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1:10am update because I promised you an update tonight haha so don't judge😂

Maddie's POV

"Are you driving us to school tomorrow?" Grace looks up at me, resting her head by my legs as we sit on the couch. Michael and Luke were inches away from the tv, playing some video game and bickering with each other as the images from the screen flashed against their faces. Ashton sat in the chair across from us, curled up and scrolling through his phone.

"I wanted to," I sigh, pulling my hair up into a messy ponytail, "but I don't have gas money right now." I groan, resting my head against the arm of the couch.

"Call me and I can drive you guys," Ashton looks up from his phone.

"Yeah, I'll call you on my crappy flip phone," I hold up the ancient relic, dropping it on the floor in hopes of breaking it even though it was somehow indestructible. Luke had taken me a few days ago to get it, after I forced him to go grocery shopping because the only food in this house was nutella, vegemite, chips, and candy.

"That is a quality phone, don't complain," Luke giggles in the midst of his gaming. He was just proud that he talked the salesman down twenty bucks for me. Every time I touch my phone he reminds me. I throw one of the pillows at his head, making him yelp.

"I need a job," I roll my eyes, resting my legs on top of Grace's.

"Hey wait," Ashton perks up, sliding to the front of his chair. "I can get you a job!"

"Where?" I ask him doubtfully.

"A stripper club," Michael laughs. Luke whacks him on the back of the head.

"No," Ashton shoots Michael a dirty glare. "I used to work at a little video shop downtown. They would totally hire you."

"Why don't you work there anymore?" Grace raises her eyebrows at Ashton teasingly.

"He got fired for being an idiot," Michael laughs, taking his eyes off the screen only long enough to admire Grace laughing.

"No," Ashton says defensively. "I just drummed on the counters a lot and sometimes I didn't listen to the costumers," Ashton mumbles, followed with giggles that made Grace and I laugh with him.

"Work there so we can get free movies," Luke says while battling heatedly with Michael on screen.

"Fine, but I'm making you watch the titanic." I shrug. Grace gapes, going off on Luke about how he has never seen it.

"I literally told you I've never seen it once like almost six months ago and you still haven't let it go," he laughs, grinning at me before turning back to his game, reminding me of our first date. Almost six months ago. Do people celebrate six month anniversaries? I don't know how those things work.

"I've seen it," Michael grins cheekily at Grace as if she should be proud.

"Yeah and you cried," Luke laughs.

"Shuttup Luke," Michael whacks him on the head.

"Anyway," Ashton gets up and stretches his arms above his head. "Want me to take you down to the store?"

"Now? Sure," I get up, slipping on a pair of shoes. Grace decides to stay with the other two, plopping herself in between them and forcing them to start the game over so she could join as a third player. Michael refuses at first because he doesn't want Luke to see him get beaten by her, but Grace easily convinces him with a pouty face. She sits in between his legs, resting her back against his chest, and he rests his chin on her shoulder as they play.

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