Chapter 13

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"Reid?" Theodore looks at the boy in astonishment, "How can you find us?" He lifts off the cloak's hood, revealing the face of a young boy, his icy eyes piercing Alderic cautiously. Reid only lets down his guard after realizing how close Alderic is to Theodore as if he were a dear friend. Observing the surroundings, Reid can take a faint guess at what happened: "You should thank the man next to you, not me." He stands while crossing his arms, "The marks he left on the trees help me trace you better." The grin shines on Alderic's face. He eagerly turns to Theodore, waiting for a compliment. "But what you did was too risky in this kind of weather. You could put both him and your life on the edge."

Reid approached Alderic then pulls his collar, forcing him to look into his eyes, in a solemn tone he speaks, "I don't know what your intention is. But if you lay a hand on Theodore and hurt him." Reid growled, "I will hunt you down and tear you to pieces till the end of my breath." Facing such a threatening welcome, Alderic remains unmoved. "No worries, boy. I do not intend to hurt your doctor." He rolled his eyes at Theodore, smirking, "However, I can't promise to not lay my hands on him." Fortunately, Theodore arrived just in time to save Alderic from Reid's punch. "He is our guest, and don't be affected by his teasing." Finally, Reid lets go of Alderic, then coldly throws a bag at him, "Supply and weapons. 2 minutes," his gaze returned to the entrance.

After checking his wounds, Theodore holds onto Alderic's arm to help him stand up. The headache comes soon enough, forcing him to lean on Theodore's shoulder. Having a shorter figure, Theodore can't help but feel a warm breath hitting his neck, sending a shiver across his body. Theodore never caught himself in a situation like this, eventually, the warmth of someone warmed up his cheek to his ear. "Are you alright? Can you walk?" Theodore asks, concerned, as he can feel Alderic's body shaking lightly. The response to his back is a soft nod and an assuring smile, and soon Alderic lets go of the firm shoulder, leaving Theodore with a strange feeling... Emptiness.

"The storm has damaged the path to the faculty. We have no choice but to take a detour." Exactly as Reid stated, the sight he encounters outside the cave is not what he expected. The heavy rains have caused trees to fall, and the ground is much muddier. Not to mention, God knows where they are in the forest right now. "What about the road I take?" Alderic adds with a frown but only shakes his head in response. "No need to worry, I know the way home." Reid raises his finger, pointing at his head, "It's all in here."

Because of the muddy ground, they have no choice but to walk across the forest, with Reid taking the lead. "Thankfully, we have Reid on our side," Theodore muttered. "Can we rely on his memories to get back on track?" Alderic wondered after he accidentally heard Theo's muttering.

They embark on the journey to the mansion, with such serene scenes of a forest after it has been raining cats and dogs. Birds chirp busily. Bees and butterflies wake full of life, idling and flying around blooming flowers. Crisp light gleamed through the leaves, bathing the whole forest in a calm hue of green. For a doctor like Theodore, who has grown accustomed to the laboratory rather than adventure, this trip was definitely exciting, a once-in-a-while opportunity to use a change of scenery. Theodore closed his eyes, inhaling the freshness lingering in the air, easing his mind. Deciding that's enough, Theodore steals a glance at the other man. Despite being injured earlier, the man remains solemn, walking at a slower pace. Theodore took that as a cue to match his speed, as though such a move would show how much Theodore cared for the others. Reid, in Theodore's mind, was a young and skinny boy with dark hair and eyes—a boy who may appear unapproachable to outsiders, but only those who are mutual can see what's beneath layers of walls built up to protect his weak self. A kind-hearted boy. Unfortunately, Reid is not on the outgoing side. Most of the time, Reid just decides to stay in his room.

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