then continue "It's been years since the last time we participated in this kind of event." Hearing the approval from Theodore surely sent every soul here into absolute cheerfulness. One by one, with big grins drawn on their faces, they said, "Thank you so much, Doctor!" Perhaps being able to see how delightful they are bringing a pleasant feeling, Theodore. At least at the end of the day, he can pay something back for their unyielding efforts to save the ordinary. How incredible to see that the air is now more spirited than ever! Everyone is up to their ears in preparing their most stunning outfit for the occasion. The girls ebulliently chose the exquisite fabrics they gathered from the city, along with picking their dress code. The diversity of color and texture is undeniable. Excitement is drawn through laughs and giggles. The boys are no exception, though, as they join in a wholehearted discussion, deciding on their outfits to impress the girls. After all, the reason why they are so eager for this event lies within the ancient myth.

A long, long time ago,

A flower bloom deep in the forest

In the loved of the maiden, it rises

Glowing in the color of tears

All things envy its beauty

With his quiver and hunting bow

A hunter in his sacred quest

Followed the sound below

There he found the maiden

The child of the forest

Bathed in moonlight, she sings

Blindfold hides away the reality

Embrace by flowers, she dances

The answer to his quest, finally comes

For his heart has yearned for the maiden

They dance days and nights

Drunk in the sweet wine of love

A happy family he promised

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