The Fire that Sparked It All

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The oval shaped castle doors stood tall and strong

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The oval shaped castle doors stood tall and strong. The gold chains surrounding them looked nothing less than a prison for the rich and lost. The intricate designs of silk woven into the hard wood creates all shapes and movements that could almost be hypnotising to stare at. Lalzari stood in front of them with an emptiness that has entered her heart.

"OMID!" Mareeb bellowed as he rushed to the tired girl's aid. He had been anxiously waiting for her and pacing throughout the room.

"The doors need changing" the weary vixen sighed, standing in a hope of despair with her eyes fixated on the hard wooden floors trying her best to not shed a tear. Her fidgeting fingers were enough to tell Mareeb that she was unwell.

"What happened, Omid?" the worried boy stated as he started pulling her towards the bathroom and began washing Husayrah's dry blood off her small cold hands. At that moment, the remembrance of Husayrah became too hard to hold that plump tears flew from Lalzari's eyes running down her face and blurring her sight.

"I met someone amazing and then - and then - a battle - and I killed him - and then - and - she died in my arms" the distraught damsel wept. Her body had become so tired and weak from the battle and the emotional turmoil that her fragile figure started to shake. Mareeb came up close behind her letting her lean on him.

"Omid.. The king wants to see you. But... Take a bath and change and I'll tell the king you'll come later" Mareeb said steadying the weakened warrior against the sink. Lalzari nodded with numbness knowing she couldn't afford to be weakened physically or mentally when the stakes are so high. Mareeb started undoing Lalzari's ankle chains that had left a deep mark causing the area to become red and inflamed. "Even with this outcome, the chains have given me strength" Lazari muttered to herself.

Mareeb left the room after running the water and as always Lalzari got undressed and washed herself. I guess it's tradition to take a warm shower after regaining my new level. I'm so tired....and the sad thing is, I can't afford to be. Lalzari told herself as she stepped into the flowing water letting it rain over her.

Side by side Mareeb and the refreshed Lalzari entered the king's royal room. The king was accompanied by his marshal, Talbazar. Lalzari had heard a lot about this Talbazar from Mareeb but seeing him up close was almost terrifying. His tall slender figure made his body almost look abnormally structured. He had a deep scar running down his mouth that scrunched up when he spoke. His smile was ever so creepy and eyes that were planning death. The king walked up to Lalzari with his sluggish hands and touched her damp hair pulling his face close and sniffing it.

"Oh my Lalzari you smell like bliss" the femme fetal forced out a smile only thinking about rushing back to her room for another shower. The king twirled his fingers through her hair letting his hands travel to her shoulders and run down her arms. Lalzari stiffened her body by the touch of a thousand men reminding her that her body isn't hers to keep.

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