Chapter 9

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Approaching a nearby cabinet, Theodore takes out the disinfectant along with some bandages for his hand. Meticulously, his previously bleeding hand is now all patched up, yet pain coming from the wounds feels like countless needles stabbing into the skin, but still, his expression remains unchanged.

Suddenly, the window was wide open, sending the white curtain flying in the wind, the chilling breeze of spring blowing into the room. A tall figure then follows in, grounding himself effortlessly to Theodore's surprise. The man stroked his messy hair, dusting away the dust on his coat, clearly looking annoyed. "How could they mistake me for a thief? What a lame comparison. " He muttered to himself. The emerald eyes tiredly looked up and met Theodore at last. Theodore, seemingly never expected this kind of unusual situation to happen. As if the time had frozen, the two fixed their eyes. Realizing he had just landed in Theodore's room, Alderic wears a sincerely apologetic smile. "We meet again, Doctor. Fate always makes us meet in the most unusual way, don't you think?" "Indeed," Theodore sighed. "I guess I have no choice but to get used to this." Drowning himself in the nearby chair, Alderic curiously glanced at the room and its owner. Alderic appears to be having a good time as if he has lived here for a long time. Alderic noticed the layers of bandages and the scattered parts on the floor with disdain. In a relieved tone, he said, "I'm glad we shared the same idea." Adjusting his posture, he looked at Theodore. "Though I do not agree with such an extreme method." Theodore quietly looks at the man sitting in front of him, the white shirt with the collar wide open hidden behind the black coat that only makes him more outgoing.

"I want to ask some-", their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open, Cecil's "squad" reached Theodore's office and now cautiously stared into the eyes of the "thief". "How dare you enter Theo's office?" Cecil said out loud while swinging the cast iron skillet in her right hand, threatening the man. "You better leave or else be prepared to witness Cecilia's wrath." Alderic darted his eyes toward Theodore as if begging for an explanation. It seems Alderic can already feel the menacing aura of Cecil and her squad, slowly backing off before ending up hiding behind Theodore's back. Through Theodore's shoulder, Alderic mumbled. "W-Wait, Cecilia, right? Y-You see, I am Theodore's friend, and I come with no harm." Alderic shoots puppy eyes at Theodore. The sudden appearance of this annoying man surely destroyed a rare peaceful morning. Putting the pile of documents on the table, Theodore sighed in defeat, "This man is Alderic Goldberg, our guest, and I hope you all treat him with respect." Rolling his eyes at the man behind, Theodore frowned, "And you, Alderic, cut the act already."

The situation fell into silence, until a nurse voiced her doubt, breaking the tense atmosphere, "I don't think you should trust him, we just saw him lurking around the bush suspiciously near the gate." Following him, some nurses also raised their doubts, roaring. Just seconds later, the atmosphere changes, now accompanied by a cold aura that can be felt by Theodore. The smile is still on his face, but the usual Theodore is nowhere to be seen. "I do not recall that I have given you permission to question my decision. Alderic Goldberg will stay here, and I do not accept any confrontation." The firm statement sends chills through their spines, indeed all of them had swiftly buried their doubts. The culprit hesitantly raised his hand, his voice lowered in a whisper, "Actually I was lurking around the bushes because...the gatekeeper dogs chased me like they were chasing their lunch. Alderic continues his story, "I know I am irresistible but the dogs are ferocious, I swear."


"...So Cecil, can you guide Alderic to his room for me?" The usual gentle voice breaks the cringing atmosphere. Cecil was startled, then nodded, motioning for the others to get back to their jobs. What in the world is that excuse? They frown.

"I forgot to introduce myself properly. My name is Cecilia Adler, an apprentice to Doctor Theodore. If you need any help or have any questions, you can come to me. " Cecil speaks as she guides Alderic to the room, not too far from Theo's. The hallway was bathed in the light of spring, creating welcoming feelings. Cecil turns the key lightly and welcomes them to the sight of a room with basic furniture. The room is simple, but it gives off a cozy feeling as it is bathed in a warm tone of sun rays. Alderic curiously looks around, saying, "Thank you, Cecilia, for showing me around. I am in your debt." Though there is nothing much worth seeing, Alderic is clearly delighted to discover the room he just had. "I am sorry if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable since we don't have so much time," Cecil mumbled as she looked down at her shoes, the little hand grabbing the apron. "Sorry for not trusting you too. I didn't know that you were Theodore's guest." Please forgive my rudeness. "She mutters." Alderic sighed, looking at the girl standing in the doorway, unable to look into his eyes, "Being cautious is nothing wrong." Alderic raises his voice, now full of determination: "Raise your head, Cecilia; never bow down to anyone." Only when you can keep your head up high, then you can keep your loved one safe." Cecil looks at Alderic in astonishment for a moment. The stranger she had just met was full of surprises. Just a moment ago, she thought he was just some kind of bastard, treating them like fools, yet his words bore pain and suffering. Why did he say those words to her? A warm smile finally formed on Cecil's face. Finally, she understood why Theodore kept this man. "Thank you, I will remember your advice." Cecil reaches out for a handshake. "Call me Cecil, and I look forward to working with you, Alderic Goldberg."


Alderic now left alone in his new room, decides to organize the belongings instead. With some outfits, papers, and a pen, that's all of his luggage. Leaning against the window, the fresh scent of the woods ahead reached Alderic's nostrils. This kind of scent puts any disturbed heart at ease. Humming a forgotten melody, when suddenly a raven appears, obediently perched on his arm. The raven buries its head in his hand, clearly acting as if there was an inseparable bond between them. Tightening the small cloth on its leg, Alderic gently strokes the soft fur, saying, "It's been a while, old friend." You know what to do, don't you." Such a creature with black pupils looked at him closely as if it had understood its master's order. The raven immersed itself in the embrace of the forest, then disappeared under the tree branches. Left behind its master with a distant gaze.

"Well then, I am curious what the future will hold." Alderic lost himself in thought.

With some spare time to kill, Alderic decided to take a walk around the mansion. In the gentle sunlight of the spring, several patients lay lazily, chatting and enjoying their time. Alderic can hear faint giggles from the nurses joking with each other and the chirping birds creating a harmonious melody. This peaceful reality is no doubt contrary to the cruel world screaming out there. Taking a deep breath of long-unseen calmness, he can feel a slight sense of peace at the bottom of his chaotic heart for the first time. Yet, Alderic tried his best to savor it.

However, he is again pulled back to the dreadful reality just by a particular man passing by - the real reason a mercenary has the privilege of being present here. The chestnut eyes immediately return to normal after a simple gaze exchange. Layers of intentions appear to be hidden deep beneath such mundane gestures.

Soon everything will turn its gears...

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