Chapter 47

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"We have to fight back... But how?" Sheritre falls into contemplation. Now that the goal has been set, the method to make their wishes come true is still unknown. The soothing sound of the fireplace danced in the air, yet couldn't reach the girls. At least the bustling children are outside playing, leaving them some rare silence. Resting the forehead on her hand, Cecil forces her mind to think of something useful. She couldn't have a strategic mind like Theodore or a determined will like Reid, but there must be something only she could do. An idea of joining Reid in Hyram was sparked, only to be denied immediately. Joining them would only be a waste of time and a burden. They need a solution, a way to put an end to all of this chaotic play.

"What about Averi? Don't you think we are too focused on Hyram?" Sheritre continued, "In the last vision I saw, a faded image of Averi's castle crossed my mind." The green eyes look at her friend in astonishment. Sheritre was right. Why do they just blindly believe Hyram was the culprit, ignoring the possibility of Averi's involvement? Though the men of that day and Alderic shared the same blood, they were both enemies. But why them? Why attack a harmless sanctuary of the orphanage? Was it just because of Theodore? Her instinct tells...there must be a hidden puzzle behind this tragedy

The ultimate culprit, playing with them in its palm.

"I will go," Cecil said, firmly fixing her eyes on Sheritre. One sacrifice is enough, she couldn't afford more of them to disappear in front of her eyes. Death was no longer her fear. If this final mission could save all her loved ones in exchange for her life, then so be it. If that reality happens, then she could finally meet him and be with him forever. "You know I won't accept, right?" Sheritre looked coldly at her, sending Cecil into utter surprise. The Sheritre in her memory was just a little girl with braided hair, pointing at the stars delightfully. Her silver eyes sparkled as she was nonstopping from the universe and the stars. But now, standing in front of her is no longer a little girl but a warrior fighting for her home, for her life. How could she turn away in front of such a powerful will? "You understand this is dangerous... I might be unable to protect you?" Cecil asks with caution, just to get a determined nod from Sheritre. "I fully understand, this time I won't stand still and wait."

"We will help too!" The wooden door cracks open as the children fall down on each other. While the two thought they were just playing outside, their conversation should have been heard carefully. Before Cecil could refuse, one of them had already taken one step forward. "Cecil! I found something while cleaning the house!" The image of Amber rushing to Cecil, her hands clutching a brown notebook. Without any words from Amber, she then continues, "I found this in that bag over there." Cecil turns over the cover, revealing a small note. "To those able to retrieve this notebook, a great responsibility will be handed to you, the keeper. Listed here are heinous sins gathered by months of research, which cannot be made without sacrifice. Bring them to light, shall the crime maker bear the punishments." The paragraph ends with a slightly faded sentence. "Judgment is served under your will..." Those words, oddly frightened, were already sending shivers down their bodies. "Let's ask around if anyone recognizes this." Cecil and Sheritre, hand in hand, embark on the journey to find its master, or at the very least, its origin.

After spending the entire morning together, the two were unable to find an answer to the lingering question. For all they got is the simple response, "I don't know." No... The bag cannot appear out of nowhere... While the duo is having a lively discussion. "I think we should seek any clue in the notebook itself," Sheritre, who is now stroking her chin as if an intellectual sage, is thinking. Cecil clearly agreed with the idea, nodding. Lifting each page, the truth reveals itself. The realm of knowledge and the bare truth, obtained through fire and blood, welcome the innocent mind. All they know about Averi, of their lives vanished into ashes. How terrified the power of knowledge to crush such a powerful man under its judgment. Then, at the end, a name catches their attention.

Aurora Wenennefer... Mother?

The silver eyes were wide open in surprise. Though separated since young, she can still feel a strange feeling calling for her through neat handwriting. Not to mention the same surname they shared. "Reid took this from my mother." Sheritre said, surely to everyone's shock. Holding the book, she smiles reluctantly, "I never thought I would meet her in a situation like this." The mysteries are all connected to a simple truth. Reid's condition, the origin of the mysterious necklace that awakened a strange power in her, and the reason that drove them to this point were all for the benefit of one person. The same person her mother has exchanged her life for, to protect her beloved daughter. A warm flow of tears fell down. Even though she has been absent from this world for so long, even though she has been cast into the void of loneliness, she continues to protect herself until the very end. With this priceless information, they could finally fulfill Theodore's wish, saving every one of them from the tragic end that awaits. Cecil and the children surrounded her in a circle, easing away her tears with their warmth. Their presence tenderly reminded her how awful it would be to be weak at this moment.

It's time to ask for the debts from that bastard.

"We need to publish the truth." Her mother lies the decision in her hands. Now, this is her answer. It's time to take back what was theirs. "But how?" a child wondered. Her little hand grabs Cecil's dress tightly. Patting her head, Cecil gives a reassuring smile. Though she wasn't always handling Theodore's other matters like Reid, she did know a corner. Hopefully enough to serve their wills. Reid, I wish you were here, Cecil sighed.

"I know a person who could help us." That's right, only she could help them, but at an equal price. A price equal to the warmth of vengeance burning in her broken heart. For she was no other than the diamond in his hand, the one helping Theodore, control the nights of Averi, Camille.

Will she be willing to help them in the absence of Theodore? Only fate could answer. But for their sake, she was ready to bet. For this tragedy to end, she would do anything. 

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