Chapter 61

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Exhaustion paints over her beautiful face the moment she finally reaches her destination. "This is the last time I do this," she mumbled. Being the noble owner, normally the underling would be the one who gathered the information. But in this dire situation, she has no position to complain. On the bright side, it's an amazing chance to get out of that gloomy shack. Yet, stepping into the yard, she is welcomed by the sound of cheerful laughter. Not to mention, a strange black raven keeps flying around her head with threats. How come this has changed during her absence? Surely, it doesn't take long to know the answer. Opening the door, the sight of Theodore caught her eye. Though he looks weaker than before, a sense of peace and maturity shines through him. As if they were two different people. With an arm resting on Theodore's chair, a strange man leans back, observing the doctor. His emerald eyes were erect at her appearance. A question immediately jumps into her mind. How did Theodore come across as such a handsome man? Though he appears to relax, the brilliant dominant aura dyes his sharp figure.

"So this is how you welcome your most loyal servant?" she sulks. "I didn't dare," Theodore says, motioning for her to sit, "I was waiting for you." Turning around, she meets other unfamiliar faces. "I see." "You have gathered some allies." Crossing her hands, she stares at Theodore with arrogance. "It seems like you don't need me." Indeed, Camille's style is to play around when she thinks she has the upper hand. Though their alliance was formed long ago, Camille is still a businesswoman, having struggled in the dark veil of Averi for years. A businessman only negotiates for behalf of their own benefit. Now, she demands the profit from this transaction, of how much information should be revealed. That's how equal their alliance is. Not enough, she turns to Alderic, the one who shows no trace of interest in her sudden appearance. This is rare for a person like Camille. Her beauty has caused many to kneel and swear their lives to her. With just a simple expression, she could easily control any man. Yet, this one is an exception. Contrary to her expectations, Alderic shows no difference. Cold eyes passed through her like air. "Alderic Livius Sylvester," he said reluctantly. "I have been taken." Theodore falls into an awkward silence.

"Camille, stop your-" Reid was stopped by Theodore's motion. Drawn a smile, Theodore responded. "You are hurting my feelings." "Perhaps, a long while without meeting has caused you to forget my capabilities?" A glimpse of fear crossed her face. For long ago, even before the mansion was created, Theodore was more than just a doctor. Unlike the others, those elegant hands, casually placed on his thigh, rarely tasted blood. But enough for many to yield. He was a nightmare and, at the same time, a savior for many, including her.

"Don't worry, this time our promise will be executed." Camille shakes her head in disbelief. "You have said that many times." "You can't fool me this time." No one could ever grant that wish. "I have some clues that might help me discover the culprit that year."

"This time, he will pay his debt."

"That's impossible!" "I have turned over the entire Averi for years and found no trace of him!" Camille exclaimed. Her hands tremble in disbelief. The perpetrator of her beloved's death The culprit cruelly killed her sister, the only family she had in this disgusting world. That rainy day, he took away two life, the mother's and her child's. Yet, judging from his serious tone, this piece of information is no joke.

Accepting the defeat, Camille sighed. "You're really annoying." Camille shifts her gaze to Cecil, speaks solemnly. "I found her trace." The answer immediately caught her attention. "She was captured by the High Priest." This time, the room falls into complete silence. They all know how dangerous that man is. When the throne is vacant, its lord, the High Priest, is the worst-case scenario.

Alerting something, Reid passed the old diary on the table. "This belongs to Sheritre's mother." "Some clues might be useful." Slowly, each piece of the truth reveals itself through the dust of time. The same truth is hidden away, waiting for this predestined moment to reveal it. Finally, through blood and sacrifices, the truth has been able to reach the right side.

For those with wise minds and noble hearts, all truths are carved into each brick of this room. To destroy or to extricate, our fate will be in your hands.

Triggered by his memories, Reid walks them through every truth she devoted her life to protecting. Then a portrait crosses his mind, sending him into awe. The sight of Evelyn greets him as he raises his head. How could he not realize, how similar they are? Is the lady standing before him here indeed the person mentioned in the ancient myth?

Scanning through the diary, the expression of Theodore darkens. "Is there anything wrong?" Alderic asks in concern. The hand holding the pages trembles.

"The Teacher?"


"Oh, High Priest." A woman sobbed. "What should I do to save my sick brother?" Her face is covered in tears. The High Priest, bathing in the divine light of the church, smiles gently. Reaching for her scared hands, he said softly, "Don't be afraid, my child." "Pray for him, God Aon will be mercy." Like a lighthouse in a storm, the woman nodded respectfully. "Yes, I will do whatever it takes." What dangerous words to say so carelessly. "I'll tell you a secret," the priest whispered into her ears, "If you go with him on the next full moon, you two will forever be together in God Aon's hands." The woman's eyes are wide open in surprise. The finger puts on the saint's smile. "The Lord has spoken through me. I have faith in your right decision." With that, each trace of doubt disappears like dust. Nodding in determination, she left the church with hopes. Just to not realize, there is no god but the devil's words.

"You can come out now, Nolan." The high priest cleaned his hands with a handkerchief. Rays of disgust are well hidden behind the saint-like mask. "Master, news from Hyram?" Nolan respectfully gave out a letter. Scanning through the letter, the smile deepens. "So my friend has lost in his son's hands." "Interesting indeed." Hyram has witnessed a new monarch. Soon, it's time for Averi.

"Let's see where my dear King piece is." He stepped on the handkerchief.

From the most secret room lies deep in the castle's walls, a tied girl gasping in despair. "Good day, Sheritre. I hope you have a good rest." the priest's voice of alarm her. As he approached, he lifted her chin, forcing her silver eyes to focus on him. "You see, I have found a brilliant way." The other hand removed the ring from her hand. "Why don't we test it out?" a sharp knife cut her palm, spilling blood on the Hyacinth symbol. Pressing the Hyacinth on her forehead, Sheritre immediately screams in pain. This is nothing she has experienced before. "No! Stop!" thousand of images appear before her eyes, together creating a swirl strong enough to push her to madness. The ironic smell of blood harmonized with the burning necklace on her forehead, only creating a dangerous path. A portal to the forbidden knowledge no one could ever reach. The future.

Countless sensations, emotions, and broken images run through her trembling body. Tears falling down while laughing maniacally, Sheritre could no longer control her own body. Her dry mouth mumbled meaningless words over and over again like a broken tape. "Show me," the priest pressing harder in her agony, growled, "Where are they?" Under such duress, a vivid image of Theodore with everyone flashes through her mind. Trying to cling to the last line of consciousness, she summons all the strength left to not obey. Biting her lips till they bled, she bet her life to protect them. The sharp silver eyes are flecked with red rays. With a nod from the priest, a rain of whips fell, pushing her to the edge of pain.

"Deep in the forest. Averi's outskirt." In the midst of her agony, the girl succumbed.

The moment the priest left, servants immediately came to take care of her wounds. Their job is to make sure she is still alive to be drained.

Taking a deep breath and withdrew her gaze. Sheritre returns to her silent self in an instant, as if the mad girl from earlier is someone else. Calm and patient, she finally understands what her mother is trying to say. Looking at the forbidden knowledge will only be a double-edged sword. For it can grant answers while, at the same time, slowly destroying her.

"Don't worry, Mother. I won't let my power go to waste," she smiles arrogantly.

This time, who is the fool?

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