Chapter 40

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Behind them, the flames brutally consumed the whole mansion in a sea of fire. "You bastard!" Luke yelled at the sight of Arioch laughing out loud. What should they do? Shattered bodies run out of breath. Though they have reduced the enemies to half, they are still outnumbered. What could they do? Cecil gently held Luke's hand, the other one holding Reid. It's alright, she said, with an assuring smile. That's right, as long as Theodore and the rest are safe... Weapons in their hands, they are ready to strike one last time.

"Stop!" A voice echoed behind them. The familiar, gentle voice they have heard countless times, "Take me and leave them alone." In those hands lies a knife. "If you break the agreement, I will commit suicide, and you will never be able to know the secrets." sternly he demands. The moment they were under attack, the moment he met Arioch, he realized the answer to all the mysteries, to all the doubts he had had since the beginning. The truth was always there, it just... he was too cowardly to face it. Because of that man...Alderic. This war... all of this is pointless. From the ashes came the figure of him. Determinedly, his steps are the navy eyes calmly, just like the ocean before the storm. "No, Theodore!", Cecil yelled, but none of that was able to touch him. "Please." He had enough... Enough of this...

Arioch let out a satisfied smile. "My apologies, but the King has ordered me to kill."

With a hit in the back of Theodore's neck, the Doctor now falls into unconsciousness. Arioch lets out a hysterical laugh, knowing he got what he wanted in the end. Mission completed. Putting the victim on the remaining space on the saddle, Arioch rides his black horse to leave the battlefront, namely - the mansion, for the place where only God could save. The fallen Capital.

"Theodore!", they screamed, helplessly watching the one they tried to protect be captured. The remains, not keen on giving a chance to chase after them, immediately attacked the trio, eager to take their lives. The exhausting and hopeless battle goes on. Their weapons were dripping blood, their steps moving on their own. Killing and killing are all that's left in mind. Until they heard a call for help from the burning mansion. A young boy's voice... "Leave that to me," she shouted. Quickly, she runs into the burning flame. Ignore the yelling of the man behind her.

Crossing the burned gate is the signature sight of Hell. The hallways... The staircases... To the rooms, she worked in countless times. They all bathed in the inferno. Yet most of them have burned to dust, collapsed under such heat. Until she reached the source. The bitter smoke lingered in her nose, draining away all the air left. If they can't escape, it is just a matter of time before they are buried in the flame ocean. How in the world could a boy survive in this place till now? She is unable to answer this enormous question. Surprisingly, when Cecil got to the source, a boy was exceedingly clever at using the bathtub filled with water to protect himself. "Come, it's time to get out of here!" Holding his trembling hand, they run for their lives. The floors and ceilings were falling apart under the extreme heat, breaking under their steps. Not only are the structures failing, but explosions are also coming from all directions. They blast the windows, sending countless fragments all over, eventually piercing through Cecil's face. It is surely painful, yet nothing matters. The only mission now is to escape

Finally, the way out is within their sight. Just a few steps away, they will escape here... a few steps away from him. Her feet, and her body was aching from pain, yet her strong will still tenaciously controlled the shattered body to move on its own. Almost there... Crack... From nowhere, the bookshelf fell on the boy, stoning his little body. Holding his hands, she used all her might to pull him out. In the end, her strength is nothing compared to the heavy bookshelf. The boy burst into tears at her helplessness. No, she couldn't give up on him. When things couldn't be worse, the floor under him breaks into pieces, revealing a burning fire hole underneath. Screaming in fear, he tried to hold on to Cecil. The energy she has left is not enough to drag him up. "Don't let go," she screamed. The terrifying heat just consumed it all, swallowing everything. The mansion can't stand any longer, falling apart. The floor under her starts to crumble. In just a few minutes, both of them will be fed into those flames. No... Not like this... The smoke, the tears blur her vision...

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