Chapter 54

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The rain poured outside the windows, the soothing sound of raindrops gently resting on the glasses. After the accident the other day, there was no sign of Arioch's men chasing after them. What's left, is only the heavy silence lurking in the air. Leaning her head on the wall, Evelyn sighed as she mundanely watched the raindrops. She could never forget the images of that day, of the first time she saw him, Theodore. Unlike her imagination, before she was the sight of a weak man. The famous doctor who stirred up the power game of Kings, forcing her father to send his own son to investigate... Would turn out like this. Hiding under the thick cloak was a skinny body, skinny enough to make people frightened. The auburn hair messily fell down his pale skin to those sapphire eyes. Under the pale skin were various scars, enough to draw tears. It was her brother's brutality that pushed him onto this stage. She could never forget that moment. The moment Theodore went mad, in laughter, he denied everything, everyone, even himself. Then there was her dearest brother, Alderic. She could tell how hurt he was. Each of his laughs is a knife stabbing his bleeding heart, each bit of himself he denies is a hand strangling his soul. Never has she seen, how broken those emerald eyes were. Never she has witnessed, how much fear her brother felt that day. When the dreary laugh ends, it takes away the true Theodore. A young man named Reid quietly guides his sheath back to the house. Neither he nor anyone else dared to say anything. For a moment, she could feel a sense coming from Alderic. He wants to come closer, to help him. But in the end, he couldn't. Her throat only has an utter bitterness. Not only he, but neither of them also have the right to help him. It was their fault...

From the sight of the window, she could see a familiar, ethereal figure. Alderic, her brother, sat alone on the doorstep, despite the rain soaking him wet. His sight headed to the edge of the forest, focusing. Is he protecting the house or afraid to step in? He...No, each of them was acting the same as in the past few days. They want to find a solution, an escape, only to be blocked away by an invisible veil. The key they need lies in Theodore, the man who is now sitting emotionlessly near the fireplace. Soon, after a knock, Reid comes in with Axl with plates of food. Though simple, that's all they have to keep warm from the coldness of Hyram's winter. A table filled with food has been quickly set up. Axl delightfully patted Reid's shoulder. "Don't you think we make a decent team in the kitchen?" just to get a cold glance from Reid. "Don't even dream of the next time. Your tasting is terrible." They continue to argue about whether the soup should be more sweet or salty, in Evelyn's little giggles. Those little interactions of the duo somehow ease the tension bit by bit.

She is about to stand up and call for her brother, the door is already cracking open, letting the tall figure in. Hours spent under the rain-soaked him wet. Waterdrops falling down the night-like hair, trace along his melancholy lines. Scanning from the table to the arguing duo, Alderic frowns. "I'm sorry. Come to me if anything makes you uncomfortable." He turns to her. Having her only family left, how could he not cherish? The little sister he protected should be having a safe and happy life by now, not running like a prisoner with him like this. Her golden hair is now braided, resting on the simple dress of a commoner girl. Giving him a reassuring smile, she shakes her head. "Thank you, brother, but this is the best life I could ask for." She then turns to the duo, yelling at them to stop like a mother. Finally, Reid reluctantly takes a seat while Axl passes the hot potato soup. "I hope it will match your taste, my lady," Axl said with a grind. The golden potato soup, glittering under the candlelight with a hint of onion, immediately called for her groaning stomach. Quickly take a sip, letting the savory and salty aroma fill her mouth, sending a satisfied smile across her face. "Thank you, but please call me Evelyn. Both of you did an amazing job," Axl let out a bright smile while Reid gave a look like this compliment was inevitable. Taking off his coat, Axl immediately stands up when Alderic comes to the table, asking. "Can I get you a bowl too, Lord Alderic?" Instead, Alderic motions for him to sit down, then pours himself one. "You don't have to. I will give it to him myself." Reid realized his intention. Alderic doesn't reply back but brings the bowl to Theodore. All three of them unconsciously hold their breath. Even the spoon filled with a handful of potatoes stopped in mid-air right a few inches away from Axl's mouth.

The tall figure kneeled before Theodore in Evelyn and Axl's awe. There was an absolute rule, a Sylvester never kneeled before anyone. Carefully, the rough hand takes his hand with all its dedication, like a fragile treasure. The fingers caress each of his knuckles, gently feeling the softness of the hand. For a moment, he prays for a change in Theodore, even the slightest. In the end, he is just a lifeless doll. Letting out a soft sigh, Alderic takes a spoonful of soup, blowing a little so it won't burn him. Reaching the spoon to his mouth, as expected, Theodore doesn't react to anything. The dark navy eyes look blankly at the void ahead as if none of them, not even him, exist. A dreary smile draws attention to the beautiful face. "Please, don't... Don't torture yourself like this." Those once bright emerald eyes are now haunted by the color of melancholy.

'Look how pathetic he is.' The black figure said, laughing out loud on the armchair. Being the only one who finds it funny, the black figure turns to the silent Theodore sitting nearby. Contrarily, not even a single different emotion crossed his face, only solemnity did. Floating around, its distorted hands poked his cheeks, attempting to distract. With a snap, a box of snacks appears before them. 'Why so serious? That's what he deserves.' The hand holding the box feathered before Theodore. Closing his eyes, he ignores being the toy of the figure, ignoring the scene before him. 'I know, deep down, you hated him' the figure whispered to his ears 'Wasn't he the cause of all the tragedies?" Suddenly, Theodore stands up and storms out with a disappointed sigh.

'Soon, you will grow fond of this place.'  The figure takes a snack and enjoys the show.

A hand was placed on Alderic's shoulder, the sorrowful voice falling down his head, " I've warned you. Keep doing this only hurts you." Reid's hand reached out, asking for the soup bowl. Instead, Alderic shakes his head, continuing his helpless work. "You two are too alike... Too stubborn." Reid sighs while handing Alderic a towel. "Don't get cold. I have too many works to do already."


How much time has passed? I couldn't remember anymore. The moment my eyes open, the sight of a dark cell welcomes me. Alone in the room, only the weak light of the torches keeps me awake. Struggling to get out, I realized how tight the rope was on my hands. Fears came like a shadow and invaded my mind. What will happen? I could feel the cold sweat running down my forehead. At least... They catch me instead of Cecil. With her diligence, all the children will be protected. How unfortunate of them to catch me. The blurred images of that night flooded my mind. That traitor... I have to warn them.

"You are finally awake." The voice of a man alerts me. Coming from the dark, a man wearing a golden rope, decorated with the symbol of the god. This costume... A priest? Smiling kindly, he observes me. He is indeed a priest, but why was his aura that dark? Almost like... A wolf in sheep's clothing. All the nerves, all the instincts inside, are yelling at me to run far away from this man. "Who are you?" I ask, not realizing how hoarse my voice is. "Doesn't matter." He grabbed my chin, forcing me to stare at his bottomless eyes. "But I do know you, so much that sometimes I even hate myself for that." From his pocket, he shows me a silver necklace. Mother's necklace... "That's not yours to take." I tried to bury the fear running down my spine. Next thing, he crouches down to my ears. The soft voice has now transformed into a sharp, knife-threatening "Do your job, or I make sure to bring all of their heads present before you." The Hyacinth necklace was placed before me. Through me, he demands the secret of time, the hidden future. He wants to take a peek at the wheel of fate. Then did he know that those are not meant to be seen? "I can't." I stare at him. That's right, I am too foolish to even use this precious gift. If I had control, none of this would happen.

"No, little child," he smiles dangerously, "I will show you what you are capable of."

Though I can't promise you won't be hurt... 

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