Chapter 55

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Axl stretches his arms while yawning loudly at the yard, inhaling the fresh air of the early morning. A perfect way to enjoy a new day, indeed. The dark eyes catch the sight of Reid picking up the berries in a bush nearby. A playful smile curled. Lately, he has discovered a new elegant hobby, which is provoking Reid. Well, at least it helped him get through the tension from that couple. Hiding behind a tree, Axl waits for a chance to scare Reid from behind. Reid clearly doesn't notice as he concentrates on the unfinished work. Unknowing what lies behind that oak tree, a mischievous fox is planning a wicked plan. In his innocent smile, Reid would blush in embarrassment, probably yelling at him or at worst threatening to kill him. Surely losing his life would be the worst scenario, but seeing his face is enough. Axl proudly laughs at his perfect plan. From nowhere, cold hands caress his cheeks from behind. The moment the wet, slurpy fluid from those hands touched him, Axl screamed with all his might. Reaching his cheeks, a blood-like liquid appears on his hand. This time, Axl screamed even harder. Reid naturally licked the liquid off his hands. "What? Is the mighty Axl scared of strawberries?" Axl's face was bright red, the color of embarrassment. "You devil." A new day at the cottage starts with a fiery argument between the two.

Evelyn doesn't even have to step outside to know where the two are. Just like a routine, instead of waiting for their meaningless arguing to end, she decides to make breakfast. She decides on a simple one with bread and fruit. At least that is what she thought. Having almost no experience in the kitchen, she finally realized how hard it is to make a meal. Flour covered her face, down to the apron. With a few more efforts, the shape of a bread loaf took shape. "Just a hint of sugar should be good," she thought in delight. Yet, her face immediately goes blank when she finds out the sugar jar is out of her reach. She can't ask for the two, and especially Alderic, after all of this, he needs rest. Tiptoeing, she tried to reach the shelf. The hand scrabbled for the jar, finally touching its goal. She takes the sugar jar, and a photo falls to her surprise. Wipe away the layer of dust, it's a family photo. The mother held her son with a beautiful smile in the father's loving arms. The golden eyes are wide open as she realizes the familiar faces. The same emerald eyes, how could she be mistaken? Isn't he, Alderic?

What is this place?

A faint footstep catches her attention. Quickly, the photo was hidden just in time for him to step in. "Morning, Eve." Alderic greets her tiredly, leaning on the kitchen counter. Judging from the eye bags and the languishing look on his face, she can tell how his recent nights of sleep were. Just as bad as the situation they are facing. "Why don't you catch some rest? Is it because of them?" She asks concerningly. Yet, Alderic gently patted her head. "No, leave them. I can't sleep anyway." Takes a sip, thankfully, the warm water keeps him awake. "About him-" Evelyn hesitated. Alderic gives her a reluctant smile. "Don't worry, I will take care of him." He gripped two loaves and disappeared behind the stairs. Will his efforts work? She does pray that it will come true.

Just a few steps away from his room, Alderic took a deep breath. Forcing himself to throw away all the hint of exhaustion that lingered on his face, Alderic tried to be his old self. How difficult it is that this version of him has become a stranger. "Ready to start your day, doctor?" Alderic grins at the man lying motionless on the bed. "Not fair. You would definitely scold me when I was lazy in bed, and now I can't." Despite what he says, his actions speak differently. The strong hands helped Theodore get up from the bed, carefully carrying him to the wooden chair nearby. Gently, he brushes the auburn hair, feeling its softness touch his fingertips. "Your hair is getting longer," he looks at the reflection in the mirror. Like what he sees the auburn curls falling down the shoulder like founts, covering the dazzling sapphire eyes. Leaning toward his face, Alderic looks mischievously at Theodore in the mirror. "Although I'm not complaining, long hair would cause quite a hassle, don't you think?" As decided, with a pair of scissors, Alderic put on his serious mode. Such concentration was only summoned on the battlefield and is now pouring down on the scissors. The golden sunlight finally appears behind the clouds, bathing the room in an unexplainable softness. There was no agony, no frustrations, only the steady sound of the devoted scissors, only them. 

"I have always dreamt of a day like this," Alderic whispered softly. "Cutting your hair, staying by your side even when we have become two old men." The giggles dance in the air as imaginations cross his mind. A few more touches with the tied ribbon and the job is finished. "Just what I thought, you always look perfect." Alderic nods in satisfaction. After changing him into new clothes, Alderic covered Theodore in layers of coats. Locking his hand with his, they start a new day together.

From the storage, Alderic grabs the necessary equipment. Guiding Theodore to the lake nearby, he only started his usual work after making sure Theodore rested safely on the log. The sunlight glows in the reflection of the gentle waves, with the cool wind bringing along the fresh scent. Stretching his arms, Alderic set up the fishing pole, then took the seat next to him. With a neat swing, the pole's blade falls deep into the flow of the water. Time passed softly in the color of the clear river. Sighing softly, he realized the winter was coming closer. "Time always runs so fast when I'm with you." He laughs. They met in the softness of spring and now, in the glimpse of winter. Noticing the cold breeze, Alderic tightened Theodore's collar, blocking even the sightless touch of coldness from reaching him. Blowing the warmth from his own hands, he naturally wrapped Theodore's hands in his. The warmth of their bodies harmonizes, chasing away the cold. "Normally, you won't let me touch you like this." Alderic laughed to himself. "Sometimes, I think it's not so bad to be like this..." The pair of hands holding Theodore tighten. "But in the end, I still missed my old Theo more." Nothing but the wind replies to him. Stroking the auburn hair falling by the wind, his hand lingered at Theodore's side. Sadness covers those emerald eyes. Even every bit of his last consciousness fell apart, even the fake smile he puts on every day can't bear it any longer, but he is still stubbornly holding onto its thin thread. For him, for the day of his return... This is nothing.

Spending the whole day here, and Alderic can't catch any fish. Well, that wasn't his intention anyway. Easily, Alderic wrapped Theodore easily around his chest, carrying him back to the house. Just like a closed loop, everything has operated the same for god knows how long. A dead-end loop surrounded him, Theodore. After changing Theodore's clothes, Alderic helps him to bed as usual. Leaning on the bedrail, it's hard to tell the difference between him and a doll, the navy eyes look through him, to the void behind. The emerald eyes fix on him defeatedly. This time... He couldn't pretend anymore. The tall figure falls down to his knees. "What should I do?" the hoarse voice whispered. How long will this nightmare continue? How much longer will this hopeless loop last? "What should I do?" he yells. "Tell me... Please, anything," he begs. Frustrated tears fall from those dreary eyes. The bitter tears haven't fallen for years just to be answered back by the silence. Holding Theodore's hand, he sobs, "This is all my fault. It was I, the one who takes everything from you." Bitterness lingered in his dry throat. "Kill me, destroy me. You can do whatever you want. This life is yours to take." In his blurred vision, he entreats.

"But please... Please, give my Theo back..."

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