Chapter 52

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Barging on the prestigious throne, are the swarm of knights led by the wicked man, Arioch, who surprisingly became their leader. Not until a hint of blood stain on the sleeve happened to grab Alderic's attention. Not so well kept, aren't you? The blade of judgment once again rises. It's time for the sinner to pay its debt. An obnoxious voice spoke up, trying to confront "You sinful demon! How dare you murder our King, our father!" An exquisite performance indeed! Applause welcomes Arioch. But, every show must come to an end. Will the executioner unveil its lie under that thick mask? The man, unmoved by the illusory act, already had his answer. 

"You filthy rat!"

A grin from Arioch rested at last before the swarm of royal knights rush to where he stood. As if the hungry beasts finally got to taste the prey after so long, Alderich's eyes fly open... Now, it's time to fight back. To the silver blade gripped tightly with faith, rampage-fueled blood, muscles roaring to life. The night-sky hair falls, hiding away the flame inside those emerald pearls. The prestige sword unleashes itself. Those who dared to touch Alderic found themselves falling like autumn leaves. Arioch, for one, cannot stand by and watch in defeat and soon joins the battle against... his brother. The blade work of the duo is surely unmatched, yet for him, along with the fading strength, is the swarm of enemies. Indeed, it is only a matter of time before he dies.

Even in the darkest of the nights, there will always be a light, shimmering with its golden rays. Indeed, it is powerful enough to demolish any desperation. "Stop this instance!" Before he was a girl with hair that sparkled like gold, bravely standing between her brothers. From astonishment to fear, all painted over Alderic's pale face. Why is she here? Isn't she supposed to be protected somewhere safe? From the corner of his eyes, Alderic could see Axl appearing from the backdoor, trying to catch his breath. Surprise after another, now even Axl has chosen his side, is it another ambitious scheme of his brother? He can't think that much, especially when his dear little sister is standing in front of the death line, risking her life to save him. Gritting his teeth, Alderic throws a warning gaze at Arioch. "Evelyn, of all places, you shouldn't be here.", "Don't you dare hurt our sister!"... Not even flinching, Arioch returns with a sinister grin. Just then, he catches sight of Axl from afar. "Long time no see. Please escort the lady, Axl." No, Alderic. The only person hurting is you.

This time, things have changed.

Remaining silent, Axl kneels before Evelyn respectfully, like a knight, to everyone's surprise. "Y-You dare to betray me?" asked Arioch, in disbelief. Never could he imagine, there would be this day. The day the dog bites back at its master. The only response to his question is Axl's apathetic expression as if he were a clown in disguise. All that matters is the lady behind him. Furiously, Arioch pointed the sharp blade at Axl, intending to end this betrayal's life... his humiliation. But before he could touch even a single hair of Axl, Evelyn strongly knocks him away, sending him back down. How pathetic he is to not realize, in a split second, that the sword his sister randomly picked up from the ground was able to block his attack. For her bright will was now shining with all its might, never had he felt so weak. The sister, the same one he bathed in contemptuous love, is now a complete stranger. Not a single threat... No, she has barely said anything since the arrival. Her presence alone was enough to make every soul bow down in obedience. The aura of a ruler flowing in her veins, the destined one, finally came to light. Alderic, with one hand holding the wounds, the other patting her shoulder lightly. At last, his little sister has grown up. Together with Axl, the two become her loyal knights.

Trying to bury the fury, Arioch let out the usual kind smile. "Playtime is over. Go back to your room, Evelyn." "This is not the business of a lady." That's right, go back to your job... Being a decor. "No," she yells, "I'm not a doll." Standing in front of the throne, proudly, she has proved her worth. "I'm a proud woman who finally found my voice. Hear me, for I will never bow down to anyone else again." The imperial topaz stone glisters with her golden determination.

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