Chapter 50

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Hiding behind a pillar, two figures lurk in the darkness, observing the motion of the guards. They could sneak into the prison within a few steps. Knock out or extirpate the prison guards, whatever it takes to get him out. The moment, a guard turns away, Axl exchanges a gaze with Reid. This is their chance. Just as Axl is about to attack, a strong hand pulls both of them into a corner. Swiftly enough to make them unable to react. "Who?" The duo raises their guards. Their eyes scanned for any trace of threats. From the darkness lies a man, putting the two in utter astonishment. Under the auburn strands that hint at lines of time, navy eyes shine brightly. They were so alike... As if a mirror reflection. Is there any chance he is... No, that can't be. But what's more suitable than the doubt Reid is having? Turning around, the man next to him seems to share the same feeling. Unexpectedly, Axl immediately holds the blade, preparing to attack at any moment. "Be careful. This man is not simple." Unlike Reid, he knows exactly who he is. The fact that he is here means dangers await. In his presence is Demian Sylvester, King of Hyram himself. How could he know their plan? No, more importantly...

Why would he drag them into this suspicious hideout when he could easily kill them?

"What are you trying to do, Joseph? Another scheme of Demian?" Axl threaten. His back, his hands cover Reid instinctively. "No," he sighs, "I'm here to help on my own will." Axl let out a light laugh as if he were hearing a joke, "Why should I trust you?" That's right; he couldn't risk everything and trust this man. For all those years, he had proven his worth to Demian. All those years, no one could ever read what was in his mind. Then why did he offer to help, why now? Joseph doesn't answer but instead glances at Reid. As if from Reid's reaction, he believes he knows the answer. From a dry throat, Reid said tremblingly, "We could trust him." Axl turns to Reid with a complex reaction, looking at him with an unbelievable expression. "Are you mad?" He gripped Reid's shoulder. "He is fooling with us!" Reid's dark eyes fixed on Axl with determination; nothing could flinch his decision. His hand patted the hand placed on the shoulder reassuringly. Reluctantly retrieving the blade, the black eyes still maintained vigilance. "You have changed Axl. So am I," he showed a version Axl had never seen before. Sighing, he nods, "Then how exactly can you help us?"

For Reid, he is willing to bet this time.

Through the rooms of the left wing, they stop at an exquisite room. Peeking inside, Axl could see a beautiful lady inside. She was none other than Evelyn Sylvester, the diamond of Hyram. Their eyes stop at the golden ring she is observing under the sunlight. For a moment, Axl could feel the man standing next to him holding his breath. Why is he hesitating? The sound of the cracking door sends the person inside surprised. Quickly, she hides the ring. "Joseph? Axl?" A combination she never believed could happen. "Morning, my Lady," Axl bowed at her formally. To his surprise, Joseph walks up to Evelyn in the usual proper manner. Something very unlike him. He kneels before her in their astonishment. "So the ring has returned to its master", his eyes on her fill nothing but utter respect, "My child, this ring will give you the rightful power you could never imagine, enough to make everything yield before you."

"For you are a Leith Ashworth."

The golden eyes were wide open, unbelievably. She has always felt like an outsider. But never in her wildest dreams did she think that would be the truth. So all this time... She didn't belong to Sylvester? This family was just an illusion? Then who is she? "You are more than anything you could think of," the navy eyes hint with melancholy, "Forgive me, time will answer all your questions. But for now." Taking her hand, he patted her for reassurance, "The ring will help you when needed." Confusion painted her face, but before she could ask anything, Joseph had already turned to Axl. "Are you still with Arioch Sylvester?" He goes straight into the subject. A clear question is whether he has any other purposes. "No," is all he needs to say. The invincible chains have long been broken into pieces. He is no longer a tool, no longer a loyal dog. "Then I need you to swear to protect her at all costs." His voice fell into a serious tone, "Can you do that?" There were too many questions and too much confusion. Yet judging from his expression, this matter is no joke. "In the name of my life, I will.", Axl nods with determination.

"Then get her out of here. A storm is coming to this place."

On the other half of the castle, Alderic, who once fought fiercely in the battle, is now leaning on the armchair, losing himself in a never-ending cycle of self-blame and hopelessness. Surrounding him are all kinds of tools, from rope to weapons, all used to get him out of this damn room. A luxurious prison. Gulping down the scent of wine, even alcohol couldn't drink him away from this reality. The bitterness of the cigarette in his hand couldn't chase away the emptiness in his heart. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out of this place, nor his own prison. Theodore's image from that night is replayed countless times, ironically demonstrating how useless he is. What's more to be lost? That bastard must be enjoying its victory to the very last drop. No, he is a bastard, Alderic laughed to himself. Light up another cigarette, he breathes out a trail of smoke, apathetically flying in the air. The emerald eyes despondently observe the ceiling. Even Orville, jumping up and down, couldn't catch his attention. What's the difference?

Until a loud sound echoed from behind the door. A cold familiar voice dragged him back, "How pathetically you still look." Looking up, emotionless face of Reid welcomes him. "Reid?" Alderic smiled delightfully. Finally, fate has answered him. "How could you be here?" That's right. How could Reid get through such strict security, not to mention knowing where he was held? "Don't get me wrong, I still hate you. I was asked to save you." Reid is leaning on the door. Asked to save? A thousand faces and theories ran through his mind, yet no one matched. Who? And why now? "Who asked you?" Alderic asks with caution. "Joseph," he replies back. Joseph? Father's right hand? Is this to say my father has forgiven him? Standing up, Alderic adjusted his white blouse. That couldn't explain why Reid is here. The emerald eyes fixed on Reid with complexity. There is only one answer.

This is nothing but a safe decision. Something bad is coming to this family.

"Thank you," Alderic quickly took the silver sword, Orville flipped its wings, resting on his shoulder, "Get Theodore out for me, I will meet you outside." Reid tilts his head, sighing, "No need to remind me." He disappeared immediately.

With the company of the black raven, to the throne chamber, he goes.

Standing in front of the throne room, Arioch can't help but feel annoyed a little. Since when was there an itching feeling crawling inside him? Almost feels like everything is wrong. He wondered what the cause might be. Soon enough, the door opened. Within a few steps, he could see his dear father sitting sternly on the throne. "Come, you need to do this for me." So this is the problem. If he has found the cause, the only thing left to be done... Is to extirpate. 

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