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Ashton's POV

"Ash," Maddie grabs my wrist, turning me around to face her in the middle of the emptied street. The sky had turned dark, and the only lights came from the lampposts on the corners, illuminating the English buildings and cobbled road.

"What?" I mutter, suddenly aware of how close our bodies were. I could see her breath in the cold air, her eyes staring up at me. My eyes trace her lips, chapped from the cold, but still pink and full.

"Just tell me," she whispers, shivering slightly. I take off my hat, slipping it onto her head and over her ears.

"Tell you what?"

"The truth." She brushes a piece of hair out of her face, watching me, waiting. "We both know you've been lying about something."

"The truth?" I whisper. She nods. "The truth is- " I start, but close my eyes.

Taking a deep breath I continue, "I love you Madds."

I open my eyes, looking down at her and watching her reaction. Her eyes widen, her lips forming a smile, biting down on her bottom lip. Maddie reaches up and pulls my face to hers, crashing her lips against-

"ASHTON WAKE UP YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Michael pushes me hard, making me sit up quickly and yelp.

"What the hell?" I open my eyes, squinting around the room. Michael was on the couch next to me, glaring at me hard.

"I should be asking you that. I woke up and you were about to make out with me," Michael smirks, hitting me with a pillow. "Must've been a nice dream."

"Shut up," I mutter, sighing and plopping back onto the couch. I don't even remember falling asleep in here.

"You might as well stay up, we are leaving soon to pick up the girls from the airport," Calum walks into the living room with a cup of tea.

"Right," I rub my eyes, yawning and grabbing my phone. I send Maddie my daily good morning text.

Luke walks in with a bowl of cereal, sitting down next to me. "Are you sure she is going to like the present?" He glances over at me.

"Yeah, she is going to love it," I give him a smile.

"Thanks for the idea, I couldn't think of anything."

"No problem," I mutter, pushing myself up from the couch and going into the kitchen. My phone chimes.

Can't wait to see ya Ash! xx

I sigh, putting my phone back in my pocket and leaning against the counter, trying to steady myself. It was just a dream.

They say if someone is in your dreams, that means they were thinking about you before they fell asleep. I say that is a bunch of bullcrap.

I just push my thoughts away, trying to forget how real my dream felt, and how much I wished it was real. Calum walks into the kitchen, opens the cabinet behind me to grab some Nutella, and pats me on the back.

"I'll bet you she is more excited to see you than Luke," he mumbles, searching for the bread.

"Don't do that," I shake my head. I don't need my hopes up. I don't need this to turn into some competition.

"Just saying," he shrugs, making some toast. "You talk to her more than he does."

An hour later the three girls were running through the front door. Grace jumps onto Michael, wrapping her legs around his waist like some movie shit. Maddie finds me, grinning widely and making her way over. I make silly faces at her, making her laugh and cover her face. Luke cuts in front of me, wrapping his arms around her waist in a tight hug. She closes her eyes, breaking our connection, and nuzzles her head into his chest.

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