Chapter 44

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There is, after all, a benefit to being trapped in this luxurious cage for so long. Years of patience and observation have served her well enough to know every path hidden in the darkness. For some time, she has thought of running away, of leaving everything behind her back. Deep down, she knows... she doesn't belong to this place, to the Sylvester. In the heart of the black roses, rises a sunflower, gracefully reaching the sun. The Sylvester family is known for their sharp emerald eyes and night sky-like hair, yet her silky hair, her dazzling eyes are dyed in the color of the glittering sunlight. Still, she grew in their dear embrace, in their protection.

For she has owned them this much... How could she just ignore them all and run?

Crossing through the hallways, two figures lean on the moonlight to guide their way. This night seems more quiet than usual. There was no sound of the wind nor the voice of the frogs, leaving only the beating sound of a tangled heart, carrying unexplainable emotions. Hundreds of thousands of theories filled his chaotic mind. What he would do, what he should say... to him. Will it work? Will all of these efforts to bet both his life and Evelyn's on the cross be enough to touch his now barren heart? In the name of hope, he prayed for a miracle. He yearns for nothing but a thin string of hope for this sinful soul to beg for forgiveness, begging him not to leave him behind in this abyss. No, he didn't dare ask for precious forgiveness. He just wants to see him again, to be drowned in those bright, loving ocean eyes, devoured by the gentle voice calling out his name... Just like those days.

Finally, the prison gate was within their reach, guarded by two guards. With the polearm in their hands, their eyes scanned the surroundings mercilessly. "Must be the work of Arioch," Evelyn clicked her tongue, "Stay here, I will buy you some time." Before Alderic can say anything, Evelyn has stepped out of the hideout. Under the vivid moonlight, her beauty glows like a crystal. The golden hair fell on the silk gown, bathing her in a fragile sense no one could resist. The guard noticed her, "My Lady, you are not supposed to be here. Please leave instantly.". Holding herself trembling, pearls falling down the golden eyes quietly, she sent both of the guards in utter astonishment. Witnessing such beauty is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for ordinary people like them. Her fragileness, her tears soften their mind, drive them into madness. "I lost my way," she sobbed, "Could you lead me back to my room?" A fighter could have countless ways to fight their battle. Yet, this beauty can be handy at times like this. The moment the guards escort Evelyn away, Alderic quickly sneaks through the gates. Their eyes crossed for a moment.

Thank you, Eve. I'm forever in your debt...

The moment, I stepped in, the prison was frozen in utter coldness. For years, the filthy cell blocks and the damp odor haunted me. Inside each of the cells are the prisoners. Some are able to cling to the few sparks of consciousness, counting their days, others fall into insanity, scratching the sore skin, laughing madly as their dingy fingers assiduously push them to the edge of becoming a disgusting monster. Then there were some that were nothing but corpses, ending up being a feast for the rats. This is the hell that welcomes those who are unfortunate enough to catch Arioch's interest. Fury, engulfment, and death soon imbued every brick of this prison. A sudden sense of fear invaded my mind. What if he becomes like them...? For Theodore, I cherish you like a gem in these hands, shattered to pieces in this place... No, I'm not allowed. In the name of Alderic Sylvester, in this life, I never allowed.

Then, in the final cell of the row, lies that person, Theodore.

Half submerged in the darkness, the silver light of the moon traced the soft silhouette of him. Sitting on the frail bed, the auburn hair messily hides his expression, only leaving the sight of the dried lips. The chained hands rested on his lap, dust, and filth of this place stained the white blouse. Seeing him like this, left me with nothing but heartbreak. Never have I chosen for us to end up like this. "Theodore," I call out his name, despite his silence. The name I have called countless times just for this moment seems so strange. "Theodore!", I called again and again, but none of them was enough to reach him. The beating heart that for the first time learns how to love is now strangled by his invisible hands. Gripping on the iron bars I beg, "Theo...Theo." The name I'd only dared to call in a dream. Yet, the man in the cell remains unflinching, staring at his hands. "You are right to hate me, but please... please just look at me... even just for once." Just a glance will ease away the pain burning in my heart. A glance to chase away the guilt burning in my cells. Theodore doesn't say anything but stands up, turning his back to me. Through the small window, he admires the bright moon. The flickering light reveals how frail his back is, bearing such responsibilities for so many years. Just to crumble in my palms... Finally, I realized the cost of being arrogant, to claim I understood him even though all I did was see the tip of the iceberg, to even dare to have feelings for him... Tracing the loosened hand, crimson scratches bloomed dazzlingly on the pale skins. Is Arioch doing this? No, he would do more than just a few scratches. Then the blushing fingernails lingered for a few rays of blood, which caught my attention.

No... This was my fault... I was the one breaking the precious sapphire in my hands.

"The moon tonight and that night are so alike." He finally said. The gentle voice I have grown familiar with is now a rusty, low voice as if it were broken. "That night?" I asked with doubt. What is he trying to say? "Do you remember what you said that night, at the Castle's garden?" How can I forget that designated night, the day we were bound together in the 'agreement'. Your trembling breath on my neck, your gaze scanning me. The first chapter of our story. Before this spark of hope could grow, he was mercilessly crushed under the cold tone, forcing me to face the bare truth. I will gladly let you take my life... The arrogant words of my past self drowned us.

"Alderic Livius Sylvester, I will come and ask for that debt." Those are the words of my loved one.

Words and tears seem to be trapped inside this broken soul. I couldn't say anything... Didn't dare to say anything. "Your wish is my command." I lingered at his sight. Forced a smile on my face, I tried to sound like the Alderic he has always known, my real self, "But at least, kill me on a field, not this damp place, won't you."

I will save you from this place


When the time comes

You could put an end to our story...

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