Chapter 8

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"You aren't afraid of me?" The man spoke with a half-amused smirk on his face. Theodore startled for a second, but still firmly maintaining eye contact with Alderic's silhouette as he leaned against the wall slightly, refusing to back down. Memories of the battlefield flashed back, the image of a man fiercely killing the enemies in neat moves. Without a shadow of a doubt, Theodore is no match for him. Yet, Theodore remained unconvinced, pair of navy eyes focusing on the man before him, "Why would I? If you want to harm me, then you could just let the King kill me, or let me die on the battlefield. Why bother protecting me twice?" Theodore can sense a light laugh falling on his head, clearly expressing how amused the man feels. "You're very clever..." He muttered playfully. "Too clever for your own good".

Is that a threat or a compliment? Theodore can't even decide now.

Apparently, Alderic finally decides to let go and wears a playful smile on his face like a victorious predator. "Forgive my inappropriate action, there are some I wish to discuss with you." As the distance between them gets wider, Theodore unconsciously lets out a sigh, not knowing that he was holding his breath all this time. Readjusting his collar, Theodore regains his normal self. "I assume it must be a very important discussion that you have to put that much effort into just to tell me in this suspicious hideout." The emerald eyes piercing through Theodore,"You got me, Doctor." Stroking the black hair from the forehead to the back, Alderic untied the ribbon, which was loosely tied, freeing his neck and collarbones. Judging from his expression, wearing such formal clothes must be a pain. The coat he is wearing has fallen down to half of the shoulder, the shirt already has an open collar, and the messed-up black hair shines under the moonlight. An arbitrary display indeed unable to look away easily. Noticing Theodore still has his eyes on him, Alderic grins playfully. "I won't mind if you like looking at me that much." A mischievous glint in Alderic's eyes. "But everything comes with a price, don't you think. If you try to persuade me, I might consider giving you a discount." Theodore, who was now shutting down and his legs were already on their way, reasoned that this had to be a perverted maniac.

Alderic quickly grabs Theodore's hand, wearing an apologetic look on his face, "Sorry, I will stop now. Please believe me, I really have something urgent to tell you." Theodore, too tired after a long day, closed his eyes. "You better cut to the chase or I will be out of here." Adjusting his tone and straightening his collar, Alderic reaches out his hand,

"I want to make a contract with you."

An offer that sends Theodore into absolute confusion. Nevertheless, the man before him, with full confidence, continues his plan, "I want us to cooperate to rebel, take down that false King and give back what the folks deserve." The playfulness he displayed earlier is now replaced with solemnity in his emerald eyes, as if there were two different people. Theodore, though, has dreamed of that reality for so long that he would never expect to hear it from a man he just barely met a few days prior. This man, Alderic Goldberg, is something different, ambitious, and straightforward. Unconsciously taking a deep breath, Theodore asked what made his mind ponder, "Why me, and how can your plan succeed?" Alderic seems to have already foreseen the question, wasting no time in giving out his answer. "Because I have seen enough of your capabilities, and I am confident that this plan will turn out to be right. And trust me." Deepening his voice, the coldness can be sensed," I'm never wrong."

"How can I trust you?" Theodore asked in disbelief. Acting based on feelings is never his way. In just a simple move, Alderic smirked and brought Theodore's hand to his neck, stimulating the cutthroat action. Theodore can feel Alderic's breath against his skin, causing a slight shiver as he holds his face closer. The rough hand grips Theodore's hand tightly. "Then I will gladly let you take my life." is a razor-sharp statement, but he treats it as if it were someone else's. The abrupt reaction surely sends Theodore into astonishment, the hand still in Alderic's grip turns cold. His emerald eyes were filled with complex emotions, unable to read. However, deep down, Theodore can feel that this man, albeit annoying and with many more awful traits, is at least fully serious at this moment. Theodore helplessly let go of the grip and reached out for a handshake, saying, "Then we have a deal. Don't disappoint me." Pleased with achieving what he wanted, Alderic grinned.

A contract has been formed, ties two fates into each other...

"I will see you at the mansion. I look forward to the game, Doctor." Alderic turns his back and waves, ready to take his leave. "Wait, wh-," Theodore's words seem unable to escape his throat as Alderic places his finger on his lips as a warning.

"Careful. Curiosity kills the cat," He says with a devilish grin, then disappears into the dark night.


"You alright? You have been dozing off for quite a while." Cecil asks her tutor, who has undeniably been acting strange since coming back from the Imperial Palace. Jot awake from his thoughts, Theodore stupored, then gently smiled at Cecil, proving that he was still doing fine. The open book was still in his hand, and yet Theodore couldn't take any of them. The terrific scene he saw on the outskirts of the capital, the back of a young boy wandering in his memories. Until now, every time he closed his eyes, the soulless corpse lying in a blood puddle, the maniacal laugh of the King still haunted him. The crying sound of the children and the sound of vultures eating flesh poisoned his mind. I want to make a contract with you... The sight of that man appears as if a faint light, helping Theodore break free from those tight webs, controlling his heart and mind. A contract or gambling?

"You should get some rest," Cecil said while leaving a tray of biscuits and a cup of water on his desk, then, proceeding to the front door, "I will be outside in case you need any help."

Theodore is now alone in his room, his curiosity piqued by the luxurious box. The box was wrapped in a gold ribbon and scented with luxurious perfume, deserving of the king's reward. Theodore cautiously opens it as if thinking it was a trap, but what greets him is nothing else but an excellently crafted pocket watch. A flamboyant one made of pure gold, with a north star embedded delicately at the back. Displayed in full glory is an exquisite clock face, accompanied by sophisticated embroidery with diamond beads throughout the ring. A thought came to Theodore's mind. He pondered how much effort had gone into making a watch that, despite being a worthless accessory, was worth a fortune. However, no matter how stunning the watch is, Theodore only sees himself getting more and more infuriating. Is it because the gift is tainted by the hands of the fallen king? Is it because too many innocent souls paid the price of their lives just to create such a lame accessory? something that the elites wore once and then threw away like trash to those seeking power. Now, utter abhorrence has already reached his throat, his breath uneven, gasping for air, like a demon trying to grab his neck, not keen on letting him live. Gripping the watch with his full power. Teeth gritting. The blue, gentle eyes are now stood behind for the wrath of the ocean to drown them all. Crack, then another crack, and the watch's face started to shatter. He does not care. No, that's what he wants. Driven by emotions, the only thing on his mind is how he can make him suffer like those who have been slain under his hand. The maniacal laugh was still fresh in his mind.

Unable to withstand such force, the gift was completely crushed. Glass shards pierce his palm, dripping blood seeps through the flesh and lands on the cold ground. The flame of ferocity eased the throbbing pain. He realizes he has a mission. A mission to take down the King. A mission to save us all. Salvation. He knows that he alone can not make such changes, but with the help of that mysterious man. Perhaps his dream will become reality at last? No, this is not the time to hesitate.

Reaching the end of the sudden stream of emotions, Theodore calms the wind inside. Only actions could make a difference, not thoughts. Looked down at the bleeding hand, witnessing the miserable gift collapse, and it was only at this moment that he knew he was destroying it. He regards the watch as the life of the king itself, withered, begging to live. Recovered from a light surprise, a grin formed on Theodore's face, as if he was controlling the fate of the depraved king, laughing at the agonizing scream. He decided that was not enough punishment, throwing the clock onto the ground.


Theodore stepped hard on the watch, flatten and lifeless. The sound of crushed glass echoed in the room. Just as simple as that, he now turned away, letting out a cold laugh.

"Your fate will soon be that, your Highness. May God save the King"...

The chessboard has been laid out. Now, what your first move will be...

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