Chapter 43

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Theodore! Look at this... Theodore... Theo... Theo... The man in his memories smiles brightly, just like March's sun. His emerald eyes sparkle like gems, drowned in those soft gazes, he sees nothing but himself. His teasing, his comforting, his seriousness... All sides of him. Slowly, painfully, those fragments haunted his shattered mind. Even when closing his eyes, figures of him easily, vividly appear. Each of his lines, gestures of the Alderic he has never realized, soon had been carved into every bit of his heart. He thought he understood some parts of himself.

But in the end... He knows nothing.

Kneeling before the throne defeatedly, losing everything he had built, every person he had loved, reality stabbed him with the bare truth. The truth he tried to hide. What could be more ironic than being destroyed by the hand of the man he trusted? Raised his head, standing right next to the King. It was him, the one who gave him hope, just to crumple every drop of it. Staying at that high, did he enjoy seeing him at the edge of happiness, now pushing down into the depths of hell in a note? The Alderic he was fond of, the Alderic that protected him from harm, the Alderic on that sunset... Are all his illusions? Theodore could never know the answer, but to accept the man before him now... Is different. Bathing in glory comes a fierce man. The general wears a noble black uniform, and the golden pedals of his victories shine dazzlingly on his chest. On the hip lies an elegant sword, standing out under the crimson royal mantle embroidered with the symbol of the dragon. His emerald eyes... The same eyes he is familiar with, look down on him emotionlessly. This time, he can no longer see himself...

"So this is the doctor you have mentioned," Demian coldly observed Theodore. "Indeed father," from behind the throne, is none other than Arioch in the same noble outfit. Through the silver glasses, the emerald eyes smile mockingly, just like a wicked snake. Looking at Theodore, now forced to kneel, Demain can't think of any reason why this person is meaningful to his plan. For why he was able to control Averi, to control Alderic, the person known for his unquenchable power. More than anyone, he knows where he gets that determines cruelty. After all, he was the cause. "It would be rude not to introduce yourself to the guest, Alderic," Demian commanded. A sign to awaken the sleep-walking Theodore and, to once and for all, put an end to what they have had. An inevitable path. Stepping forward, the usual warm voice that echoed countless times in Theodore's blurry memory is now crushed into a stern, cold one... like a sword stabbing brutally.

"I am Alderic Livius Sylvester, Commander of the First Army, Lord of the North."

He cut the last string of hope, for they could never return to those old days. So this is the real him, his real identity. A Commander, a Lord... He should have noticed this from the start. All his neat gestures, his choices of words, and his confidence prove the background itself. And Luke... will he share the same title? The truth was right under his eyes all this time. Yet, look at what his foolishness has done. He wants to laugh, at him, at himself for being fooled by such pathetic lies. But none of the laughs could escape his dry throat. Smiling at Theodore, Arioch enjoys the show. Though, he decided to raise the level of the show a little bit.

"Father, the mission has been completed. All the residents have been killed, along with the traitor, Luke Davidson." Theodore's eyes are wide open in surprise. All of them? No, there were still Reid and Cecil. He could count on them... No, this is nothing but a nightmare. In his mind, the last image of injured Reid, of struggling Cecil in Luke's arms, screaming for his name, has already proved the harsh reality.

The King nodded in Arioch's amusement. What a pleasant feeling to be the victor as he watches his dear brother's reaction. Though normal on the outside, the moment the news was revealed, those emerald eyes drowned in a storm. Slowly, Theodore can feel the furious flame devour each of his cells. The same burning flame he was trying to bury all those years has finally awakened from a deep sleep. The inferno of fury and revenge burns away the calm ocean, only to return as a tsunami in those navy eyes. He wished to burn, burn all those devils in these hands, and burn this whole filthy world in ashes. Who are they, to have the right to take away things belonging to him? The iron chains shook intensely under Theodore's forces. The furious eyes hint at rays of blood, observing the enemies quietly, just like a lion lurking in the darkness. With its sharp claws, the lion rampaged the prey, devouring its flesh and blood. He hates not being able to kill those who stand in front of him, not being able to teach them what punishment tastes like. Piercing at them, he swears upon his life. Soon, I will teach all of you the price of Judgment.

Royals, power... God forbid, he will crush all of them. Glancing at Alderic, he laughs to himself. He could never understand him, just like he had never been able to touch a corner of his real personality. After all, the old calm mask he has worn for years, the whole Theodore as they are known was just a corner of him. All of that effort was just to hide away the beast, agonizing eternally in the flames of wrath.

Ring down the curtain, and the show has concluded.

"To express my gratitude," he smiles mockingly, "Remember this name, Theodore. It will be the name ending your sin."

If you choose to be my enemy, then I will be the villain.

Joseph, with the documents in his hand, walks to the meeting room as the King orders. A prisoner from Averi he heard. Indeed, Arioch always executes the mission flawlessly. Nothing would be out of the ordinary until he crossed paths with the prisoner. In chains he goes, fury dyed the navy eyes. The auburn hair messily fell down his shoulder. For a second, Joseph lost his breath. Though time has passed, how can he forget? Of all people, it was him. The missing pieces of his heart. The navy eyes for the first time shine with hope.

The night covers Sylvester's mansion in in-depth darkness. There was no moon, no stars able to light up this place, light up the man lying defeatedly on the lounge. His hand covered his eyes, covering the heartbreaking scene he witnessed today. He could never imagine that, just by making a wrong decision, he had lost a dear comrade, a home... A person he loved. But now, he is not even worthy to call him by his name or call him a loved one. He thought acting coldly, showing no sign of interest in him would keep him safe. In the end, those little efforts couldn't do anything as he expected. After all, Theodore is not the only one in astonishment. Never before had he witnessed such a side of Theodore. A furious, cold-blooded beast, he was.

For the reason why...Isn't it all because of him?

Laughing out loud with dread, he laughed at how cruel this world is. Everything they have had, even cherished memories, is now nothing but ashes. They are now a Commander and a prisoner, enemies from both sides of the chest table of power. Things went beyond salvation.

Helping himself a glass of wine, the same one he and Luke used to share on that field, he poured down the floor. The final goodbye... A soft knock on the door suddenly awakened him. Welcomes him is Evelyn eagerly holding him in her arms. "You're back," she sobbed. Her golden, teary eyes look at him dearly. "Sorry for keeping you waiting." Helplessly patting her head, Alderic sighed. Though they didn't share the same mother, though being the eldest son, he treated her and her mother with nothing but honesty. For she knows under the cold look he put on, there's still a beating heart full of love hidden inside. Though being locked in this place, judging from the news and his reaction, Evelyn could somehow know the situation. She was no fool, she knows how much that newcomer from the south is worth more than anything to him. If not, then why he can't even hide away the loss in those eyes? Reaching out to caress his cheeks, she wished. If only she was a man, to able to fight aside him, supporting him.

"Thank you, for being on my side." He whispered.

Though not on the battlefield, she knows this place will be one soon enough. Even though she is neither a man nor a knight, she won't allow herself to be a uselessly decorated doll.

"I can help you with this, brother," she offered hope.

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