Chapter 28

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A peaceful morning greets the two in the woods. With the birds singing their merry songs, such a scene breathed life into the forest. Two figures quietly continue their journey. The sunlight bathed the forest in a shade of gold. From the moment she opened her eyes, Luke was already waking up, filling her empty stomach with wild berries. As if the moments they shared last night belong to a dream, the awkward silence between them gradually devours her trembling heart. Why? she wondered. A question without an answer. The man before her fully concentrates on the path ahead, not saying a single word. His hair has now dyed a shade of tea. From this angle, she can see a few messy hair strands from the last restless night. A completely different image from the usual Luke with his neat appearance. Seeing him like this, Cecil can't help but feel a sense of delight. There's a kind of softness that surrounds him. At the end of the day, she feels like she has a chance to get to know him better. A side only she knows. Her attention drifted to his hand, evoking a quiet sigh. She does miss that feeling.

Luke keeps an eye on the track while supervising the girl following behind. From the look on her face, he can tell that her curious mind explodes with questions. Questions he is afraid to answer. But soon, she will learn the truth. Whether she chooses to embrace or dispose of it, he will accept her choice. His mind traversed back to last night. Deep in the forest, two souls lean on each other, searching for warmth. After having the trunk replace the bed, Cecil, who was obviously unfamiliar with this kind of adventure, dozed off. Having only a fragile fire, they only have each other's warmth to chase away the coldness of the night.

Closing his eyes, the images of the girl were vivid in his mind, all her suffering, her pain. And here she is, a lively, cheerful girl who is sleeping soundly next to him. Though, by looking at her, soundly is not a good word to describe. Cecil struggles to find a decent sleeping posture and, at the same time, gets closer to Luke out of an instinct to find a warm place. In a simple motion, Luke laid her in his rigid arms, her head resting heavenly on his chest. She was so close, close enough that he could capture the faint floral scent lingering on her hair. With just a slight bow, he can picture all of her sights, carving them deep in his mind. He had never experienced anything like this.

Every minute, every second with her, he becomes greedier. Greedily wants those green eyes only for him, wants that charming smile to belong to him. There are words he wants to say... The girl in his arms quietly fidgeted.

"Sleep tight," he whispers while caressing her hair. "I'm here for you."

Though the cold when the night comes is terrifying, as long as they have each other, nothing can cease to hurt them.

After walking for what felt like an hour, they finally reached the edge of the forest. A strange place she had never been aware of. Luke quietly follows the rock path, but Cecil can tell he is not in a good mood. What she finds before her is two lonely graves, resting at last in the arms of the forest. The rays through the leaves bathed the yard in soft light. Flakes of wild chrysanthemums, pure white, quietly swing in the wind, leaning on the breeze to send their scent. The surrounding was too serene as if nature was escorting them in eternal soothing sleep. Gentle yet somber.

"Father, mother," Luke kneels before the graves, "I'm back."

Cecil falls into contemplation. She hadn't known that he was alone all this time. What appears to be a grave is nonetheless a pile of soil, signs of time's cruelty have eroded some of its parts. A bitter feeling invaded her heart. How long have they been here, through springs and winters, to wait for him? And how old was he when they left? ... Taking out some tangerines from his pocket, he placed them on the graves. "Why Mandarins?" Cecil asked, curious. Luke looks at the fruits longingly, rummaging in the dusty memories, "I have promised them when I'm grown up I will buy tons of tangerines for them until they get bored.", he laughs to himself in bitterness. The promise is still there, but they can't wait for him. Hiding in the wind, she can hear the faint, cheerful laugh of a young boy in the arms of his mother. In his little hands, a tangerine shines brightly. A tangerine bears his parents' sweat and tears. Those were difficult times, yet he cherished every moment of them. The wind faded away, leaving behind a grown man. How ironic it is for him to be able to protect the world but not his own family.

Luke drowns in his world of thought until the girl gently put the wreaths on the graves. Kneeling next to him, she prays, "Uncle, Auntie, I'm Cecilia. I guess you already know Luke still left vegetables on his plate. He sometimes disappears without saying anything then come back with new scars...he still has the habit of hiding his true feelings", Cecil lowers her head, trying to hold back the tears, "But don't you worry, he has become a proud man. She sobbed, "A brave, gentle man", "I promise to always remind him of the importance of vegetables, to heal every wound and accompany him even in the darkest days." Luke doesn't expect she would say that, the chestnut eyes wide open in astonishment. She finally gave up trying to hold back her tears, and they started to fall, sinking into her hands one by one. The feelings she wants to tell him unite to become a helpless pain, destroying every bit of her. Luke reaches out, holding her close, "Thank you", the warm hand wiping away her tears, "Though I do eat vegetables now." They fall into a giggle.

Today felt different. Is it because of his flood of emotions that encourages him to get closer to the girl. His embrace was tighter, yearning more than ever. Whispering to her ears, he said, "Come, it's time to go home."

Hands in hand, crossing through layers of leaves, what awaits them is a field of dandelions. Opening her eyes, she sees a sea of pure white dandelions fluttering and dancing in the wind. The fragile petals, glowing under the sun, dance with the breeze. "Before the burn, this was our home. I used to spend hours playing on this field. "Luke put a light kiss on her fingers, "Thank you for giving me the courage to come back here." Finally, she understood. They are so alike, being haunted by the past. But in the end, it was they who encouraged each other to step forward in the future together. The field of dandelions singing its song of the lovers, drank her heart in the sweet aroma of love. She lets go of his hand and dances among the dandelions. Her feet move on their own, gracefully, she smiles at him. Gifting him her most honest feelings through that sweet smile. Cecil never fails to give him a surprise. The chestnut eyes hungrily capture each of her moments, to be carved deep into his heart, in every one of his cells.

"Do you know there is a myth about dandelions?" she asks. Luke curiously looks at her. Her crimson curls waver in the wind, standing out against her bright skin. Reaching out, Luke grabbed her hand lightly. "Can you tell me?" She picks up a petal, giggles like a child, "They said if you wish for a dandelion, then send it to the wind, your wish would come true." A child's myth he has known for so long. After all, he has spent his childhood here, wishing countless things for the dandelions. But little did she know, dandelions' only reply was to the lovers. Luke picks up a dandelion then casts on it a gentle kiss, his chestnut eyes look at Cecil with love. The hidden words slipped through the thin lips, "I wish to every day I open my eyes till the day life leaves this body. Your smile is the only thing I see."

The thin fingers found her lips, resting upon them for a kiss. A kiss bearing all the feelings buried in his heart all those times, sent her to the edge of happiness. A kiss so gentle as if he were holding himself not to hurt her. Their lips harmonized into the wave of love, intertwined with each other. Cecil gives all she has, and returns each burning kiss to him. Out of breath, her hands cling to his neck, falling into his embrace. As if they are each other's missing puzzle pieces, their lips act on their own. The man finally can't hold himself any longer against her soft lips, greedily kissing her with a passionate flame. His hand lifts up her chin, locking her lips into him, the other holding her tight. Opening her mouth, his tongue freely explores, devouring her sweetness. Making sure to give her every drop of his love. Luke uses all his might to separate from her while noticing he may have gone too far. His vision becomes blurry from the kiss. And for the girl in his arms, the wet little mouth swelling because of the earlier kiss, gasping for air. Her trembling hands hold his clothes as if she can fall at any time. Her teary eyes stand out against the faint red on her cheeks.

Kissing on her curls, he said, "I love you. This and many more lives will only be you. The girl whose presence makes every second of my life meaningful". 

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