Chapter 27

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The sun slowly wakes up from a pleasant night, stretching, then shines its gentle rays through the soft clouds to welcome a new day. While the residents of the earth are still nestled in the warm embrace of dreams, Cecil is already starting her day under the hood of the home. As per routine, she begins by preparing a delightful breakfast for all before shifting her focus toward the patients. She casually walks from her respective room to the main kitchen. Throughout the empty hallway, Cecil got a chance to appreciate the view as well as the fresh breeze slowly slipping its way into the mansion. A scene she got used to, yet why did every experience feel like the first time? Despite being alone now, the warmth of light glimmering through the windows became her tender companion, a smile slowly painted.

However, today is unlike any other. Just as she stepped out in joy, they suddenly came to a stop. A figure entered her vision, standing right at the back entrance that leads to the forest. Surely, curiosity got the best of Cecil. It seems that this figure is doing something quite suspicious. From a cloaked hood to the decent bag, everything appears wrong about that mysterious... man. Should Cecil pretend she saw nothing or continue her day as usual? "What if the man has malicious intentions?" She thought. A flood of scenarios runs through her mind, yet they all do not end well. Cecil needs to do something, and this is her only chance. Cecil made the quick decision to dash back to her room. She grabbed a thin coat from a hook and headed for the edge of the forest in the hopes that she would make it in time. Fortunately, Fate is on her side, as the man is still within her sight. Running all out in the early forest, Cecil pursues the figure with all of her might. What greets her along the way is the sound of the rustling of leaves as she passes through.

There can be no question that a man outmuscles Cecil physically, with clear evidence of the distance they have. Consequently, the remaining energy was quickly expended, forcing her to pause so she could catch her breath. The poor girl, heaving for air, while her eyes drifted down to the ground. The moment she glanced up, the familiar figure was already nowhere to be seen. A sense of loss covers her heart. Leaning on the blurry memory, step by step, she crosses the rough road. The woods' paths are not always kind, its mischief could trap any wanderer in an infinite maze. In the end, becoming a part of the forest will be those lost souls' destiny. With each fumbling step, she knows it's only a matter of time before this body reaches its limit. Yet, her determination can't be moved. In this situation, the old Cecil would definitely fall into fear and falter. Though strong on the outside, Cecil has always tried to hide her weak self. The little girl is sobbing, her muddy hands wiping away the tears in vain. She hates herself for that, hates how weak her body is to not even be able to catch up with that man. If she can't do something as simple as this, then how is she going to bemable to help him? But Luke... he has taught her what courage is. From the day he became a fighter, death hung over his head, waiting for the right moment. Every battle, every challenge, he faced with an unwavering determination, even the marks they mercilessly left on his body, suffering him in pain when the night came. A brave yet lonely man. Take a deep breath, Cecil continues her journey, for her heart is fueled by him.

Until then, Cecil heard something, the sound of chattering and footsteps coming in her direction. When she raised her head, she noticed a group of men who appeared to be bandits and were ostensibly looking for prey. Cecil tried her best to duck down into the bush next to the tree after becoming instantly aware of the danger nearby. Her hands were tightly clasped around her gasping mouth. The very next thing she observes is total silence, as though everything in this world has come to a complete stop. Cecil looked forward but couldn't see any living souls. A relieved sigh escaped. "I'm safe now," she presumed.

Deep down, somehow it doesn't feel right. Abruptly turned back, a bandit greeted her in an obnoxious tone, "Found ya." Reflex kicks in, and the girl backs up towards the trunk. Before her is the grim face of a strange man, with a sense of murder surrounding him. The man let out a deviant laugh, pleased to have such quality prey after days in these woods. He put his fingers up Cecil's face, lifting the chin. The bandits lock eyes with her, their disgusting breath bearing the sight of a cold blood animal. "What should I do with you?" the predator proudly examined his prey. Cecil can no longer tolerate the brat. No, she must fight to her last breath. Once again, the desire to survive is flowing through her veins, and the desire to act is heightened. A fraction of the time is all it takes for the girl to land a heavy punch on the man beforehand. Experiencing such an abrupt move, the bandit stumbles to the ground, hugging his face. Now is her chance. Despite all the sore muscles screaming in pain, the mind remains steadfast. Cecil, powered by the will of life, swiftly evades the dangerous scene into the unknown.

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