Chapter 72

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On a serene night when the stars gather above, the commoners of Averi are nested in deep, restful sleep, as is the pivotal harbor of Averi. With the calm waves washing over the pillars and platforms, here lies what, all of a sudden, disturbs such sacred peace. That's no other than a battleship emerging from the shadow, seemingly searching for a target in pure silence. At last, its canons are turning toward the lonely harbor, now ready to engage. How unfortunate that, with only the stars and the cold sea accompanying tonight, its scream cannot be heard. In no time did the fireballs unleash their full power, tearing the air to reach their final destination, to send fear under every of its touch. The resting residents of Averi's harbor jolt awake from the deadly sound, only to witness everything they had built and lived with, collapse at once, burying along their hope to change lives, their dream to sail miles, to the very place beyond this land. All, from the tainted windows in the run-down rooms, in the stunned eyes of powerless beings.

There is no way to turn back now.

War horns have resounded.

Soon the consultants gathered in the throne chamber with utmost concern. They were all here for a reason, the port of Averi was being attacked in its most vulnerable state. The bitterness stuck in her throat the moment the numbers and details unfolded. An outcome none of them can predict. An intriguing plan to cut Averi's vital strength. This is, no doubt, a statement from her dear brother, King of Hyram. How could she be this naive? Peace... Was never an option. "We can't let Hyram despise us like this! Your Majesty, please decide on a reciprocated." The advisors clearly attract many, as they all nod in agreement. It's natural to strike back at what was theirs, yet the component is no easy man. Knowing Arioch for years, she knows, a sweet trap awaits any reckless move. Her young empire, her people can't take this high price. Alderic takes a step ahead, bowing at her, "Your majesty, our force is still too weak for any combat. I'm afraid our lives couldn't protect you." The man entrusted with the realm's protection immediately crumbled the flickering hope on the consultants' faces.

"We can't fight this war alone." That's right, there has always been the only solution.

A game changer moves no monarch dares to use.

The heroic pages of the monarch's legacy are written in majestic. Of pride and supremacy halo only belongs to Kings and Queens. The day the crown rests upon their head, song of glorifying shall be praised from each child of the realm. Yet, only the deadly silence before the storm and the destitute of her people, greetings the young Queen. No scepter, no crown, the Queen appears in a simple white dress. Walking down the street, the peasant's eyes meet her gentle smile. No threats, no orders, no fear. She is different. Even the mud tainted her steps, even the judging gaze never once left her sight, the Queen does not shred a single light of back down. As she steps forward, the whole world seems to hold its breath. Never could they believe they could have a chance to see such scene. Taking a loaf of bread, she gently gives to a child. Hesitate at first, the small mouth trembles in starving soon hungrily devour. "Eat slowly, there are plenty more." She chuckles while stroking the child's back. To everyone's astonishment, she quickly shares the food to each of their hands. Not even forget to show her care. No one is leaving behind. Her soft yet powerful touch quickly brings a relief aura.

A child runs after her joyfully. Ignoring the reminder of the guards, Evelyn gently carries the child in her hands. His hands playfully played with her golden braid. With a nod, the doors of the barns slowly opened to the starving souls. Before anyone had a chance to raise questions, Evelyn was already pulling a sack of potatoes then distribute. For so long that they could feel the rough texture of fresh crops slowly wrapping around their fingers, they now eagerly spread their hands to receive from a kind stranger. In the first moment she glances up, only to meet the stars glistering in their tired eyes, and their smiles are as bright as the sun.

Still carrying the child in her hands, Evelyn said out loud, "Hear me, for I understand your suffering, your pain. Hear me, for I loved each of you, my people, children of Averi. Hear me, for Averi needs you more than ever." Takes a deep breath, and the sight of each of their faces quietly rests in her gaze. This place, this fate was no longer stranger. Everything she yearns for is peace. An end to this endless cycle of agony. "We are under attack. The port is just the beginning." her solemn voice reaches out to each of them. "Averi, your home needs your help." Yet, some furious ray hint fixes on her. "You are doing all of this just to use us again?" The faded trust she built vanished under the lurking doubts. "I'm not asking you to protect me." Magisterial fills her voice. "Your voice shall never be forgotten."

"Rise up from the dust, we fall

Rise up from the dust, we fight

Rise up and let them hear our roar."

For our family and home

For the day, we forever buried the bows and blades.

To Evelyn's surprise, one man stands apart from the crowd, kneeling, "I hope you keep your promise, my Majesty." Then, waves of commoners slowly followed the man with all due respect and hope. May her words bear the truth, not lies.

"I believe you have made your decision." Sheritre smiled lightly. Replying back with a nod, Evelyn let go of the child. Joining the allies, a map is revealed before her. If war was his decision, then shall be it. "Sheritre, I'm counting on you." Taking a deep breath, Sheritre holds onto the hyacinth necklace. Summoning all concentration, the sage breaks open the boundaries of time. Time, the Mightiest of all, obeys my wish. Placing her hands on the map, countless vivid images filled her mind. The reflections send her whole body into an intense trembling state. Soldiers, weapons... Time whispers its answer. Each of the places her hand reaches, hope greets.

Finally fall down to her seat, sweat falling down her forehead. A ray of self-blame crossed her golden eyes as Evelyn softly patted her shoulder. Withdrawing her gaze, Evelyn turns around to face "Axl, Reid, Cecil, and Camille." Right when she calls their names, the four immediately bow. "I'll need your assistance."

"Give my brother what he deserves."

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