The final chapter

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"Can you pass me the sugar jar?" a girl asked while stirring the cream. Putting a pinch of sugar into the mixture, a few drops of lemon follow to balance the flavor. Take a spoon to test; a sweet flavor fills her mouth, enough to make her giggle in happiness. Nodding at her victorious achievement, she then placed the cream on top of the freshly baked cake. Its delicious scent lingers at every corner of the mansion, unintentionally attracting some curious children to take a sneak peek from the kitchen door.

Among those children, she isn't aware of the supposed to be careful in times like this person. "Lemon pie, just like the old times?" Cecil's voice was coming from behind her back. The crimson-haired girl smiles mischievously as she successfully takes a bite from the cream bowl. "If it tastes this good, I will have to make you bake pies for me every day!" Comes and goes like the wind, she quickly escapes before the girl has any chance to respond. For some of them, this scene is starting to feel too familiar. "Even at that age, she was still a child. She used to sneak around Lily all the time for cookies!" One was laughing as she remembered the old memory, the other added. "No wonder, there were always crumbs on her mouth." The image of young Cecil sneakily tracing to the kitchen in her stumble steps, looking for sweets, sent them laughing. "Who is Lily?" some of the younger ones asked with confusion. Having been here since the new mansion came to life, they were still unfamiliar with this name. "The best baker and the nicest sister we have." Amber finally catches up with the conversation after finishing the fight with the dough. The battle is indeed intense, as the dough brutally leaves traces of flour all over her face. An attempt to recreate the famous bread Lily used to make. "Just a simple loaf in her hands can have the most heavenly flavor you can imagine." Closing her eyes, Amber acts as if she is having the bread itself in front of her. "Can we meet her?" The children asked in excitement. Gently patting their heads, Amber smiled "She is now in an even better place with only delicious loaves and happiness. You will meet her, but it will be a very long time later when you have become an old lady."

On this side, Reid is busy organizing the yard. The weather is exceptionally nice today as the sun softly gazes down on the tree leaves, bathing the little yard in the gentle shade of light. What a great decision it was of him to decide to brunch with old friends. The leisure time doesn't last long as he rushes to the boys, carrying the table to the yard. After all the struggle, finally, the table has been dragged from storage. Stretching himself, a crack comes from his back. Just in time, Alderic passed by with some chairs. "You are getting old, Reid." The former general doesn't forget his usual smirk. "Said the one who just forgot where his key is. Look at the white on your hair first, then talk about being old to me." Reid sent a glare. Bearing a thought, he walks away from laughing Alderic. Is he really that old? Someone like him, unable to even carry a table? How ridiculous! Did he know how these hands have defeated many? He stretched again. Another crack appears in his apathetic expression. He is now regretting his decision.

"Don't tease him." Theodore scolded Alderic lightly as he placed the plates down on the table. "Sorry. Bad habit." Alderic flashed an apologetic smile at him. He did not entirely mean that, as Theodore can tell. A sigh escaped from the former doctor. "How can Luke bear to be your victim all those times?" "Maybe he was getting used to it." Theodore was taken aback by Alderic's unexpected response. A thought he didn't think he could hear. "You can admit it. My jokes are hilarious." Taking the plates as an excuse, Theodore quickly disappeared into the hall, leaving behind a shocking Alderic. "Theo?" Now that he also regrets Reid's decision,

Taking a seat at the table, Reid hopes to rest from the tiring morning. A sneeze comes in annoyingly. "Who is talking behind me?" Then, from the door, his sight suddenly caught two familiar figures. Her golden hair glows under the sunlight, along with her gracious gesture. Without the crown, she is now only an ordinary person visiting old friends. Following her is the sound of the wooden crane, knocking on the ground. A black raven resting on her shoulder, rubbing its head on the white cloth blocking her eyes. "Welcome, your Highness." Reid bows to the empress and then turns to the priest. "Sheritre, long time no see." Smiling at him, Evelyn scowled. "I am no empress at this place, only Evelyn." Coming from nowhere, Cecil jumped in to hold Sheritre in her arms. "I've missed you!" Though unable to see, it seems her sudden acts can't even cause the priest to startle a little. "It's been a while, Cecil." The two hugged each other tightly. Before Sheritre could respond, Cecil quickly took her hand and, not forgetting to steal Evelyn from Reid, dragged the duo to the backyard. "Come, we have lemon pies!"

Quickly, the yard packed up with people, filling the whole place with delight and laughter. Placing the bread on the table, the feast finally begins. Amber and the other children mischievously put cream on each other's faces, eventually, they all broke into laughter while covered in white puffs. Tend to turn off work mode, but somehow, when talking to Reid, Evelyn can't help but go nonstop on politics. Pouring some tea to comfort the empress, indeed, Hyram and Averi united into one, putting her up against countless burdens. "We will support you no matter what," Reid said with assurance. On the other side of the table, Orville is taking the nuts from Alderic's palm. After all, being the messenger for the priest is a tiring job. "Psst, Alderic." Cecil suddenly whispered in his ears. "Have you wrecked Theodore until he can not walk properly?" Almost choking himself, Alderic does his best to calm his nerves. "If you're going to trick me into something again, I'm not listening." The former general hid the light blush on his cheeks. "Trust me on this. You can thank me later." Cecil winked at him, then snuck away.

The victim, not knowing what will await him, smiles at the sight of the culprit. Seeing the gentle smile, somehow Cecil feels a bit guilty. Maybe she has grown to be an acquaintance of Axl, Cecil thinks highly of herself. "They will definitely thank me," she thought. Leaning on the chair, Theodore pleasantly enjoys the warm teacup. The sight of everyone dear to him was painted vividly under the soft rays of the sun. "Nice, isn't it? How everything ended." Sheritre takes a seat next to him. For almost a moment, he couldn't realize the little girl had always been obsessed with stars. Time has returned a composed priest, a reliable ally, building the whole kingdom in the shadow. Theodore nodded with a smile, his hands gently holding hers. "There is nothing I couldn't ask for more."

Suddenly, a boy ran to his side. His innocent eyes look at Theodore with curiosity. "Oh, who could you be?" Theodore lifted him up to sit on his lap. Taking candy from the plate, the little boy quickly devours it in happiness. His little hands reached for his hair, touching the lines of white hair. It was not long before the boy jumped down from him to run to his parents. His mother gently hugs him up, the flower hairpin glows softly in her hair. Bowing at him, she smiles. The same familiar smile, just like her sister. How fast time has passed, Eva welcomed the birth of her second child. The boy turns to another person for treats, and this time, Camille. Letting go of the glorious in the past, she is spending her life, traveling and exploring the world.

In the soft sun, the final end of their story. The navy eyes savor each of the smiling, familiar faces. For a moment, even for a short one, he can faintly feel the return of the lost loved ones. As if Lily were still here, bring her most famous bread in an angelic tone. As if Luke were still here, blushing at Alderic's tease while glancing secretly at Cecil. As if Axl were still here, running around and playing carefreely with the children. No, they were always here, living in our memories.

War, a brutal beast that steps on innocent lives. Yet, even in the depths of darkness, there will always be hope and love. Even on the most desperate days, there will always be light.

"Theo!" Everyone is calling for him. Rising from the chair, he walks to them with a grin. He is now a complete man, Theodore. Together, they will continue their own story.

Oh, how innocent this child could be they said, yet, how brave this child was they said

There will be love, they said, and there will be hope in the end.

-The end-

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