Chapter 20

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The raven flaps its wings steadily, cutting through layers of clouds with ease. Its dark star-like fur blends into the starry night, dancing with the stars. The ceaseless wings continue the journey even till the first sunlight of the day reflects on the dark fur. However, though the itinerary is quite a challenge to come by, this only applies to the common birds. "Orville," the raven, has carried on these kinds of missions countless times, helping to deliver its master's will. After all, clouds are not the only thing those wings have been through. Through flames and blood, it strikes forward.

After what seems like an eternity, the destination, the faraway northern land, finally welcomes Orville. The breeze of the north embraces its expatriate child. Leaning on the soft touch of the wind, the raven glided around in mid-air and then finally landed in a magnificent garden. A beautiful garden with all kinds of flowers competing for the beauty prize, but the most graceful of all must be the lady, sitting quietly. Hiding under the golden curls are the gems dyed in melancholy. Dressed in an elegant gown, putting on a noble appearance every day quickly became a routine for ladies, especially given her family's social standing. Undoubtedly, even hearing her last name is more than enough for them to be on their knees, trembling in utter fear. Look at the clear sky, she sighs. Hundreds desired this life: to be in the highest position, to be able to look down on others, but to her... this is nothing more than a glamour cage tailored for her. Orville lands on her arm. The black pupils look at her with curiosity. He obediently rubbed his head against her, demanding a caress from her. His efforts pay off as the lady cracks a light smile, "Olli, you have come back." She gently pats his head. The raven seems to enjoy it so much that it even shakes its tail. "You would never know how envious I am of you, Olli," she sighs. The raven in her hands fills with freedom, able to explore the vast world out there in a blink, and for her... her whole world is this mansion. Her wings had soon been taken away.

Then, the black ribbon catches her attention, and the smile on her face fades away. Though she doesn't have the chance to support her family's work, she knows this is a bad omen. The raven spread its wings, ready to take off after a meaningful rest. Orville traverses to the south side of the mansion, landing on an open window. Her father's study room...

"How long since the last time we meet...", she whispered to the wind, "I miss you."

Wherever you are, please be safe...

"My pleasure meeting you, my lady," the voice of a man dragging her out of her world of thoughts. Before she is the sight of a patrician man dressing quite humbly, bowing at her in respect. Now, look at her closely, the perplexity drawing over his face as his eyes can't even face her directly. She might not notice, but the Lady sitting before him now bears an angelic beauty. Her golden eyes were as bright as the sun, standing out from her porcelain skin. She then greets him with a light bow and her gentle voice rings like a bell," As I am too, to greet you in my garden, may I know your name, Sir?" "I am Gerald Ward, an artist, my Lady." Having attended countless social occasions, meeting all kinds of people, she soon mundane to see. Those nobles did not even match their mighty titles. Plundering, and flattering, they are immersed in the cycle of pleasures, bathed in power and money. Will they ever get tired of wearing that many masks? Yet, this time is different... He is different.

Gerald gives her his honest heart, and his hesitation, all of that seems real. Will today be the mark of a turn in the string of her dull days? Like a winding box, they soon shared a pleasant conversation on all kinds of topics. His colorful perspective as an artist opens a whole new world she has always dreamt of, guiding her to see the world through his eyes. She didn't even realize she'd been laughing wholeheartedly for so long.

So this is what it feels like to have a friend.

Until a maid approaches and asks him to visit her father, their little conversation has finally come to the end. "Thank you for your warm welcome, my Lady." He gives her an earnest smile, "As I was asked to portrait my Lady, I promise to deliver my best." A strange feeling sprouted in her heart. For so long, she has felt excited to look forward to that promise. As he is about to take his leave, Gerald takes out a piece of paper from his pocket. It's nothing but a simple drawing of the scenery of a river running peacefully through a field, not even worth a penny. Gerald surely understands that, and yet, his face is now bright red. "Though there is nothing special, this place is very special to me." He looks at her shyly. "I hope this will fade away your sorrow, my Lady."

What a strange man. She stares at his back, then caresses the painting, "Thank you, I will cherish this."

Sure enough, after Gerald leaves, a familiar man shows up in the hallway. Though wearing a smile, the man radiates a dangerous temperament. Be aware that he might give you the feeling of safety, whispering those honey-glazed words, but he will be sure to devour every drop of despair the moment he crushes all those little delusions. As if a snake seducing the path of sins. The man, whom she has spent all her life beside him, yet she could never understand him as a whole. Is it because he was too sophisticated, or is she afraid that once the truth speaks for itself, it will change her once and for all? A mere second is enough for him to spot her figure. "Long time no see, you have grown gracefully so quickly." He smiles at her. The gloved hand elegantly held the wrist, allowing him to plant a light greeting kiss. Through the silver glasses glistering in the sun, his eyes pierced through her soul. After all, reading people's minds is not a laborious task. At some point, he even thinks of it as entertainment... and the girl is no exception.

Oh my," he looks at her amusingly," That artist reminds you of him. Am I right, my dear Evelyn." Pure astonishment is depicted clearly in her eyes. For a split minute, she somehow forgets how to breathe. Still wearing that same smile, he acted sincerely apologetically, "My dear Evelyn, how can you still be a fool of that fiction?" Lowering his head, he whispered to her in a seductive tone, "Let him go and join us, Evelyn." , "He will bring you nothing good, for his existence is a sin." Fragments of her childhood flowed back, distorted images of a boy always by her side, colored her little world... He was everything she had, even now. "No... don't you mention that ever again." In disappointment, the man lets go. "As you wish, my stubborn Lady."

Taking a final look at Evelyn, he toyed with her curls, "Now that we mention that bastard, he just gave me a perfect gift." Without changing his icy voice, he said, "I have to come up with something to repay my gratitude." Evelyn immediately stood up in alarm, her hands grabbing the opponent's collar, "Don't you dare hurt him, Arioch." , "I will not forgive you." He kisses her soft hair. Such an act is completely opposite to what was on full display in his eyes. Emotionless with a hint of fierceness. Evelyn is valiant enough to look at them directly, confronting the wicked soul. "Then at least I will make sure he is still alive to present you."

"My poor innocent sister, don't you see... The game has begun."

Left alone in the garden, Evelyn can't help but feel a shiver running through her spine.

How bitter it is. The feeling of being powerless. She can not at least give him the faintest warning, that without being noticed under the piercing eyes. Invisible chains pin her down but are kind enough to let their victim enjoy the view. No choice was left aside from witnessing Arioch's plan being executed in full effect. She knew once Arioch was serious, he would leave nothing but agony. Such a realization only amplifies the apprehension. Tears already tainted her cheeks, slowly reaching the trembling jawline. The stream of suffering eventually fell into the bare ground, saying goodbye as quickly as it had been born...

Having completed his task, the raven is ready to return to its master as the black wings drive it forward. The sight of the black raven vanishing behind the clouds catches her eye. If only she can have her own, Evelyn will surely fly to his side. To the person, she has waited for all this time.

Wherever you are...please be careful... for the storm is coming to you to take away what you cherished...

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