Chapter 57

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Alderic's performance finally reached its last note, sighing as if he had held his breath for eternity. What greets him is the once-again reality, of a man who lost his soul, of a chaotic empire, of an unsettled world. Resting upon Theodore in that chair is a defeated gaze at last, even the smallest change in that statue-like figure, could be what he hopes for the most. Shall a glance is enough for Alderic to find himself struck by a lightning of shock, to his very own pair of emeralds now eagerly devouring the scene, for his mouth heaving for air, and the warmth flowing in veins. Theodore, bearing the usual icy but now in this fraction of time, was accompanied by a streak of tears, slowly rolling onto his cheek, onto the thighs.

Before utter joy could have a chance to embrace Alderic, grief, emerged from a sound sleep, once again taking him away. The figure of Theodore squirming and vibrating, before miserably falling, a leaf leaving its mother on a dark and windy winter night. How fortunate for Theodore to be landed safely in the arms of his companion, yet the seizures still continue to pierce his heart. Could no longer be turned into fragments, shattered. Its vessel, not knowing what to do anymore except hold the god-punished, lamentable body. "I'm here, always here for you. Don't you dare leave me!" Is what he said in the blurry mist, still holding Theodore close to his racing heart. The emerald pearls, seemingly make their way to the innocent face. Why does the gaze bear too much? Indeed, what he had felt, was beyond human capabilities. Leaning against his forehead, she shared the blaze dancing on the pale skin, a fever. No more words are needed. No more tears gushing out. A familiar duty for Alderic to fulfill.

Axl, whose face is dyed in distress, barges into the bedroom just as Theodore is nestled in blankets. A jittery tone appears, "Alderic, Arioch's army is getting close to us. We must move now!" Replying back is a determined nod, followed along by, "Gather everyone to the living room. I will meet you there in a moment."... Bags to bags, the preparations are nearly completed, last but not least is him, now resting on the back. "Be still, will you?"

"Where should we go? There is nowhere to hide!" Evelyn asks nervously. As long as they are still in this land, still within Arioch's reach, they will never be safe. Throwing a bag at Axl, Reid wasted no time for superfluous feelings. "Averi. That will be our safe place." The answer definitely sends Evelyn and Alderic into awe. Doubts lurk in the thin air, yet time spares them no mercy to reconsider. Nodding, Alderic quickly holds an asleep Theodore on his steady back, ready for the long journey ahead. "Don't worry, my- Evelyn. Wherever we go, we will protect you." Reaching out his hand to hers, Axl's eyes shine with determination. Looking once last time at the cottage, a sigh buried deep down. Taking Axl's hand, she joins the others. Take a stuffed bag, Reid splashes a look at Theodore before taking the lead. Leaning on Alderic's back, the navy eyes are now closed tightly. Drops of cold sweat falling down his forehead, go along with the painful expression painted all over his pale face. They are running out of time. "Come, this way. I know the shorter path." The forest, once again, welcomes travelers to the southern faraway land, the land of ocean and wind, Averi.

'Theodore...Theodore. What are you doing?' the black figure floating around motionless Theodore. Though acting worried on the outside, the figure was indeed on the edge of joy seeing him like this. After all, that was its intention. The deeper the wounds, the easier it is for him to trap himself in this place, in his own world of consciousness. 'You have seen all of it, right? All of his selfishness, all of his ugliness, go deep down to the core. He is destruction.' The black figure reaches for a comforting caress on Theodore's cheek... Only to be stopped at mid-air by a firm hand. A chill ran down its spine as the blue, piercing eyes glanced. The hand gripping its hand so tightly, enough to break the bones at any moment. There was no trace of the emotionless or furious Theodore. This time, he comes with a rebellion. The other hand strangles its neck tightly. 'Don't you see? I'm your ally, not them. They never cared about you as much as I do.'  Theodore doesn't say anything but instead pours more pressure on the grip, making the figure's hand crooked. The black figure screams in pain at the brutal sound of broken bones, its neck breaks under his hand, making it fall to one side.

The waves of painful whimpering pain escaped soon dyed into mocking laughter... Then it stops. Everything seems to freeze at this moment. "How many times has this happened?" Theodore looked down at the corpse. There was no trace of sympathy or mercy glowing in those navy eyes. Soon, clapping sounds echoed from behind. 'Never fails to surprise, a deviant smile blooms on the black figure's face. Stepping on its own corpse, it shrugs 'I never liked this version anyway. Too loud.' With a hand clap, the corpse disappears in the smoke, leaving the two in a complete void. 'May I ask how you know?' the black figure asks sweetly. Raising his arm, Theodore pointed at the black dot on his sleeve. A small splash of what seems like black blood, evidence from one of their battles. 'I see. How reckless I am' From that day, the day he denied everything, he was trapped in this world, in an eternal loop of a tiring war.

'That's right. You can't escape this time.'  Within a snap, the scene changes. A familiar house appears before them with an oak tree in the yard. 'Remember this?' How could he forget? "How pathetic." Theodore clenched his teeth. Of all places... This was home. Looking up again, the black figure has changed into Mother, smiling sweetly. 'Come, dear. Have tea with me.' Chains, coming from nowhere, cling to his hands, forcing him to kneel. With another snap, he was trapped in a crystal box.

Alderic can feel the burning sensation coming from his back. Surely, other waves of pain are chasing him, chaining him down. His pace quickened with each fastening gasp. "Stay with me, Theo. We're almost there."

"We have arrived. Quick, bring him inside." Reid growls urgently. A sharp blade aims mercilessly at Alderic before any sigh of relief can escape. Its iron light glowed under the vivid color of the sunset in the hand of the rose maiden. The forest's eyes concentrated on him with each move, ready to taste blood at any moment.

"One more step, and I will use your blood for Luke."

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