Chapter 14

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"Theo, are you alright?" The concerned voice of Alderic echoed in his mind, awakening him. The body of water has safely embraced them. Who knows, maybe there was actually a river flowing under the cliff. Thanks to a certain one, there isn't a single scratch. The tension in Alderic's body can only be relieved after he sees Theodore slowly nod, telling him he's alright. Then the groaning of Reid interrupted, and the sight of him struggling in the water put Theodore at the edge. Reid's hand was jittering, trying to grab anything that could save his life. The water soon filled his mouth, making him unable to let out a single sound. Hence, it is only a matter of time before Reid drowns, with his fading strength. Theodore grits his teeth tight, but right when he intends to go save Reid, the man next to him has already taken one step ahead.

In an inhuman leap, Alderic successfully reached Reid. Holding onto the rock, he's sure it's rigid enough to bear the weight and be within his arm to grab Reid's cloak. The power of the water flow is indeed too strong as if a beast were trying to pull its target along its way to hell. Certainly. It is too late now. Alderic tightens his grip, his arm bulging with muscle, veins evidently visible on the skin. He grits his teeth, bearing the formidable pain from the snake bite earlier. The bandage cannot withstand such force, tearing the wound with the stone painted red. He could not hold on any longer. Such power alone can not outweigh nature.

The aching heart can not stand still any longer and finally breaks free on its own. He leaps from rock to rock near Alderic, his arms extended toward the poor boy.

"Theo! Stay there! I will throw him to you!" Alderic said, biting his lips and looking at him with pure determination.

"On my count, be ready... 1... 2... 3"

Within a split second, Alderic, using all his might to lift Reid up, emerges from the body of water before floating in mid-air and then perfectly landing where Theodore stands. Hands are already aimed at Reid. Thankfully, Theo was able to catch Reid in time. Still, his weight caused both of them to fall to the ground. The sudden pain made him frown slightly, but in the end, Reid landed safely in his arms. However, only faint heartbeats could be felt. Without any hesitation, Theodore crouches on the icy ground next to the boy, pressing his chest. In determination, he fought for his life, and in rhythmic hands, they yearns. At last, is an innocent face still shut tight, and a soul is ready to part.

Will he be able to pull the boy from the arms of Death?

Excuse me, Reid.

Alderic just heavily pulled himself out of the water. It must not be a good day for Alderic, as the water has drained too much energy from him, not to mention the wound on his arm, which does not have enough time to heal. He stroked his wet hair to the back, hoping to be greeted with waves of compliments from Theodore, a victorious smile already on his face. Yet, the sight he sees instead is the scene of Theodore bending down, putting his lips on Reid, with his hand lifting Reid's chin. His nose and graceful lips are hidden behind auburn curls, but those emerald eyes can't help but linger in the gaze. An unexplainable, annoying feeling slowly gulped down the smile on his face, leaving behind countless questions in his head. Those lips... the ones that were gently brushing up against his hand. The softness and wetness of those lips seem to be carved in his cell. Reid's chest rises with Theodore's blow of air. A couple more tries are all it takes to breathe life again into the lifeless body of the boy. Reid abruptly turned himself to the side, struggling to put out all the excess water. Vomiting and coughing surely take a toll on Reid, and he lies on the rocks in utter defeat. Theodore finally has peace again after those tense moments. A deep breath helped flush out all the thoughts.

"Alderic?" Theodore asks, concerned as he sees the man just standing there, staring at them. The tall figure of Alderic glisters in the yellow hue of the sun ray, with his white top wet all over from the incident. He could feel the water dripping from his hair, caressing his jawline. Though dazzling, his face seems to bear a different expression. Those eyes, clear as gems, hid a kind of sadness. Another aspect of Alderic that he was never aware of. As if he is... in pain. The awkward silence grows between them until Reid comes back to his usual self and whimpers, "T-Theodore." Using his hand as a fulcrum, he sits up, "Sorry... for being a burden again." Theodore shakes his head slowly, giving a comforting pat on Reid's head. The sky since then has changed into the color of sunset. The remaining rays of the day weaved through the leaves, sparkling on the water. The scenery is too poetic, too peaceful, sending what just happened earlier into the void. And soon the night greets them on the way home with the chilly breeze and the fireflies. Theodore sighed, "I will go and find some woods. You two stay here and rest.", just to get the rejection from Alderic, " I will go." When Theodore eventually proceeds with what has just occurred, Alderic has already gone.

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