Chapter 59

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The black figure mundanely yawned. With a snap, it makes itself a cup of tea. Observing the show, it sighs, 'When are you going to stop this meaningless act?' As expected, the question vanished in the thick air like a shadow. Let out another sigh, it doesn't need the answer to know what will happen next. 'Seriously, are you-' a strong hand broke its neck before the sentence could finish from behind. Pouring on more pressure, the neck now breaks in half. The resonating sound of the broken bone shuddered. The extrusion of a fountain of thick blood stained the cold face with black splashes. The sinewy hands were smeared with grimy black liquid, throwing away the lifeless corpse like a toy.

'This time it takes 1.30 minutes.' The black figure looks closely at the clock in its hand. "Congratulations, you have made a new record," it claps ironically. 'But I'm getting tired of having a broken neck all the time. Be creative!'

Immediately fulfilling its wishes, Theodore spared no mercy. This time, his hand dug deep into its chest. Deeper, the warmth of what feels like flesh and blood fills the hand. Followed by a fetid smell wandering around his nose, eager to summon nausea in his throat. An impure smell to blasphemy. Ignoring the black blood turbidity on his clothes, his skin. Deeper, tormented to its marrow. In its madness waves of laughter, the fingertips touch a slimy surface. Pulling it out aggressively, a heart lies in his hand. The beating heart is still warm, each drop of turbidity slipped through the thin fingers, and fell to the hard ground. Not even hesitating, Theodore squeezed the heart in his hand cruelly. Every one of its muscle fibers overflows through the fingers, creating a horrifying, sticky sound of crushing flesh. With each squeeze, he can hear the howls full of resentment breathing from the heart. This isn't enough. He squeezes until what used to be the heart is now like slime. Throwing its heart away, his soul filled with disgust.

A deviant laugh broke out loud. The corpse with a hole in its chest burst out laughing. Its voice carries the sound of broken glasses. Indeed, Theodore's" black liquid overflowed from its mouth. 'That's right! Show me! Show me the cruel monster inside!' Its laughter fills the void. 'Cut me! Stab me! Choke me! You can do anything but leave me.' Leaving behind the corpse, Theodore walked forward. The navy eyes were stained with hatred and disgust. The cracking sound of broken bones follows each of his steps. Saving the last string of consciousness, he didn't dare to look down at what was on the ground. No, he doesn't have to. For there were piles, lying everywhere, creating a tainted river flowing from each corpse. For they were defeated in their countless battles. Yet sweet words begging him to stay still resounded repeatedly like broken tape in those shattered mouths. Their squirmy hands harshly try to slow his steps.

Keep walking indefinitely, and all of a sudden, a bright door reveals itself at the end of the path. Running with all his might, he yearns to escape this place, to return to their loving hands. Run and run, he could no longer hear those rumbling sounds. Just a little longer, the door is getting closer. Till his lungs feel like they could explode at any moment, he finally reaches the destination. Its soft light somehow calms his frightened mind. Full of hope, he touches the doorknob.

Only to taste the flavor of despair.

The moment those fingers touched the door, with a blink, the most hideous scene revealed itself mockingly. Standing still, the door was covered with crawling beetles of a color he could never imagine. There is no trace of hope under this blasphemous performance. Eventually, the door vanished into ashes, shutting out all the light of hope. Black hands caress his body from behind, whispering sweet little temptations. 'Stay, and you will never know pain.' Tender caresses fell from his cheeks, down to his waist, in Theodore's disgust. Then, with an inhuman force, countless hands devoured the ethereal figure, dragging him aggressively to a luxurious chair. Rusty chains were immediately in place to tie him down again. From the tainted black liquid, rises another black figure. Just like none of that ever happened. 'Let's see,' the black figure says, taking out a long list. 'You have killed me 150 times.' it laughed mockingly. It eyes hungrily devour the scene of a furious Theodore chained to the chair. That's right, in this world, he is nothing. Nothing but its prisoner.

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