The Enternal Evanescent

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Heavy breathing captured Lalzari's lungs like a pair of strong hands

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Heavy breathing captured Lalzari's lungs like a pair of strong hands. "My first battle" she reminded herself, as her heart charged faster than a fresh pair of batteries. This moment is the essence of Lalzari's climb to power, symbolising her self-preservation. Is she worthy of that power?

The clouds came from both sides colliding and creating a canopy over the battle grounds. The wind howling and blowing sharp as a knife that cut the skin of both armies as they stood in their positions ready for what was coming. "Ten Sir's at the front, ten at the back. Ten up on the mountains ready with arrows and ten in hiding. And I, I fight on the ground behind the ten in front" the nervous Lalzari chanted in her mind, reminding herself of the battle structure.

"I see them clearly now!" Lalzari roared as an army of horsemen, armed from head to toe marched nefariously towards them. Their huge weapons shone and gleamed menacingly to the sound of murderous trotting. Lalzari broke out in a piercing sweat; caught in a fearful doubt she murmured to herself "H-how...Am I suppose to?...NO! I CAN DO THIS. I CAN! I CAN!" Young Lalzari then slowly looked up and noticed Husayrah, readied on the frontline "wow, here I am fretting, worrying, planning on conserving as much strength as possible for this fight. And here she stands, ready to kill or be killed without an ounce of fear" she quietly remarked to herself.

"NOW!!" Zunaid bellowed! His sonorous booming voice shook the ground like a mighty earthquake. Immediately, like a bolt of lightning, The Sir's cascaded towards the cursed king's army! The two forces fell upon each other like two colliding tital waves. In that moment, before Lalzari could draw another breath, one of the soldiers shot towards her like a bullet. He grabbed her by her shawl and dragged her through the air, leaving her dangling off the horse like a human kite. "Tch, this is a great start. I gotta do something fast!" the captured vixen uttered determined.

'woosh' Lalzari pulled all of her weight downwards, causing the soldier to fall off his horse as it continued to run without his rider like a mindless dog. "YES! Now we'll fight on my terms" the femme fatale boasted with a powerful swing of her cannon gun she slammed the back of the soldiers head, "ARGH!" he exclaimed as his head hurtled towards the ground. "It's not over yet!" Lalzari taunted as she flipped forward onto her hands. 'kapow' she gave him the death sentence as her legs came down like a guillotine, violently driving his face head first into the ground cracking the back of his skull.

She stood over the deceased body that only looked like a vessel that was once used to destroy and create destruction and now turned into an empty lifeless casket. "My first kill, and yet... I feel nothing. No remorse, no guilt. He deserved it. They all do" the raging warrior told herself.

A gold ball of light shots over the battle field letting Lalzari know that Husayrah was well. Her powers gave the young warrior strength by motivating her to keep going despite the blood that had started to flow like a river, throughout this battle field. A reminder of the goal. 'POW POW POW' one of the soldiers had Lalzari pinned down to the ground with her face being washed in the mud that's been moisten with the blood of the colliding armies. "ARGHHHH" the strong warrior howled not being able to reach her cannon gun. For a split second the soldier lost his balance and Lalzari shots for that window of opportunity and launched her head back smashing it against the soldiers nose making him jolt and lose grip. The cannon gun being too far from reach, instead Lalzari reached for the two emei piercers Husayrah had given her, whipping them out of her bun letting her hair flow down and elegantly whisk in the wind.

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