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Maddie's POV

"No, no Stella those aren't candy!" Grace runs over and pulls the basket of flower petals away from the little giggling girl. She bends down, brushing her fingers through the soft blonde curls of her daughter, "What the he- what is in your hair? Is that pink?" Grace shows the hints of pink tips in her daughter's curls.

"Daddy says I is a fairy princess!" Stella claps her tiny hands together. "So he gives me pink hair!"

"Dammit Michael," Grace mutters under her breath, fixing Stella's curls so the pink is hidden beneath. "She is going to have pink in all of the wedding pictures now."

Grace and Michael had stayed together for a few months after the boys left back in 2013, but once July of 2014 hit their fame blew up and it was too much for everyone to handle.

They stayed close friends, Grace weaving in and out of choppy relationships with other people and Michael using his fame for one night stands and secret flings every now and then. The one time he had a serious under the radar fling with some girl named Chrissy Grace realized she still loved him, and that she always would.

Once the boys released their fourth and fifth albums, things started to calm down (thanks to the younger new bands stealing the hearts of their teenage demographic. Only the real fans stayed even once they got older.) Grace and Michael got back together around 2021, and got married a year after that. Once fans died down and became calmer, no longer waiting outside for them everywhere, touring became a lot easier (and less often) so living a normal life was finally possible again. Then they had little Stella here.

"I think it looks cute," I scoop Stella up and plant a kiss on her cheek, making her squeal and giggle. "You can barely see it."

"Aunt Madbee looks like a fairy princess today!" Stella rests her little hand on my cheek. "When does you wear the princess dress?"

"In a little bit, I don't want to get anything on it!" I put her back on the ground.

"Does Mr. Jonah wear a prince shirt too?" Stella twirls around in her flower girl dress with squeals of joy.

"Sort of," I grin down at her. Grace smiles at me, pulling me into a big hug.

Just then the door opens and a flustered Charlie walks in, straightening out her bridesmaid dress and walking over to the mirror to fix her hair.

"Are you okay?" Grace walks over to her with caution.

"Just ran into my old pal Calum," Charlie glares into the mirror. "He is as pleasantly awful as ever." A knock on the door makes her groan. "I knew he would follow me. I haven't talked to him in years and we still manage to fight. Tell me how that makes sense."

Charlie walks over to the door, opening it to find Calum leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed angrily. "What did you say to her?" Calum straightens out his suit.

"Who your little girlfriend? I just asked her how much she paid for her boobs. I mean I was going to ask her how much you are paying her, but I figured I better not." Charlie smirks, straightening out her dress, Calum staring at her with wide eyes. "Don't stare at me."

"Well don't talk to my date like that." Calum is trying to stay tough, but he is basically drooling over Charlie. "Where is your date?"

"Probably downstairs talking to his friends, I don't know?" Charlie crosses her arms. "Are you jealous?"

"Hell no," Calum glares at her.

"So why did you come up here?" Charlie smirks, knowing she trapped him.

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