Chapter 18

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The icy blast from the North harshly pierced every inch of her skin. The clear blue sky that once peacefully resided in her heart is now utterly dyed in a dreary gray. But, none of that matters now, in trembling step she goes forward. The sky, bursting with tears, covered the ground in white flakes. Those white flakes danced tirelessly, then rested on her silky curls, touching her cheek. Her hands reached out in the air, and they landed slowly in her palms. Is it snow...? For those who seek the truth, only cruel answers await on the other side. Born in the embrace of love and happiness, what lies at the end of the journey is, inevitably, ashes. The rain of ashes, quietly falling with sarcasm, welcomes her return.

Lily steps her foot through the town's gate. Nothing more than a fiery battlefield, or perhaps its remnants. Everything she knew until this very moment. The stunning houses Lily was always fond of, the bakery she usually bought from, and then the familiar tree where she had spent such a wonderful childhood.


How simple is that word?

Lily can still hear the faint sounds of the crowd, of the market nearby, and of the singing children echoing from afar.

Where is everyone?

No. The poor girl could not accept this. This is just a nightmare, she reasoned.

Lily runs.

Running through the familiar burned streets, through the merciless flames, into the night. Raindrops falling down devoured the fire, magnifying her fear. The muddy ground is enough to send her tripping, leaving a crimson scratch on her knee. The pain? Worthless.

She runs.

To the place, she belongs. Every cell in her body, every joint in her bones, was firing. Home...she must come home. Never in all those years did these memories become so lively. The journey into the unknown shines the remains of those who will live on in her heart forever. Their kind faces, their warm hands, their voices... so close, yet so far. Memories roll through Lily's mind like a film playing back the most beautiful moments. How painful and frightening it was. She will not let them fade away, she will grab hold of the imaginary visuals, to cherish them one last time.

No... Eva is waiting for me... Calling for me to go home...

The familiar path, the path she has gone down countless times, is finally revealed to her. Cross this path, and home will wait for her at the end. A teardrop was shed on her cheek. It is still how she remembers it. The floral scent lingering in the air chases away the smell of the agonizing flames. In slow steps, she goes. That tree where she and Eva used to hang out... and this pine tree, the marks she carved to compare their heights are still there all these years. Lily feels the marks, with nothing but poignancy filling her heart. When she's gone, Eva is only this tall. Too little... Too fragile.

I have a promise...promise to her...

Then she runs, runs tirelessly to home. And then... the place she's dreamed of countless times, the place she's always prayed to God for the opportunity to return, even for a split second, is finally here. The humble house on the edge of the city rests peacefully. Home is not always full of sweetness. There were hard times when she had to knock on every door begging to save her sick Eva, but it still holds a special position for where Eva was. The house, though small, was always filled with laughter and happiness. A blink is all it takes for the sight before her to be nothing like she remembers. The house has now been shattered, with pieces falling to the ground and being consumed by fire. Every piece of the house... of her memory was consumed by the raging fire, only to be washed away by the rain.

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